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Checking her watch and seeing the time, Lorena went back to watching the television and picking at her fingernails. Why hasn't he called? she wondered. He said he would call.
Her friends had abandoned her earlier then she had hoped, but they both had things to do around town and promised they would be back a little later to see if she would tell them the 'real' name of the guy she was dating.

The waiting was starting to get to her and she decided that if he didn't call within the next few minutes she would go online and talk to some of her other friends that she had been neglecting lately. Sighing, she looked at her watch again, then checked the clock on the wall to make sure her watch was correct. Not being able to take it anymore, she flicked the television set off and made her way to the computer. The computer wasn't on yet, so she turned it on and went into the kitchen to get herself something to drink while she was online.

Sitting down on the chair and cracking her knuckles, she prepared to type in her password when the phone rang. Jumping out of her seat from fright, she grabbed at the phone. "Hello? About time you called."

"This is not who you were expecting, I'm sure," the voice on the other end answered. Lorena strained to make out the voice, but it had been disguised somehow.

"Who... is... this?" she asked cautiously.

"Someone who wants to meet you very much."

"Listen, bub, I'm gonna call the cops on you if you don't hang up and leave me alone." Even though she was on the phone, she looked around herself and around the apartment, hoping this person wasn't anywhere around her.

"You call the cops and your precious boyfriend will not live to see me apprehended."

Stunned, Lorena was at a lack of words. Her boyfriend? Was this person for real? "If you have him, what is his name?" she couldn't help but ask, thinking still that this was merely a prank caller.

"You stupid bitch! You know very well I mean business! But just to put your little mind at ease, his name is Nickolas Carter and he is sitting right here waiting for you to join him."

"How do I know he really is there?"

"Nick, say hello to Lorena..." The voice trailed off and another came on the phone.

"Lorena... I... lov..." The phone must have been yanked away from him because she didn't get to hear the rest of what he had said.

She tried to fight back her tears so that whoever was playing with her mind wouldn't be able to hear the weakness in her voice as she spoke.

"There is your proof, little girl."

"What do I have to do to make you release him?"

"Check your mail; you have a plane ticket, go to the destination. You'll recieve further directions when you get there." The phone went dead.

Putting her head in her hands, she finally let the tears start to fall from her eyes. This was it, the third person in all their past lives was making themselves evident. If only she knew who it was, she would call the police to wherever she was headed and arrange for them to help her in some way, but the person had disguised their voice for that purpose. It clicked suddenly. If they had to disguise their voice, it's someone I must know.

Running to her mailbox, she threw it open to see an envelope addressed to her in plain black block letters. She held it in her hands and could only look at it, wondering where she had to fly to save Nick and eventually herself from this person. Solemnly, she walked back inside where she slowly opened the envelope. She pulled out the ticket and a piece of paper fell to the floor. Before she looked at where she was going, she picked up the paper, curious as to what it could say.

She collapsed to the floor and started to cry even harder when she realized she was looking at a picture of Nick blindfolded and tied to a chair, a scrape on his forehead with dried blood caked to it.


She had packed only a few things so she wouldn't look too suspicious at the airport. After pulling herself together she had torn up the picture and thrown it away. Now she was trying to appear calm as she awaited the call to board her plane. She was flying into Florida, so Nick wasn't taken far when he was kidnapped, and maybe it meant the person was from Florida as well.

Trying to place a face to the third person in her dream had taken up most of her waiting time, and soon she heard a voice announcing the boarding of her plane. Pushing ahead of many people, she upset her fellow passengers as she made her way onto the plane first and took her seat, getting as comfortable as she could. Watching the others climb aboard the plane was torture to Lorena, and she willed the people to hurry up so the plane could take off sooner.

The last passenger had boarded, and Lorena could only wait for the plane to fly to Florida. Leaning her head against the side of the plane, her eyes felt heavy and she was soon asleep.