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“ Come home.” She whispered.

“ I don’t know where home is.” He answered looking at her.

“ You will find the way. The crystal will show the way.”

“ What will I find?” Kevin asked facing the young woman.

“ You will find a world of turmoil one that needs a leader.”

“ But you’ve ruled without me why do you need me now?”

“ I cannot rule alone. And with a child it’s not as easy as it seems.”

“ Will I be coming to the palace Raven?”

“ No, the rebels will meet you. Arinon knows the way. He will be true and faithful to you.”

“ Arinon? I don’t know him.”

“ Ask and he will reveal himself to you. SilverWolf you are finally coming home. I need you.” Raven said.

“ I will be there soon. Be well my sister.” Kevin said hugging her. Raven smiled and then disappeared into the mist. Kevin looked around at the beauty of the place he sat and knew this was what home looked like.


“ Sleep well?” AJ asked looking at his friend. Kevin nodded and went to get a cup of coffee. The dream from the night before had him as confused as he had been when this all had started. He wondered if the dreams weren’t dreams at all but visions that Raven had projected into his mind.

“ Arinon?” Kevin asked turning around.

“ Yes? How did you know that name?” AJ asked.

“ She spoke it. Told me that you would show me the way.”

“ Raven speaks the truth. But I know that also means she told you we had to go to the rebel camp.”

“ Yep. And I am guessing Howie is in charge of this operation by the way Nick called him captain yesterday.”

“ That is his rank in the royal guard. Each of us has one Howie’s is higher.” AJ explained.

“ Figured as much.” Kevin said looking at them. “
When do we leave?”

“ Within the hour, Nick needs time to meditate and make sure he drops us in the right place. Last time we hurried him I ended up in the middle of a swamp.” AJ said looking at his younger friend.

“ I said I was sorry.” Nick said looking hurt.

“ It’s fine Nick I was just proving a point. We don’t need the prince hurrying you.”

“ Good point. I’ll go get ready.” Nick said leaving the room. Kevin shook his head and looked at the remaining three.

“ SO when I get there is everything going to change?”

“ In some ways yes. You’ve always been our leader Kev, it’s just now there is a title that goes with it.” Brian told him.

“ I don’t know if I can handle all this.”

“ You have to, there is an entire world at stake. But for now get some rest we leave when Nick is ready.” AJ said leaving the room. Kevin sat down on the edge of the bed and rubbed his sore eyes. This was going to be a long day.


“ When will Nick be ready?”

“ About an hour. Kevin resting?”

“ Yeah, this is hard for him to handle.”

“ Did you think he’d jump at it?” A female voice asked.

“ No Dee I didn’t. You might want to get in there with him. He really needs you right now.” Howie said looking at her.

“ I’ll be back, I’m going to check on him. Then we need to discuss some things.” Dianne said leaving the room. She lightly knocked on Kevin’s door and walked in. She pushed the door closed and waited for him to acknowledge that she was there.

“ Hi.” He said looking up at her.

“ I’m sorry that you had to learn about all this so suddenly.”

“ I guess I would have learned sooner or later right?”

“ You would have. I had no intention on keeping this a secrete from you any longer. It wasn’t fair to you and I was tired of feeling like I was betraying you.”

“ I love you Dee, I always have. Something inside told me that we weren’t destined to be together.”
“ We where. Our families had united and where to be at peace if we married. But I wanted to fall in love with you the old fashioned way. And when I was given the chance to protect you I jumped at it. But when we met that was when my life changed. I wanted to do more than protect you. I wanted to be with you every waking moment.”

“ And I you.” Kevin said taking her small hand in his own.

“ But now you know the truth and there are mercenaries out there trying to end your life.”

“ Yeah I kind of gathered that when they burst into the room.” Kevin said. “ I guess it’s time we return home and set my world free.”

“ Yeah soon. For now get some rest I’ll come get you when Nick’s ready.” Dianne said kissing him. Kevin held her close as he closed his eyes.

“ I love you.” He whispered as he released her.

“ I love you too.” Dianne said leaving him alone. She wasn’t sure what he’d be dreaming but she was hoping that his memory of who he was would return before they returned to their home planet.

“ What are we going to do?” Brian asked pacing the room.

“ He doesn’t know his old life. He was ten years old when he was taken from his world.”

