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Kevin’s eyes flew open, his body was covered in sweat. As he brought his hands to his face, he noticed they were shaking badly. Slowly he sat up, wiped the tears from his cheeks and raked his hands through his dark hair as he tried to catch his breath. The nightmare seemed so real, he had to go see if Nick was alright. He slowly got up and put on his shirt, careful not to wake Howie who was sleeping in the bed next to his, he shuffled towards to door to check on his little brother.
Covering his mouth as he yawned, Kevin slowly made his way down the hallway. Peeking into the the master bedroom, he rolled his eyes at the sight of AJ sound asleep before finding his way to the staircase and quietly walking down them. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, he turned left, heading for the guestroom Brian and Nick were sharing, silently pushing the door open. A frown appeared on his face when he found the room completely empty, his heart skipping a beat.

"Nicky?" He whispered into the dark, waiting a moment before hesitantly flipping on the light. Blinking at the sudden brightness, his frown deepend when he saw the untouched bed. Checking the bathroom quickly, he moved into the main room, his eyes darting to the empty sofa. "Where are you?" He mumbled, raking a hand through his hair and trying to shake the dream from his mind. His green eyes roamed around the room quickly, soon landing on the front door.

"What?" Kevin breathed, noticing the half opened door. He was across the room in two steps, yanking the door open and steping outside, a smile immediately appearing on his face when he found his youngest bandmate and his cousin asleep on the porch swing. Nick was stretched out on the wooden bench, his feet dangling over the side of the seat. His head was placed in Brian's lap, the older man's hand resting gently on his head. Brian had slumped to the side, his body half leaning on Nick's, as he slept, rising and falling every time Nick's own chest rose and fell with his deep breathing. Stepping back into the house, Kevin quickly ran up the stairs, rumaging through his bag before finding his camera and darting back down the stairs and out the door. He snapped a few pictures before setting down the camera with a small sigh, knowing he needed to move his two bandmates inside.

"Brian," He gently reached out and shook his cousin. "Brian, wake up." The younger man stirred slowly, his eyes opening halfway as he peered at his older cousin.
"It's cold out here. You and Nicky need to move inside."
"Inside." Kevin repeated softly. "Go sleep inside." Brian stared at Kevin for a moment, trying to get his mind to work before he nodded, tiredly gesturing to Nick.
"I don't wanna wake him." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he yawned.
"You're gonna have to. I don't think I can carry him anymore." Kevin shrugged with a small laugh. "I'll take care of him though." He gently reached over, pulling Nick up as Brian slipped out from under the youth, stumbling to his feet and into the house with a muttered, 'thanks kev' before disappearing.

"Nicky," The older man called softly, "Baby wake up." He slowly sat Nick up, smiling as the blonde stirred before groaning, opening his eyes ever so slightly.
"Nicky, it's too cold out here. You gotta sleep inside."
"Sleepy." Kevin smiled at the murmured response, brushing his hand through the younger man's hair, something he hadn't done in years. But his dream was lingering and Kevin needed proof, needed the comfort that Nick was still with him, still before him. The youth said nothing, falling lightly onto Kevin's shoulder as he slowly fell back into his slumber and the eldest rolled his eyes, biting his lip as he thought things over. With a sigh, he manuvered Nick into a different position, taking a deep breath before lifting Nick up into his arms with a small grunt. Standing up straight, he staggered a moment, adjusting himself to the weight before walking forward and into the house. He made it as far as the couch, his legs threatening to give out from under him and he placed the younger man down slowly, trying not to wake him. Standing up, he winced as his back protested, walking over and closing the front door and grabbing a few blankets from the hall closet. Gently spreading the blankets over Nick, he stood back, gazing at his youngest brother before letting out a sigh and climbing onto the couch next to Nick.

"I can't lose you Nicky." He whispered, brushing strands of Nick's hair out of the youth's face. "I can't." Pulling the sleeping blonde close, he sighed again, pushing the dream far out of his mind as he shut his eyes. "Everything is going to be fine." Kevin breathed, trying to convince himself of the words he was speaking. "It has to be."