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A.N.: Well, here's more for yah! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own story idea. Bsb own themselves. Thank-you!

A.J.’s view:

When Kevin told me the razor doesn’t belong in the toilet, I just had to laugh. I mean, c’mon. How is that not funny? It’s honestly has to be one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard in my life.

“That’s always good to know, ain’t it?” I smile.

He grins back at me and ruffles my hair. “I’ll go get some stuff while you fish the razor out of the toilet, okay?” He says. “And when I come back I’ll help you out with your little problem. Alright Bro?”

I can’t help but chuckle and nod as he messes my hair once more before going out the door.

Just so you know, I feel much better now that Kevin knows my…ah…guess you could say, secret. I honestly felt like an idiot for not knowing how to shave. Knowing Nick doesn’t know how either didn’t help any. He’ll probably be at home and able to ask his Dad when that times comes. Don’t tell anyone, especially not the guys, but I’m jealous of them. Of all of them. They all have/had dads to show them this stuff. Me, I got nobody. Well, okay, I got my grandfather, but it’s not the same, you know?

I eventually fish the razor out of the toilet and was just throwing it in the trash when Kevin returned. I look on curiously as he dumps out a bag of stuff onto the counter.

“Okay, let’s see…” he trails off. “Razors, shaving cream, toothpaste, toilet paper, a surprise…”

I watch as he very quickly shoves the surprise into his pocket before I even have the chance to glance at it. Now, mind you, that surprise has my full attention, while everything else is just a blur.