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A.N.: Here's the third story. I'm typing these up pretty fast, aren't I? lol. Hopefully, it'll stay this way. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own everyone at the school & T.L.M.

Warning: More foul language than usual.


”And if you ever pull another f*cking stunt like this again, I’ll make sure you never sit again! Ever!”

The one in the backseat didn’t dare utter a word, while the one who drove ranted on and on.

”I should stop this car right here and now and beat your f*cking sorry excuse of an ass right this very minute!”

The one in the back wiped at the tears that fell silently, too scared to do much else right then. Didn’t matter if the driver got pissed off anymore as it was, as an ass would still get severely beaten once home.