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“ I guess so.” Dianna said. She had failed to tell Kevin that she had wrote her parents about him over a month before, she watched as he ate his meal and then handed her the plate back threw the bars.
“ I wish we had more time.”
“ We have all the time in the world Kevin.” Dianna said looking at him.
“ Do we?” Kevin said. He wasn’t entirely sure of that, the judge was almost certain to sentence him to death.


Isabelle sat alone outside her room; Jeremy had gone to do a few things and had told her he would return as soon as he could. Now alone Isabelle knew that her world was slowly falling apart.
“ Isabelle.”
“ Yes Uncle.” Isabelle said looking up at him.
“ I want to speak to you.”
“ About what?” Isabelle asked looking towards the wall.
“ About your father and this trial.”
“ What about it? About the fact that I am going to lose my father like I have my love.”
“ You don’t know that Isabelle.”
“ I do know that. I do know that I will lose my father.”
“ Isabelle honey, we aren’t sure what the judge is going to say. I told him that you’re father is all you have left in the world. He knows that you’re my niece but your father is your world.”
“ But I am not all he has left in the world.” Isabelle said looking at him.
“ How do you mean?”
“ Uncle you’d have to be blind not to see that dad loves Dianna.”
“ He’s only known her for a few short months.”
“ He’s got that same look in his eyes he had when he’d talk about mom.” Isabelle said looking at her uncle. Jerold had to admit Kevin in the short time he had been there had really become fond of Dianna Hamilton.
“ Well I know that soon we will find out your fathers fate.”
“ When?”
“ Probably not until tomorrow. Why don’t you get some rest.”
“ What can you tell me about Jeremy?”
“ Jeremy Gage?”
“ Yeah that’s his name.”
“ What did you want to know?”
“ How long has he been here?”
“ Two years. He was here when you where here the last time. He was one of them that had assisted me in finding you in the woods.”
“ I thought his voice sounded familiar.”
“ That it did. He comes from a very prominate family. I had heard you speaking to him earlier.”
“ Yes he had asked me of my family. Of father and mother, and of the ring I wear.” Isabelle said running her finger absently over the ring.
“ He’s been told of James?”
“ Yes. Can you find out about James?”
“ I will. You get some rest. I will send a messenger out to find some information.” Jerold said as he stood and left his niece alone again. Isabelle decided she wasn’t tired and wanted to see her father. Walking to where she had seen him taken she stopped in front of two soldiers.
“ I want to see my father.” Isabelle said looking at them. One nodded and opened the door to let her into the stockade. Isabelle walked inside and saw that Dianna was tending to her fathers wound.
“ Isabelle.” Kevin said looking up at her.
“ Father.” Isabelle said with a smile.
“ I wasn’t expecting to see you.” Kevin said, sounding genuinely surprised at her visit.
“ Uncle wanted me to rest but I wanted to come see you.” She said taking the seat near the cell.
“ How are you feeling?”
“ I am all right, you are ok?”
“ I am fine. I was worried about you. How far did you run off?”
“ Not far, Jeremy came and got me.”
“ Jeremy? Jeremy Gage?” Kevin asked, he had heard some of the injured soldiers speaking of the young man while he had been in the infirmary.
“ Yes, how do you know of him?”
“ Some of the injured soldiers spoke of him. I was guessing they where his friend. Why didn’t he come with you?”
“ He was sent on patrol.”
“ He’s a nice young man, he brought Isabelle back and brought her right to the infirmary.”
“ Why?” Kevin asked.
“ I hurt my hand dismounting the horse in the woods. Nothing serious father.” Isabelle said looking at him. She knew he’d worry if he had known that Dianna had to stitch up the wound and it was wrapped heavily.
“ Well you know I will worry. You are my daughter.” Kevin said. Kevin reached out and touched her hands. Isabelle looked down at his hands; it was strange how a few hours seemed to nearly age him. Kevin looked older than he was; his hair seemed to have more gray in it than it had before.
“ I am sorry to interrupt.” Jerold said as he entered the room. Kevin held Isabelle’s hand and looked at his brother.
“ The judge made his decision and it’s time to go.” Jerold said opening the cell door. Isabelle let go of Kevin’s hand and stood and waited for him to step from the cell. She moved and hugged him.
“ No matter what I love you.”
“ I know.” Kevin said hugging her tightly. Kevin looked at Dianna and hugged her too.
“ I’ll take care of her.” Dianna whispered as Jerold came and escorted him from the room. Isabelle stood there watching her father and uncle leaving the room and then looked at Dianna.
“ I am going to lose him?”
“ No you’re not, he’s going to be fine. Believe that in your heart and you will know it.” Dianna said leading her from the room. Isabelle looked up as Jeremy walked towards them, he was dusty and his face had some blood on it. Isabelle became instantly concerned.
“ What happened?”
“ One of the patrol was ambushed we need ya to look at him.” He said looking at Dianna.
“ Come we will take a look.”
“ I will take Isabelle back to her room.”
“ No I will come too.” Isabelle said heading with them to the infirmary. She gasped as she saw the injured soldier; it had been the young man she had seen earlier in the garden while she had been speaking with her uncle.
“ Will he live?”
“ He’s lost a lot of blood and it’s a belly wound. Only time will tell if he will live.” The doctor said looking at her. Dianna moved and helped bandage up the young soldier and then looked at Jeremy.
“ Get her out of here.” Dianna said. Jeremy nodded and ushered Isabelle out of the infirmary.

