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And so, that is how Tesia wound up staring out the window of her father’s car, as he irritably drove along the streets that wound take them home. Take them to the home, where her ass would be beaten severely, until she would no longer be able to sit for a long period of time.

She’d known she’d make him even more angered by asking about her brother, but it had been a question she’d desperately wanted an answer too. She just hoped the answer she had been given didn’t ever come true, as she wouldn’t be able to make it through her living hell without seeing her brother – even just once.

She sniffled as the car reached the house, and she was brutally yanked out, after having had her seatbelt ripped off her. She yelped, as the seatbelt came in contact with her ass twice, before it was dropped and she was spanked by the unforgiving hand of her father.

“I WANT ALEX!” She stupidly wailed.

He swore loudly, and smacked her ass again a few times more. He then dragged her up the walk, and into the house so that he could give her ass the proper beating it had earned.

She howled as she was lead up the walk and into the house. She knew people would never believe that her parents liked to beat upon her, as her father was the father of Backstreet Boy, A.J. McLean. She also knew, that if anyone were actually to believe her, that she would just be making things even worse for herself – and her beloved brother – whom she was sobbing for at the moment, thus pissing her father off even more than he already was.

A.N.: Well, hope y'all liked this one too. Dunno how many more stories will be in this series, but we shall see. Please review! Thanks!