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Chapter Six.

Nick’s head was a mess, and looking at the floor for so long was making it hurt. Brian was the same only he was aware that someone else had sat down next to him and was looking from boy to boy. Howie.

“Ok? Did one of you drop something really small on the carpet?” he asked, looking around. Brian’s gaze lifted and he looked directly at Howie, not daring to look at Nick. He shook his head. Howie’s face went into puzzle mode and he looked at Nick whose eyes were still transfixed to the floor. Howie looked back at Brian who was now looking at his hands, shook his head and stood up. Brian’s gaze turned back to Howie,

“Where you goin’?” He asked as Howie stretched out the kinks in his legs.

“To find Kevin and AJ…and by the time I get back, you two better have sorted out whatever you had the bust up about ok? Otherwise imma be doin’ some pretty nasty butt beatings.” And with that, Howie walked away and towards the elevators. Brian watched him press the button and the doors opened immediately, Howie stepped in and the doors closed. Brian sighed and looked towards Nick who was now staring at him intensely. Brian tensed and Nick just kept staring him right in the eye,

“So?” he said softly and Brian knew what he wanted to know. He sighed inwardly and leant forward on his knees. Nick shifted slightly in his seat, not taking the lock he had on Brian away. The older boy looked up and was met with a very strange emotion in Nick’s eyes…he didn’t know what it was but he didn’t like that Nick felt it.

“I don’t know what happened Nicky I swear, I… Just felt as though it would make everything better because… oh I don’t know. I’m sorry if it freaked you out or if it made you feel… weird. I just reacted a little… wrongly that’s all.” Brian returned his gaze to the floor as while he spoke to Nick, he hadn’t looked away once and Nick hadn’t blinked once. Just stared at him, listening and taking every single word in as it came out of Brian’s mouth. Nick sighed and Brian stiffened, waiting for Nick to walk away and hate him forever. But, it was completely the opposite.

“Brian…it’s ok. I think I can understand what happened if I let myself think it through, what if you had been me and I had been you? I may have done what you had done. Life works out in funny ways, nasty ways and strange ways but we can’t stop it happening can we? I forgive you for what you did, if anything Bri…I found it comforting in a way and in another I found it really… weird. But, it wasn’t bad or wrong, just a reaction to a sort of crisis. Try not to worry, I don’t hate you, I won’t ever hate you!” Nick was almost shaking at the thought that Brian now thought he was a sort of freak and that HE hated him.

“Thanks Nicky…” he said and lent over and hugged him tightly. Nick sighed and felt safe in Brian’s embrace. They released each other after a short while and sat in their original positions. Nick began to think about how everything was working out…Brian didn’t hate him and he had someone to talk to now. He looked at Brian who was once again, looking at his hands. Brian’s head shot up and he looked over Nick’s shoulder at the elevators, which had opened, and three Backstreet Boys were walking towards them, smiling. Nick looked over his shoulders and saw them as well and looked back at Brian.

Nick smiled inside and thought to himself, I’m not alone anymore! Someone likes me; I hope they don’t go away. I really am not alone…am I?