On Angel Wings
By Vicki © 2005
She could see the world was changing, the smile she now wore on her face was something she hadn’t had in a long time. She could feel his touch, smell his scent and even feel his soft lips on her neck. She knew that this day was the one that she’d been waiting for years for. But it hadn’t started off so easily for her. She knew that it was something over the years that lead her to the man that she was finally going to be joined in marriage with. She wanted to think of everything, she heard the door of the room open and her mother entered.
“ You look beautiful.” She said gently hugging her daughter.
“ I can’t believe that I am getting married today.”
“ It’s been a long time coming.” She said moving a stray hair out of her face.
“ In some ways I feel like I’ve been dreaming.”
“ Your not dreaming and he’s waiting for you down there.” She said kissing her cheek.
“ It’s so surreal. It’s as if something out of a dream.” She said with a smile.
“ A day like this always is.” Her mother said.
“ I know.” She answered. She still wondered where she had found someone like him. Things in him were the mirror of things she’d done in her life. She was a slight bit older than him but that didn’t seem to matter to them, they were totally in love. The only thing in the world that mattered was them, they always felt that when they were together they were the only two people in the entire room.
“ Bridget just be ready.” Her mother said.
“ Yes mom. Is dad here yet?”
“ Yes dear he arrived earlier. He’s in with Matthew.”
“ Thanks mom.”
“ Just be happy.”
“ I am.” She said as her mother kissed her cheek again. She watched her mother leave the room. It was so strange how she looked like her mother, from her slender figure to the long red hair she had. It was the Irish in her that gave her such a pretty figure and face. Her dark green eyes could have sworn to shine behind her long hair.
“ Bridget.” She heard a low voice say.
“ Hello father.” She said turning and looking at the priest that now stood in the room.
“ You seem so lost in thought. And happy thoughts it seems.” He said taking her hand in his. She smiled at the Father, his old hands holding hers, she’d been with this church since she was a child.
“ Yes, yes actually it was. Father O’Hare it seems only a short time ago I came to you about not finding love.”
“ Only a few years ago, you seemed so lost in things. I told you that god had his plan for you, and that you’d finally find the one person that would complete you. God never lets anyone remain alone.” He said smiling.
“ Yes, that was the time when I was making my choice to remain single or become married to god.”
“ That changed with Matthew, you seemed to light up at the mention of his name. Seems god sent him to you as a sign to understand that he didn’t need you right now.”
“ But what of Matthew? He’s been so sick lately.”
“ Given the way the Lord has lead you to him. I don’t foresee him taking from you so soon.” He said touching her cheek. He knew that she was scared of the fact that the illness was slowly taking the man she had finally found away from her.
“ Matthew and I have spoken already about his illness and I understand that soon he will be called to the lord, I was just hoping that it wouldn’t be so soon.” She said as a single tear rolled down her cheek.
“ Matthew is a strong man, but he also understands that the lord has his plans for him. But he also knows the lord wants to see the two of you wed.”
“ I know.” She said kissing the old man’s cheek.
“ Come the ceremony will be starting soon. I will be out front.” He said. Bridget smiled and watched him leave the room. She turned to the large mirror and smiled as the sunlight slowly moved across the wall shining on her like a halo, she often wondered if that was gods way of telling her things would be all right. Thinking back she remembered the first time she stood in the very room.
“ Bridget O’Malley what are you doin back here?” She heard the father ask.
“ Sorry Father, I got lost.” She said in a small voice.
“ Well Bridget this is no place for you.” He said. Father O’Hare was a younger man then, his hair still dark.
“ She looks pretty.” She said of the woman that stood stunned by the young child.
“ Yes today is her wedding day. Now come child.” He said looking at the woman. “ I am sorry, Bridget is here for another service and seemed to have wondered away from her family.”
“ No problem father. She’s a curious child not unlike any other.”
“ Thank you.” He said leading the young Bridget from the room. She kept peeking over her shoulder to see her still standing there, her white dress seemed to make her look like an angel.
“ Was she an angel father?”
“ No dear child she wasn’t but many on their wedding day feel like one. Remember some day you will get married in this very church and I will be there with you.”
“ Ok.” She said hurrying back to her group.
“ Bridget.”
“ Yes?” She asked turning away from the mirror. She smiled widely as her father slowly made his way into the room. He wasn’t as good as he had been years before. The years of working in the mill and the military had taken their toll on his body.
“ Are you ready?” He asked kissing her cheek lightly. She nodded as he pulled the vale over her face, something she had wanted done. He took her arm through his own and lead her from the room. He turned and looked out of the corner of his eyes and smiled. She was and always would be his baby girl, the only daughter he had and the last of his four children to get married. He stood near the entry way of the church, he could see the other girls had already walked down the isle and waited for the music to start, once it had he stepped slowly into the chapel. All eyes turned to see her, she wore a long white dress, her long red hair pulled up into an intricate design that on top sat a lovely headpiece, covering her face was the vale and her own blushing smile. She locked eyes with her one true love. Matthew stood waiting for her. Beside him stood his best friend and beside him a wheelchair just incase Matthew needed it. But it was as if wings held him and he could fly to her. Bridget held her large red rose bouquet tightly as not to look as if she was shaking. Bridget felt her father’s hand tighten to hers.
“ Who gives this woman to be married to this man.”
“ Her mother and I.” Her father said lifting the vale. He knew she wanted to look upon Matthew’s face without it in the way. Bridget leaned forward and kissed her father’s cheek.
“ I love you daddy.” She whispered in his ear.
“ I love you too.” He said as he placed her hand in Matthew’s. He sat down next to his wife and waited. Matthew and Bridget turned and faced Father O’Hare.
“ Dearly Beloved we are gathered here today to join these two young people in the binds of holy matrimony. If anyone here sees that for any reason these two should not be joined speak now or forever hold thy peace.” He looked around the room and saw no one ready to speak he began to ceremony.
“ Now the bonds of marriage isn’t something that should be entered into lightly. And as these two have come before friends family and god to join together in mind body and spirit.
Matthew MacLeud do you take Bridget O’Malley to be your wedded wife?”
“ I do.” Matthew answered.
“ Do You Bridget O’Malley take Matthew MacLeud to be your wedded husband?”
“ I do.”
“ The rings please.” Father O’Hare said. The best man placed both gold bands on the bible and stepped back into place.
“ The ring is a circle, a never ending bond that shows the bond of love. With the ring it shows that these two shall be that never ending circle of love and hope. Matthew take this ring and place it on Bridget’s finger.and repeat after me. “ He said. Matthew took the ring and placed it on her finger slowly.
“ I Matthew take thee Bridget to be my wedded wife.”
“ I Matthew take thee Bridget to be my wedded wife. “
“ To Love, Honor, Cherish , in sickness and in health, for better or for worse forsaking all others until death to us part.”
“ Ok now Bridget place the ring on Matthew’s finger and repeat after me.”
“ I Bridget take thee Matthew to be my wedded husband, To Love Honor and Cherish, in sickness and in health for better or for worse forsaking all others till death do us part.” She said.
“ And now by the power invested in me I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.” Father O’Hare said to Matthew. Matthew pulled Bridget close and kissed her deeply.
“ I now have the honor and pleasure of presenting Mr. And Mrs. Matthew MacLeud.”