Walking down the lonely hallways he had to remember where he’d been told Bridget’s father was being roomed. Finally finding the wing he needed he slowly made his way to the room. He looked inside to see Bridget’s father sleeping and her mother holding his hand.
“ Mrs. O’Malley.”
“ Thomas. What brings you here.”
“ I came with Bridget.” He said, he could not bring himself to look at the older woman.
“ Where is she?” She asked looking past him.
“ That’s the reason I am here. It seems that Bridget went into labor earlier this morning, She was bleeding and unconscious when I found her.”
“ How is she now?”
“ They have taken her into surgery.”
“ What?”
“ The baby is positioned wrong and they need to help her with delivery.”
“ How bad is she?”
“ Having a hard time. She barely wanted to let me leave her but the nurse refused to allow me to stay with her.” Thomas said, he tried hard to keep the fear and tears from his voice.
“ Are they going to come get you?”
“ Yes, but I felt that you should know what’s going on.” Thomas said, he looked towards the bed and saw that Bridget’s father was now awake and watching him.
“ Thank you Thomas, when she’s out of surgery come get us.”
“ Yes ma’am.” He said. Thomas waited a moment and then left the room. He could hear her crying as he heard Bridget’s father tell her it would be all right. She was torn between being with her husband and her only child.
Thomas walked down the long hallway once again and went and sat down in the waiting room on the OB floor. He was scared that they’d come tell him that the baby was fine and they’d lost Bridget or the other way around, Bridget was fine but they’d lost the baby. He was so scared that things could go so bad.
The doctor worked feverishly on Bridget as they tried to help her give birth to her baby. He finally looked at the nurse.
“ This is going to be harder than I thought.” He said as they prepped Bridget for the procedure. It was a normal procedure that was used when women couldn’t have babies naturally but when a baby was coming out wrong this procedure was a last resort. But with as bad as Bridget had been when she arrived, the doctor was worried that they’d lose them both during the procedure.
“ Have NICU ready. We may be needing them.”
“ Yes doctor.” The nurse said. The doctor slowly moved closer to Bridget, he made his cut in her stomach and slowly made his way to the child that was caught inside. He finally was able to put his hands on the child and gentially pull the child free.
“ It’s a girl.” He said handing the baby to the nurse. The nurse quickly took the quiet infant and began cleaning out the nose and mouth to start the child’s breathing. Once the baby was crying she turned her attention back to the doctor.
“ Damn it.” He hissed trying to control the bleeding.
“ Here doctor.” The nurse said handing him some sponges and grabbed the suction so she could help clean the area.
“ There is another one.” He said pulling a second child out. He was surprised but this child was smaller, the baby had a slight blue tint to his skin.
“ Get NICU in here, we have a baby that’s not breathing.” He said handing the baby off to the nurse again. The nurse tried to do all she could for the smaller child. The NICU nurse entered the room with an incubator and took over helping the baby boy breath. Once the little baby was breathing she hurried to wheel him to the NICU unit. The doctor turned his attention again to Bridget, her breathing had calmed and he had stopped the bleeding. He closed up the opening and looked at the nurse.
“ Find Thomas and let him know that Bridget had two babies. One is in the NICU unit and the other will be roomed with Bridget once she wakes.”
“ Yes doctor.” The nurse said as the doctor finished up with Bridget knowing that another nurse would be moving Bridget to a private room. She wheeled the crying baby from the room to get a proper weight and clean the baby.