Thomas seemed almost frightened that the paramedics wouldn’t make it there in time. Bridget was in and out of consciousness so much he wasn’t entirely sure of what was going on. He didn’t know if there was something worse or that the stress of the accident her father had had was what caused the labor.
“ Bridge you need to stay with me.” Thomas said. He had always called her that and normally resulted in him getting hit. This time he barely got her to open her eyes enough to notice he was even there.
“ It hurts.” Bridget whispered.
“ I know. Just breath your going to be just fine.” Thomas said touching her face. He could feel the sweat that ran down her face, he looked around and decided he needed to get a towel to bring her temperature down.
“ I’ll be right back.” Thomas said standing and heading into the kitchen. He quickly wet a towel as he heard Bridget’s painful scream fill the room. Hurrying back into the room where he’d left his friend he tried to calm her.
“ It’s ok Bridget.” He said whipping her forehead with the wet towel. He noticed that it was cooling her and she was leaning against him trying to slow her breathing. He placed his hand on her stomach, he really hadn’t wanted to check but he wanted to know why his friend was in such pain.
“ Raise your legs.”
“ What?” Bridget said, her eyes wide wondering what her friend was thinking.
“ They might not make it in time. I need to see what is going on.”
“ You don’t know what your doing.” Bridget said her voice laced with panic.
“ Well thank you for noticing.” Thomas said looking at her. “ Just do this for me.”
“ Ok.” Bridget said raising her legs. Thomas slid her dress to her knees and looked.
“ Oh god.”
“ What?”
“ I don’t think the baby is supposed to come out that way.” He said reaching under her dress. As he placed his hands on what he hoped was the baby Bridget screamed in pain. Looking up to his relief the paramedics arrived. One had him move as he looked to see what was going on.
“ We’ve got a breech birth.”
“ What?” The other said moving towards his partner.
“ Damn it. If we don’t get her to the hospital we can lose them both.”
“ What?” Thomas said looking at them.
“ Thomas this is no place for you.”
“ Kiss off Bradley, this is as much my place as it was Matthew’s. I promised I’d take care of Bridget. I’ll ride along.” Thomas said as they loaded Bridget into the ambulance. He knew that her father was already at the hospital and knew that he’d be able to find her mother quickly. He just hoped that they’d be able to help save her and the baby. He knew that the baby was the last tie to Matthew and if she lost that she’d lose everything.