I sit on the couch in Nick’s living room with my papers spread across the coffee table. I hear movement upstairs, and finally the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs floats through the house.
I rotate my head to see Nick walking into the living room, looking perplexed.
“How long was I asleep?” he asks.
“About two hours. I ordered pizza if you’re hungry.”
“Thanks.” He says as he walks to the counter to grab a slice.
When he’s done with it, he comes over and sits next to me.
“Anna, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin the night and go get drunk.”
“Then why did you? You picked the wrong time to be random and stupid.”
“I don’t know really. I didn’t have anything to do until I was supposed to pick you up, so I thought I would go see Chuck. When I got there he gave me free drinks and I guess it just went on from there. But hey, they were free! How could I have passed that up?”
“Oh come on, you could have easily just had one, but you kept going.”
“I know and I shouldn’t have. I didn’t mean for it to happen. It was just a spur of the moment thing. I’m really sorry, and you know I love you.”
“I know.”
“So you’re not mad at me?” He asks.
“I’m not mad, just disappointed. I’ll get over it though. I just wish you hadn’t done it, that’s all. My mom was pretty upset we couldn’t come.”
“You didn’t tell her the real reason did you?”
“Are you kidding me? I would never tell her that. I just said something came up in your schedule and you couldn’t miss it.”
“Alright good.”
“So how you feeling?” I ask him.
“As good as expected I guess. I’m still a little groggy. So what are you doing?” He asks as he lays his head down on my shoulder and stares at the mounds of paper covering the table.
“Just grading some papers.”
“Can I help?”
“Ha, no, it’s ok, I’m almost done anyways.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah I’m sure.”
“Ok then.” He says as he moves his head up off my shoulder and starts kissing my neck.
I close my eyes as his lips move from my neck down to my chest.
“Nick I should finish these and…..”
He pulls me on top of him and his hands make their way up my back.
Even though I’m still slightly upset, I can’t resist him.
“Now I know you can’t be mad at me after that.” I say to her.
“I wasn’t mad, just…..”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah disappointed. I know you’re not anymore, so don’t deny it.”
“Ok fine, I’m not.” She says giggling.
“Tell me how good it was.”
“It was amazing, the best sex ever. You happy now?” She says still laughing.
“Very happy.”
“Jesus wipe that grin of you face Carter, I need to get up.”
“Why! I don’t want you to.”
“Oh stop whining. I need to finish these papers and I have to get to the school early in the morning.” She says as she wraps a blanket around herself, and gets up off the couch.
After she gathers her clothes up and walks into the bathroom, I go back upstairs to get dressed.
As I change, I realize I have done something I shouldn’t have for the second time today. I lied to her. Going to that bar today wasn’t just out of boredom. I was way stressed about going to her parent’s, and lets face it, I just wanted to drink. I love going to clubs, drinking, and having a good time, but ever since I have been back I have been trying to cut down on it. Anna knows I like to party, and I know she doesn’t like it, but she won’t say anything. I love her, and I would do anything for her, but I don’t know if I can give up that part of my life, I just like it too damn much.
As I finish pulling a shirt over my head, I hear her calling from downstairs.
“Nick you ready?”
“Yeah I’ll be down in a sec. You can just wait in the car if you want.” I yell back down.
I grab my keys so I can take her home and make my way down the stairs and out the door.