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Author's Chapter Notes:
Wow, I knew I'd forgotten one fic for a while - lol. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own story idea. BSB own themselves. Thank-you!
A.J.’s view:

We go into the room across the hall uninvited, but knowing the others won’t care, as Kevin’s allowed to barge in on anyone he wants. Let’s just say, if he’s in a good mood, it’s great being with him, because then you can barge in too. If he’s in a bad mood though, well, I’d advise you to turn and run the other way. Hehe. But don’t tell him I said that.

Once we’re inside the room, the other looks up. Thankfully, I’ve remembered to remove the toilet paper from my face before coming over.

“Hey, where were you guys?” Nick asks, his eyes never leaving the screen. “We were waiting on you. We’re supposed to be having the Nintendo match we talked about earlier.”

I saw Kevin glance at me before responding. “We had other matters to deal with first Frack.”

Brian eyes us suspiciously when he looks away from the game, but nods and smiles when he spots my cross, somehow seeming to know some of what had gone on.

I notice Howie eyeing the cross too, but I just smile at him. Even if he is my best friend, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tell him all of what went on between Kevin and I in my Hotel bathroom. I do need to keep something private, don’t I? I mean, not everybody needs to know every little aspect of my life. No Sir. They don’t.

Nick soon loses to Brian, and in the midst of his complaining, finally notices my cross, and comes to stand before me.

“Where’d you get that?” He questions. “And who’d you rob to get it?”

“None of your damn business, and no one,” I snap.

I feel anger surge through me as he picks it up and reads the inscription on the back of it.

“Kevin?” He chokes out through his laughter. “You mean he can actually be nice?”

I yank my cross back, and hold it close to my chest, even though it’s still around my neck.

“Yes,” I say through gritted teeth.

I see him take a closer look at me then. “Hey, look whose shaving!” He exclaims, then mocks me in a girly voice. “Oh, Alex, you look sooo handsome! So manly, so lovely. Aww.”

“Shut-up,” I growl. “Least I’ve hit puberty and have something to shave, unlike you.”

“Well, at least I don’t have some stupid cross that says ‘love Kevin' on the back of it!” He retorts.

Okay, that was it. The shaving thing I could handle, but making fun of my cross is going way too low, even for him.

“Leave me the Hell alone!” I yell, shoving him to the ground, before turning and storming out. Actually, I sort of ran out like a wuss, but if anyone asks, I stormed out, okay?

I headed back to my room and threw myself on my bed, burying my face in my pillow.