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They walked hand in hand around campus, smiling at quite a few strange looks they were getting. Finding a table shaded by a tree, they sat down to talk.
"So you still had dreams about me even though I hated you?" Lorena asked.

"They are more than dreams, they are memories. I know this now after reading several books and then examining my life. I had several memories come forth after reading those books and opening myself to them. I think my first life memory became prevailent as well."

"Your first life? How long have you been around?"

"We have been around since ancient Eygpt." He watched as Lorena's face showed surprise.


"As totally outrageous as this is going to sound, we were together in our first lives. You were male and I was female. We were married; then a man, outraged by our marriage, vowed that I would be his one day."

"This is totally weird. Are you kidding around with me?"

"I am being serious, Lorena," he said, looking deeply into her eyes.

They talked for several more hours about the different memories that Nick was remembering, comparing them to the dreams that Lorena remembered having. Neither one of them could put a face to the people in their memories that had caused them pain. Usually he was male and only a few times was she female, but what sex would that person be in this life? There had been lives that Nick and Lorena had been happy together, but they were short memories, and the ones that stuck out in his mind the most were the ones where danger found the two lovers.

"Nick, I started to have another memory while I was asleep this morning before you arrived. It was the life where we were witches and burned. The first time I remembered that dream there were a man and a woman apparent when we were being burned." She paused as memories of flesh burning flashed through her mind. "I only focused on the other woman the first time, so I assume that the other soul was her, but this morning, in my memory, the man was standing at my door."

"Do you know who he is, at least? What significance could he have to our lives?"

"I don't know, I was rudely yelled at to wake up this morning."

"We have to find out who that third person is; I fear our lives may be in danger now that we are together." Slipping his arm around Lorena's waist, he put her head on his shoulder and they sat like that watching the sun go down over the mountains.


The time was close to make a move. The lovers had reunited; there was certainty in that. A ticket to her home state was seen on his dresser, and he had left early this morning. Something inside snapped, and what had to be done was soon apparent. The lovers must not be allowed to live, and Nick would belong to who he was supposed to belong to once more.

Chapter Seventeen