Thomas held Bridget’s hand as the doctor checked her over. Her screams filled the emergency room as the doctor tried to slow the labor.
“ It’s ok Bridget.” The doctor said looking up at the sweat drenched woman. He could see that this delivery was taking a lot out of her. Her heart rate was erratic and she was breathing heavily.
“ Slow even breaths Bridge.” Thomas said trying to rub Bridget’s shoulders. Bridget looked up at him, she wanted to say something but another wave of pain shot through her body and she screamed.
“ We are going to have to take the baby C-section.” The doctor said. He could see the panic on Bridget’s face.
“ It’ll be ok.” He said in a soothing voice. He wasn’t sure but he felt that if he kept her calm maybe the labor would slow. Bridget tried to calm her breathing but the pain was nearly unbearable.
“ We are taking you to the OR ok?” The doctor said.
“ What about the baby?” Bridget asked between pains.
“ The baby is going to be fine.” The doctor said as they wheeled her from the room. Thomas held Bridget’s hand as they walked down the hallway until the nurse stopped him just outside a secure area.
“ You’re going to have to wait here.” The nurse said.
“ What?”
“ Please understand, she’ll be fine.” The nurse said shutting the door in Thomas’ face. He looked through the small window and could just barely see them preparing her for the surgery. He hoped that they’d be able to save both of them. He wasn’t sure what they’d do if both were lost. He finally moved away from the window knowing the doctor would finally come find him when the procedure was done. He decided he better find Bridget’s parents.