Bridget seemed to keep herself busy with plants and her growing stomach. Everyday it seemed that her weight and her stomach was getting larger. Her father was there everyday to check on her. But this night he hadn’t arrived, she called several times to his home and wondered why he had not returned her calls. A late summer storm raged outside as she decided to take the long drive to her father’s home. The storm seemed to be worse than any other she’d seen in the Irish highlands in many years, the trees bent with the unrelenting winds. But yet she was determined to make it to her parents home to make sure her father was all right. Her father was well over seventy and she knew that it was time for him to retire but telling the old mill worker that it was time to let the younger generation do the work was like arguing with a bull, it wasn’t going to happen. As of late her father had become increasingly ill, had already been rushed to the hospital for a high fever once during early spring. Bridget knew that her father’s health was failing and knew that it was only a matter of time before she lost him too. She had already prepared herself for this but she’d hope he’d be around for the coming of his grandchild. The wind blew harder as she tried to make her way to her parents large estate. Finally pulling off the road she waited, hearing the loud thunder and the wailing of the wind she waited hoping it would let up enough for her to continue. She nearly leaped from her skin as someone tapped on the window of her car, rolling down the window she looked at the man that now stood shinning his flashlight into her face.
“ Bridget MacLeud what are you doing out in such weather?” He asked
“ Mr. O’Grady you about gave me a heart attack. I was headed to my parents home.”
“ I just came from there.” He said looking at her with new concern in his eyes.
“ What’s wrong?”
“ Your father has been rushed to the hospital again.”
“ Dear lord not again. Thank you Mr. O’Grady I will go there instead.”
“ You can’t child, the roads are flooded, I was sent to send people back to their homes.”
“ I need to get to my father.”
“ Unless this car can float I’d advise you to head back home. Your mother said she’d call you when she arrived at the hospital.”
“ I don’t want to wait that long.”
“ You’re going to have to. Do I have to drive you home myself?”
“ No, I’ll go.” Bridget said waiting for him to move away from the car. Mr. Hank O’Grady was a local officer with the police department and usually kept an eye on things in the little village. But tonight the older man was being a royal pain, but feeling that it was best not to argue Bridget drove home. Once she was safely in her driveway she waited for the rain to let up a little and hurried into the house. Once inside it was as if on cue the phone rang.
“ Hello?”
“ Bridget.”
“ Mother?”
“ I am at the hospital.”
“ Is daddy ok?”
“ He’s stable.”
“ What happened?”
“ Your father was coming home from the mill when it started raining and instead of stopping he tried to drive home and drove right into a downed tree.”
“ How bad is he?”
“ Pretty bad, but he’s stable. I know that you can’t get here because of the storm.”
“ I know and that scares me.”
“ Please just pray for your father he’d want that. He wouldn’t want you rushing out in this weather on account of him. Especially if you and the baby could be hurt.”
“ I know mother. Call me if anything changes.”
“ I will I love you.”
“ I love you too.” She said hanging up the phone. She looked towards the large glass window and let tears roll down her cheeks. She could not stand to lose anymore people in her life, her father was her world. Matthew had been the man that filled the emptiness in her heart but her father was the rock she held on to. Now that Matthew was gone and the fear of losing her father near it seemed all hope was lost. Bridget fell to her knees and sobbed