I park the car in front of Nick’s house and make my way up to the front door.
I raise my hand to knock, but when my arm is halfway to the door, it swings open and Nick swoops me up into his arms.
“Woah! Miss me much?” I say as he plants one on me.
“Too much.” He says in between kisses.
“I was only gone for three hours!”
“Three hours too long.”
After one final kiss he adds, “We really have to get going, so do you need anything before we leave.”
“Nope I’m good. Let’s go.”
As I make the short drive from my house to Hollywood, I look to the passenger seat of the car.
The late afternoon sun shines through the window and falls on her, making it seem like she’s glowing. Her illuminated light brown hair falls down to her chest and her hands are resting in her lap. She’s a sight to see. I need to tell her, and if I don’t do it soon I think I might explode.
All of a sudden, she turns her head and is looking at me, looking at her.
“What?” She asks with a small chuckle.
“Nothing.” I say smiling, and turn back to the road.
Nick makes a right turn onto a backstreet, and as we move forward, I see them.
A line of fans is there waiting for the group to arrive. None of them are paying much attention at the moment but I know this will change shortly.
“Get ready for your first extreme Backstreet Fan Experience.” Nick says.
As he slows down to head into the gated parking lot, one of the fans realizes it’s him, and all of a sudden, they flock towards the car.
Most of them don’t come too close, but other rush to the sides of the car, trying to get a look inside. Camera flashes are going off in my eyes and their screams fill my ears. I totally wasn’t ready for this. The security guard opens the fence and Nick pulls in, leaving the fans behind.
As he enters, another guard is there waiting for us and tells him where to park.
When the car stops, I open the door and step out. The shrieks are still there, but they get louder as soon as Nick climbs out. While he walks to the back of the car where I am standing, he waves to the fans. I can see most of them pressed up as close to the fence as possible, screaming his name and telling him how much they love him.
When he reaches me, he smiles, grabs my hand and asks, “You ok babe?”
“Yeah I’m good.” I say back.
All of a sudden I hear a voice from behind me.
“Hello Mr. Carter. My name is Lisa, if you’ll follow me, I’m going to take you up to the green room.”
“Ok thanks.” Nick says to her.
We make our way through the parking lot and up to a large building. She goes through the door and then starts climbing the stairs, so we follow her. When we reach the third floor she walks to a door and opens it for us.
Nick and I walk in as she holds the door open.
“I have to go back down and wait for the rest of the group, but if you need anything I left my cell phone number on the table there so feel free to call.” Lisa says with a cheerful voice.
“Alright. Thanks again.” Nick says to her as she walks out.
I walk over to one of the couches and flop down onto it. I’m still exhausted, seeing as that I barely got any sleep last night, for reasons that we already know, and the caffeine from the coffee I had an hour ago is wearing off.
For the first couple of minutes, Nick just walks around trying all the different food sitting out on the tables, but then he makes his way over, sits down next to me and says, “We have the room to ourselves. This could be fun,” as he starts to kiss my neck.
I jokingly push him away.
“Nick! The guys are gonna be here soon and you don’t want them walking in on us, do you?”
“Let them walk in. I don’t care.”
“Oh for Christ’s sake Nick, get a hold of yourself.” I say chuckling.
Just then, the door opens and in walks Lisa, followed by AJ.
“Hey kids.” He says with a smile, and then walks over to the couch and sits himself right in between Nick and I.
“Hey man, that sucks! Get up.” Nick says lightly shoving him.
AJ looks over and winks at me. I know he is just trying to piss Nick off.
“I think I like this spot the best, so I’m just gonna sit here.” He says grinning.
“Damn it AJ!” Nick yells, sounding annoyed.
“Now, now boys. No fighting!” I sarcastically say to them.
All of a sudden, Nick stands up, wraps his arms around AJ’s sides, and moves him to the other side of the couch. All the while AJ is just laughing at how pissed Nick is. I hold my laughter in as not to make Nick mad.
When Nick re-takes his place next to me the door opens once again. This time it’s Brian, Leighanne with Baylee stuck to her hip, and Howie. Kevin arrives ten minutes later, but without Kristin. She had some acting thing she had to go to tonight.
I look over at the clock from my spot on the couch.
They are supposed to do a sound check at 5, but they don’t perform until 8.
This is going to be a long night.
*1 hour later*
By now I have removed my shoes, and am sprawled out on half of the couch. Howie lays sleeping on the other side. How he remains asleep, I have no idea. There is so much noise in the room.
Nick, Brian, and AJ are sitting on the floor glued to the TV playing video games. Once in a while one of them yells at another, telling him to stop killing him or beating him or whatever the hell the point of the game is.
Baylee sits next to his Dad with a broken controller in his hand, spastically pressing buttons and glaring at the screen as if he were playing too.
The other couch is occupied by Leighanne who is reading a book, and Kevin who is looking through a magazine.
“Ok food break!” Nick says.
He stands up and walks over to the tables of food and drinks, with AJ and Brian right behind him.
Baylee disappears for a moment behind the side of the couch, but then reappears with a book in his arms.
He ambles over and stops at the edge of the couch, holding the book out to me.
“Hey Buddy. Do you want me to read that to you?”
“Yes please.” He answers in a cute little voice.
I take the book and set it next to me on the couch, then move myself to a sitting position. When I look back his arms are stretched out, so I pick him up and set him on my lap. He grabs the book from next to me and opens it up to the first page, where I start to read to him quietly.