Once outside he looked at her and could see that her face was pale.
“ Come on that was no place for you and you need to be resting.” He said heading her towards her room. Isabelle didn’t protest, she was tired and after what she saw it was best she lay down before she passed out.
“ Thank you.”
“ Any time Isabelle.”
“ Jeremy do you have a fiancee?”
“ No I don’t I was drafted before I could find myself a wonderful woman like yourself. Your James must be lucky.” Jeremy said as he helped her lay down on the bed.
“ My James hasn’t been heard from in nearly a year, is it wrong for my heart to yearn for another?”
“ Everyone yearns to be loved.” Jeremy said looking at her.
“But is it right that I want to be loved when I have been promised to another?” Isabelle asked looking at him.
“ You’ve been alone along time. Things happen.” Jeremy said. “ Get some rest I will check on you later.” He said leaving her alone.

Jerold sat next to Kevin as the judge looked at them both, Dianna sat in the back of the room, and her hair messed from an emergency she had dealt with prior to coming into the room.
“ Kevin Richardson, you are here by found guilty of all charges.”
“ Your honor please.” Jerold begged thinking of Isabelle.
“ Let me finish Commander. Commander Kevin Richardson, you served your country after you where called to duty even after they had found that you where your daughters only family. You are to remain here in the jail and serve cleaning the stalls until the end of the war. At which time you will be released back into the custody of your daughter and you may return home.” The judge said. “ Are you in agreement of these?”
“ Yes your honor.” Kevin said. He was breathing a sigh of relief that he wouldn’t die or be leaving his Isabelle or Dianna anytime soon.
“ I hate to interrupt but there is an urgent message for Commander Richardson.”
“ Excuse me.” Jerold said hurrying from the room as Dianna moved up to Kevin’s side.
“ Isabelle will be happy about this.” Kevin said holding Dianna’s hand.
“ Yes she will and I am too.” She said looking into his eyes. Kevin looked so tired.
“ Your honor if it pleases the court may I return Mr. Richardson to his cell where I can clean and treat his wound?” Dianna asked facing the judge.
“ Yes, the sentencing has been done. I will be sure there is papers drawn up for Commander Richardson.”
“ Thank you. Come on Kevin.” Dianna said helping Kevin to his feet. She could see that he was tired and that his wound was bleeding again. Kevin stumbled once nearly taking them both to the hard wood floor.
“ Private, if you would be so kind as to help them.”
“ Yes general.” The young soldier said moving forward and helped Dianna with Kevin.