“ He will remember. His father locked the memories deep within his mind. With Raven coming to him in his dreams she will unlock those memories, it will just take time. Make sure Nick takes his time with getting ready, we have to give the princess time to do what she needs to to unlock his memories.”

“ Sure thing Dee.” Brian said heading into the room where Nick was.

“ We have to remember that Kevin has been living this life for nearly twenty years. And with the news that he’s from another world, things are hitting him hard.” Dianne said looking at them all.

“ Kevin is a strong man and will understand what’s going on.”

“ Have you found anything else out? How they found out where he was?”

“ That’s what I can’t figure out. None of us where in contact with anyone.”

“ What about you and the princess?”

“ Raven and I had those few times together and I didn’t get the chance to be with her after that. I didn’t even know she had had the child.” AJ spat angrily.

“ Arinon stop.” A voice said. They all turned to see the fuzzy image of a woman standing in the room.

“ Raven?”

“ I’ve come to see how we are progressing? We only have a short time before Kelmar finds out that his soldiers have failed.”

“ We will be there within a few hours. We are waiting on SilverWolf’s powers. He must have them before we return to the home world.”

“ I can awaken his powers, it was our father that deadened them as it was. He wasn’t to have powers while living within the earthling world.”

“ Do it. Nickolas is nearly read for the transfer.”

“ I shall be waiting for you. Arinon our daughter is beautiful and hopes to finally see her father.” Raven said looking at AJ. AJ nodded and wiped a tear away from his face.

“ Raven we will be together again.” AJ said as she disappeared.

“ AJ why do you let her call you Arinon?”

“ That is my name.” AJ said simply. “ It was given to me by the high counsel.”

“ How come we have human names?”

“ You all have one we just have to get home to get it.” AJ said looking towards the room where Kevin lay sleeping.

“ He’s safe, you’ve all done a fine job of keeping him safe this long. SilverWolf doesn’t know his family yet, but when Ravenwolf is done he’ll remember everything and that will bring the distruction of Kelmar.”

“ I fear that we haven’t seen the last of Kelmar.” Brian said looking at them.

“ I agree he will stop at nothing to keep Kevin from returning to the planet. I’m going to go check on Nick to see if he’s ready to start the transfer.” Brian said heading back into the room where his friend was.


Kevin lay looking at the ceiling and wondered what he was doing there and even more what he was going to do with a new planet and new people that are depending on him to set them free. Finally his eyes grew heavy and he drifted into a listless sleep.

“ My brother you will return home soon.”

“ What am I going to do once I get there? I’ve lived as an earthling for twenty years. I don’t know how to be a Kimarian.” He said looking towards her figure in the mist.

“ It will return to you, when you wake, you will remember all of your life before father sent you away. All of your life with me and our parents.”

“ I feel an emptiness in my heart. I hate that feeling.”

“ It will be filled once you remember you’re life. Please SilverWolf trust me. I’ve come to set your mind free.” Raven said walking forward and touching his head. A bright blue light glowed between them and it was as if their souls had reunited, it was as if the missing pieces of Kevin’s mind and body returned to him in that instant.

Kevin sat blot upright in bed and looked around, rubbing his tired eyes he could hear the soft talking of his friends and fiancee out in the outer room. Standing he slowly made his way to the door and opened it.

“ Hey look who’s awake.” Dianne said moving to his side.

“ Raven was here.” Kevin said looking at her.

“ She was? How?” Dianne asked looking into his tired eyes.

“ My dreams again. But this time she touched my head and suddenly it’s as if someone opened flood gates and I can remember everything.” Kevin said looking at them all.

“ Welcome back milord.” AJ said bowing slightly.

“ Don’t call me that. Alex, we’ve been friends too long for that to start.”

“ Force of habit.” AJ said smiling.

“ Yeah Kev, it’s in the training our families wanted us to be ready when it was time for you to return home.”

“ Are your families going too?”

“ No, they’ve been notified of the attack on you and our haste to return to Kimar but they wish to remain here. I don’t foresee the high counsel saying anything about it.” Howie said.

“ Nick is ready. But this is going to take a lot out of him.”

“ Then I will help him. We are to leave no one behind.” Kevin said entering the room where Nick meditated.

Kelmar looked around and saw that a gateway had opened in the forest beyond the palace walls.

“ What are your orders milord?”

“ Search them out and find them. I want them brought to me.”

“ Dead or alive?”

“ I would prefer alive but if they give you too much trouble.” Kelmar said looking at the guard.
