Thomas looked up as the doctor entered the small waiting room.
“ How is she?”
“ She’s been taken to her own room, the baby girl has been taken to be weighed and cleaned. Once Bridget is awake we will have her moved into the room with her. The baby boy has been moved into the Neonatal ICU unit.”
“ Did you say boy?”
“ Yes it seems that I must have during several exams missed that Bridget was pregnant for twins.”
“ How did you miss that?” Thomas asked, his voice full of both surprise and anger.
“ The baby boy is very small so during her ultrasounds the baby could have been hidden beneath the girl. Its an honest mistake.”
“ Does Bridget know?”
“ Not yet, we are going to tell her as soon as she wakes. With her blood pressure and heart rate dropping like it did we were afraid of losing her and the baby, much less thinking we were losing two.” The doctor said, Thomas could hear the hurt in the man’s voice and knew that it wasn’t his intention to keep something like this from Bridget.
“ What room is she in?”
“ Room 345 she will be in there shortly. You may wait for her if you would like.”
“ Yeah I’d like, but I want to see the babies first.” Thomas said looking at the doctor. He nodded and lead him down the long hallway stopping first at the normal nursery. Thomas looked into the room and saw a new born baby being set into a small plastic crib.
“ She looks so tiny.”
“ She’s much larger than her brother is.” The doctor said as he led Thomas down into the more critical care part of the nursery. He could see the tiny baby boy that lay in the large incubator.
“ He is almost too small.”
“ I know. He’s going to be here for a long time. We are hoping that he makes it through the night.”
“ I will pray he does. If he’s anything like his mother he will.” Thomas said looking at the small baby once more before looking at the doctor again. “ I want to see Bridget.”
“ This way.” The doctor said, he led Thomas down the long hallway to Bridget’s room. He stopped in the doorway and turned towards Thomas.
“ Try not to tire her out.”
“ Sure no problem.” Thomas said as he slowly walked into the room. He could hear the soft whimpers of his friend. As he entered the dimly light room he could see her curled up on the bed.
“Hey.” He said, startling her. Bridget opened her eyes and looked towards him.
“ The baby?”
“ Babies are fine.”
“ Babies?” She asked a look of confusion on her face.
“ Yeah twins. One beautiful baby girl and a tiny baby boy.” Thomas said. “ And they both need names.”
“ Angela for the girl, and Matthew for the boy.” Bridget said.
“ Beautiful names. They are going to bring in Angela first. Matthew is sick.”
“ Just like his father.” She said tears rolling down her cheeks.
“ Hey, don’t cry they are both beautiful and will both be fine.” Thomas said whipping the tears away.
“ I know. But I was planning on one, how can I raise two babies alone?”
“ Lets not dwell on that right now. Here comes your daughter.” Thomas said stepping aside. He would and swore at that moment to stay at his friends side for all time to help her with the babies.