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Chapter 18
Everyone in the waiting room looked up at the doctor expectantly.
"The Internal bleeding was caused by her ruptured spleen which we had to fix" "The good news is we were able to fix her spleen and have stopped the bleeding". He explained.
"Thank god" Kevin said smiling a little.
"She isn't out of the woods yet IM afraid" Doctor Kramer said sadly.
"What do you mean?" Kevin asked starting to panic again.
"IM sorry but she is in a coma" He answered.
"A coma" Dominique repeated in a whisper.
"Yes she slipped into one after the surgery". He explained.
"OH no" Andrea replied starting to cry.
AJ held Andrea in his arms. "Its OK baby she is gonna pull through".
"I hope your right," She said in between tears.
"When will she wake up" Kevin asked a single tear slipping down his cheek.
"IM going to be honest with you IM not sure it could be days, weeks, months or maybe she may never wake up" He said.
By now everyone in the room was in tears.
"Can we see her" Brian asked.
"Yes but one a few and make it short she is still recovering from the surgery". He answered. "I will keep you up to date on her prognosis" Doctor Kramer said leaving the 10 of them alone.
"OK tonight Andrea, Dominique and Kevin can see her tonight since you are the closest to her" Brian said.
"OK" Everyone replied agreeing.
'You two need to get home and rest after you see her" Brian advised.
"We aren't going anywhere" Andrea hissed.
"Yes you are you girls need to take care of yourselves and staying here isn't going to help her and I know that you know that she wouldn't want you doing this to yourselves" Brian explained.
"Yes I guess your right but we are after we see her are going home taking a shower and sleeping for a few hours than we are coming back" Dominique said.
"That’s no problem" He answered. "Nick and AJ will take you home".
"What about you guys" Andrea asked.
"Don't worry about us after Kevin goes to see her we are all going home and doing the same" AJ replied.
"Good luck getting him to leave you know he won't want to" Andrea warned.
" If anyone can talk some sense into him its me," Brian said matter of factly.
Andrea and Dominique went in for 5 minutes each telling her they would be back. AJ and Nick took the girls home and we going home themselves after ward.
Finally it was Kevin's turn. He opened the creaking door and walked in. Her room was dark except for the little light showing through the closed curtains. He took a peak at larrisa and felt a fresh patch of tears start up. She was connected to a lot of machines. Some going into her arms and some connected to her mouth. The only sound in the room was the beeping of the heart monitor. The doctor had also told them to talk to her that she could probably hear them. Kevin pulled up a chair that was nearby and took her hand, which was clammy and kissed it.
"Baby IM sorry about earlier this is all my fault please IM begging you don't leave your friends or me we need you honey" He whispered and laid his head down and cried himself to sleep.

After Nick and AJ dropped off Dominique and Andrea off both girls fell in to bed. Around noon Dominique woke up to the sunlight that was reflecting in her room. She went and took a hot shower letting the warm relax her body. After her shower she got dressed brushed her hair and started a pot of coffee. She went downstairs and came back up with the mail. It was the usual magazine subscriptions, bills and junk mail as they usually got except for an envelope addressed to Dominique. Dominique recognized it as the same handwriting as the one a couple of days before. She opened the envelope and her hands trembling as she read the letter. It said:
Have you not heard what I said before you little tramp STAY AWAY FROM NICK! Because if you don't you will be sorry.
She couldn't believe she got another one. Dominique take a deep breath "
it's just a fan that is obsessed with Nick forget it". She scolded herself.
She wasn't going to tell Nick or anyone else. They had enough problems.
"Good morning" Andrea mumbled sleepily. Dominique slightly jumped. Andrea starred at her.
"You OK" She asked with a yawn.
"UM yeah IM just a little tired" Dominique replied her voice shaky.
"I know you better than that and you sound upset" Andrea answered now wide awake and studying her.
"IM just upset about Larissa" She explained. "Its not a total lie," She said to herself.
Andrea looked at her for a few minutes and finally said
"We all are just let me get a shower, get dressed and grab a cup of coffee and than we can get back to the hospital" Andrea told her.
"Ok IM going to watch TV" Dominique said going into the living room and turning on the TV. Andrea walked to her room door and than turned and watched Dominique. Andrea could tell by Dominique's eyes that she was preoccupied by something and knew it was more than just Larissa.
"IM going to find out what's going on" She vowed.