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Chapter Seven:
The Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service

A few hours after the complete outbreak of the T-Virus inside Raccoon City and an hour before Leon and Claire had stepped into the city, the UBCS (Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service) had gone into the city to help survivors. They had used helicopters and other types of transport to stop the horrific, infected humans attacking them. Carlos Oliveira of Team C was up in the air inside an helicopter with his two other comerades, Nicholai and Mickhail. He was scanning the city for signs of survivors.

"I wonder what happened to this city." he asked his captain, Nicholai.

"Just concentrate, and focus on getting out of this fucked up place after we finish our job eh?!" Nicholai snapped.

Mickhail was piloting the helicopter. He steered it so he circled certain areas for a better look and to double check. And a good thing he did so...

"Yo Mickhail!! Go down!! A woman running on top of the building from some of those monsters!!!" Carlos shouted through the noise of the helicopter as he opened the door. "Nicholai, hook me up to this wire."

Nicholai strutted.

"It's no use!! Don't bother!" he ordered.

"I don't care, she's human!!! Come on, help me out here!!"

Nicholai strapped a wire securely to Carlos, and he confirmed he was secure then Carlos jumped from the helicopter and down to the woman. Half way down, he pulled out his pistols and shot the monsters one by one! And then the wire stopped just before he nearly hit the ground! He cut the wire with the knife he had in a compartment on his jacket, put away his guns and ran over to the woman.

"Hey come on, you're gonna be safe. Take my hand."

The blonde headed woman was sobbing, and she was holding her shoulder. There was blood stains over her shirt. She looked at Carlos and removed her hand from her shoulder to reveal a bite wound. She was stepping backwards slowly towards the edge of the building. She sobbed more and finally spoke.

"I've seen what happens to you when you get bitten by those freaks! There's no going back!" she shouted over at Carlos.

"Don't be stupid. We're certain there is a cure! Come on, take my hand." Carlos replied calmly, slowly walking towards her.

"Please stay away from me!" she shouted.

Carlos took a few more steps. But everything ended with one simple gunshot! From the helicopter, Nicholai had shot the wounded woman in the head. She fell off the building. Carlos turned and ran to the helicopter. Then he started an argument with Nicholai!

"She was infected. There was no way I was gonna let her get on my helicopter!" Nicholai argued back.

"She was a survivor for goodness sake!! Whats wrong with you?!?! You've gone psycho!!! Ever since your wife died!" Carlos was continuing. But he had gone to far.

"Take your machine gun, and other equipment and get off my copter!" Nicholai ordered.

Carlos looked awestruck.


Nicholai looked down at his feet, and let out a deep sigh.

"Sorry to do this!"

Then Nicholai pushed him out.

"Fly away Mickhail!"

Mickhail followed his order. The copter went up into the air.

"Hey!! Come back!!! Nicholai!! I'll get you back!!! You ASSHOLE!!!" Carlos shouted up into the air.

Nicholai threw down Carlos' backpack and weaponary, then the copter flew off out of vision. Leaving Carlos alone and angry...

It was the beginning of his adventure through this nightmare...