I crack open the water bottle I just grabbed off the table, and turn around.
She’s sitting there, with ‘the little man’ in her lap, reading him a story. She makes the different voices of the characters in the books, and it makes him laugh.
She looks up at the end of a sentence and smiles. I smile back.
From the moment I saw her that morning, I knew she was one of a kind. Her smile could light up a room and she was real, not caught up in me being a celebrity. When we talk, it’s as if we have known each other forever. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and not just on the outside.
There’s just one problem.
She belongs to someone else, and that someone else is one of my best friends.
All of a sudden I feel and elbow hit my arm.
“So, AJ, what do you think of her?” Nick asks me.
“She’s a keeper.” I tell him, without looking up.
*3 hours and 15 minutes later*
After being forced into playing a video game (and loosing miserably), eating Chinese take out, and falling asleep on the couch, it’s finally almost time for the boys to go on.
Baylee has fallen asleep once again, and Lisa has said she would stay with him while the boys perform, so Leighanne and I decide to walk down to the outdoor stage a little early.
Before we walk out I wish all the guys good luck, and give Nick a little extra peck on the lips.
Leighanne and I make our way down the stairs, and then out into the open.
As we are taken to a small section on the side of the stage, I see all of the girls packed like sardines into the outdoor stage area, waiting for their Backstreet Boys. There was the occasional guy scattered about, but mostly girls.
When we reach our destination, some of the girls standing nearby recognize Leighanne and call her over. She tells me she’ll be just a minute and walks over to them to take pictures.
When she comes back and asks, “So you excited?”
“Of course I am! This is so exciting. After all the years of Nick wanting me to come see them perform and not being able to go, I finally get too.”
I really do feel this way. I am so eager to finally get to see Nick perform. I have bought all their CDs and watched TRL to see their videos, so yeah I’m a fan. I mean come on, what girl wasn’t a fan at one point in their life.
Without warning, the crowd erupted with deafening screams. I crane my neck to see the boys walking up onto the stage on the opposite side from Leighanne and I.
They wave and blow kisses to the fans as they walk to their designated places.
A man walks out onto the stage and grabs one of the mics.
“Ok everyone we go live in 30 seconds so I want all of you to be as loud as you can and put your hands in the air!” he says enthusiastically. When the man finishes talking Jimmy Kimmel comes onstage and walks to the middle of it.
After a few last minute adjustments they start counting down…….
10, 9 , 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1……………….
The screams get even louder when Jimmy starts the intro.
“These guys have sold more than 73,000,000 albums, I still have their poster hanging over my bed. Their new album is called Never Gone, it’s deafening in here. With the song Just Want You To Know, it’s the Backstreet Boys!”
He quickly ducks offstage and the music starts.
My eyes drift to the middle of the stage where Nick stands, and then he starts to sing.
“Lookin’ at your picture, from when we first met
You gave me a smile that I could never forget
And nothing I could do could protect me from you that night.”
I start to sing along with him, and so does the rest of the crowd. I look over to Leighanne who is enjoying this as much as I am.
Seeing him up there was so weird. I felt like he was so far away from me, being a celebrity and all, but I just thought of him as a normal person.
As the song went on into the second verse, my eyes changed positions from watching Nick to watching AJ.
His voice was so amazing and not to mention sexy. Watching him up there performing makes me feel even more attracted to him. I don’t think there is a specific reason for this. It just happened. He’s smiling and waving to the fans while singing. His personality is just perfect. I try to look away but I can’t. He’s just…mesmerizing.
Everyone is still screaming and singing along as the song comes to an end.
“That I’ve been fighting to let you go
Some days I make it through and then there’s nights that never end
I wish that I could believe that there’s a day you’ll come back to me
But still I have to say I would do it all again
Just want you to know”
After a quick commercial break, Jimmy comes back out and announces they will be playing the show out with Weird World.
So they go on to sing Weird World, I Want It That Way, and I Still for the fans.
When the show is over I feel somewhat sad, since I am having such a good time and they were so awesome, but I also feel strange for no apparent reason.
Leighanne and I quickly make our way back up to the green room to check on Baylee, who we discover is still fast asleep. Leighanne thanks Lisa for staying with him as she leaves the room.
The two of us plop, once again, onto a couch to wait for the boys to come up.
After about 15 minutes they finally came in, because they had been signing autographs in the alley.
When Nick enters I run over to him. “Hey baby you were awesome!”
“Thanks!” He says hugging me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see AJ walking towards the bathroom.
I follow him, and peek my head in the door to see what he’s doing.
“Hey.” I say when I see him splashing water on his face.
“Oh Hey.” He answers back.
“You ok?” I ask.
I could tell that something was bothering him.
“Nothing, I’m fine.” He says with a smile.
I hear Nicks voice from behind me. “Anna let’s go!”
“K coming.” I yell to him.
“I have to go, but you did an awesome job out there. They really love you.” I say to AJ.
“Thanks. I’ll see you later.” He says.
I walk away from the bathroom to say goodbye to the rest of them.
When this is done, Nick and I venture back to the car, and he drives me back to his house so I can get my car.
Before I leave he asks, “Do you have any plans tomorrow night?”
“Other than grading papers, no.” I say laughing.
“Well good. Can I take you out to dinner?”
“Of course, but alone this time right?”
“Yep. Just the two of us.”
“Awesome. See you tomorrow then.”
I give him a light peck on the lips then hop into my car and drive home.