She hated seeing him like this, during the first round of treatment he rarely wanted to leave the hospital or their home. But she wondered this time would he even come home. She hadn’t noticed before but he looked so pale and small in the large bed.
“ Hi.” He whispered holding his hand out to her.
“ Hi.” She said taking his hand and sitting on the edge of the bed.
“ Doc says I only have a short time. I am so sorry.” He said, she could see the tears rolling down his cheeks. Whipping them away she kissed his cheek.
“ I knew this time would come. But why did you stop taking all of your medications?” She asked.
“ I wanted to be able to feel everything. I wanted to experience life without my medication. I guess I really screwed up didn’t I?”
“ No, you wanted to feel again. I just wish you would have told me.”
“ But now I wont be around.” Matthew said touching her cheek.
“ I know. But there is still time. We have all the time in the world.” Bridget said touching his cheek. She knew that they didn’t but she wanted him to believe that she felt that they’d always be together.
“ Yes we do.” He said letting his hand fall down at his side. Bridget looked at him and sighed.
It had been several hours and she was watching him sleeping, his breathing was steady and strong. Tears started rolling down her cheeks as she watched him sleep. She heard the door slowly open and a petite nurse entered the room.
“ Hello.” She said politely as she checked Matthew’s vitals.
“ How’s he doing?” Bridget asked.
“ No change.” She said sadly.
“ Do you know how much longer he’s got?”
“ Not sure. His vitals are strong and steady but he could take a turn at any time. He wont be leaving the hospital anytime soon.” The nurse said. She checked a few more things and then started to leave the room.
“ Can you get me the doctor?” Bridget asked.
“ Sure.” She said nicely before exiting the room. Several minuets later the doctor peeked into the room.
“ You wanted to speak to me?”
“ Yes, please outside.” Bridget said as she walked from the room. The doctor waited for her to close the door and then looked towards her worried eyes.
“ I want to take him home.”
“ There’s no possible way that could happen.”
“ Make it happen. I wont let him die here.” She said, tears now rolling down her cheeks.
“ Was this expressed by him?”
“ No, but I know he wants to be home. And as his wife it’s my right.” She almost shouted.
“ I’ll see what I can do.” The doctor said walking down the hall. She watched him disappear around a corner before she reentered the room. She walked in and looked at Matthew, he looked like he was resting comfortably until a shrill sound filled the room and she was pushed aside by several nurses and the doctor. Fear filled her entire being as they began working on him. She could hardly breath as she heard the doctor tell the nurses they were losing him.