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Chapter Ten:
Creatures of the Night

After being seperated from Leon, Claire had gone through the safe route. A few Zombies had jumped out on her, all coming from dark alley ways, and some crawling out of burning cars. She shot a few in the head, and left the ones struggling to reach her. She didn't know where to go. Most of the buildings surrounding her were sure to be full of dead people. She didn't want to risk going through dark alleys. But this was about survival. She must take risks.

Claire walked over to the entrance of an alley. It sure looked spooky, and eerie. There sure was to be something evil and bloodthirsty crawling in there. The sound of low breathing could now be heard, through the crisping sound of fire. Claire raised her handgun, the only thing able to keep her alive, and aimed through the darkness. Then the breathing got louder, and the sound of claws clicking onto concrete took over. Claire looked deeper into the darkness. She could make out a figure on the ground. It was crawling, and it had huge talons. Then a slurp-like noise interrupted and a soft "ROWR!" made Claire turn away and run off to safety!

She continued to run, she didn't know where, but all she wanted to do was get somewhere safe! She ran...and ran...and ran...She saw the outline of a shop. Was it safe? Her eyesight was blurring from the air. She couldn't see, but as she reached near the shop...the low breathing and the faster clicking of claws could be heard...they were faster than ever.


Whatever it was jumped on Claire and knocked her to the ground....


Meanwhile, a massive explosion had erupted somewhere in the middle of Raccoon City. Jill Valentine had jumped out of the small Garage that had exploded, but still those flesh-eating beasts were up and walking. Jill now had an Assault Rifle switched in automatic mode, and she shot them with no fear at all. The fell to the ground, burning...then she turned towards the only exit. She ran over to the huge garbage bins, and climbed onto it. Then she jumped down on the otherside ... but loads of Zombies were crawling towards her...


Jill held the A.R close to her, and aimed for the Zombies. Then she once again shot many down, but they were gaining to quickly. There was a rusty door oposite her, all she needed to do was get in there, and she'd be safe! She stopped shooting, and started of at a run. But a Zombie got in her way. She jumped up and kicked him in the head, and then continued towards the door...

Then four of the flesh eaters had managed to block her way, and they were snapping their jaws at her...hungry for fresh flesh. She was surrounded...she was stuck. This was it...

"Over here!!" shouted a mans voice.

Jill turned around and saw that there was a gap in the Zombies, and a man with brown hair in a uniform was shooting at a few Zombie, waving in his direction to Jill. She smiled, and then kicked a few Zombies out of her way. Survival sure was hard work...The Zombies slomped on the ground, twitching, and Jill ran over them and over to the man.

"Hey lady. C'mon, I know a safe place we can go!" he smiled.

As he turned, Jill noticed the Umbrella logo on the back of his costume. What? An Umbrella soldier helping her out? She was confused...But she would worry about this later. There's alot happening at this moment in time...


Back in Kendo's Gun Store, Leon had to fight off the Zombies that had caved through the windows. They had feasted on Kendo himself, and Leon could help him no longer. But that Shotgun...he needed it. But to get it, he had to use his pistol to kill those beasts. He jumped over the counter, and then shot two in the head. One lunged for his leg, and went to bite but Leon stomped on his head, brains and blood splattering all over the floor.

The other three were still feasting on the Kendo guy, so Leon thought he'd seize the chance to shoot them in the head, and so they dropped to the floor...never to move again. Leon needed to grab a hold of that Shotgun before more made their way here. There was a door in the back of Kendo's store that would lead him out. He walked over to the dead Kendo, his intestines were ripped out, and he had no eyes, his nose was torn off and the skin off both of his arms was ripped off. Leon heaved. But he made a grab for the Shotgun. As he grabbed it, a strong hand took grip of his arm. It was the Kendo guy himself, his eyeless and noseless face growling at him. Leon sighed, then he elbowed him, and stood upright, then took another stomp, and squashed his brains. He pocketed his pistol and loaded the Shotgun...

He needed to reach the Police Station and find Claire...before he or she met their doom.