It’s Saturday and I have to sit through a teacher meeting. Why Saturday? I could kill the idiot that scheduled it for eight in the morning.
“Ok everyone, don’t forget that next Tuesday there is no school for the students, but we still have to come to work. Hmm, let’s see, I think that’s it, so have a good rest of the weekend everyone.” Says the principal, as all of us teachers get up and walk out of the room.
I quickly make my way out to the car, and drive out of the school parking lot.
*15 minutes later*
Walking up to the coffee shop, I see Leighanne and Baylee are already there waiting for me.
“Hey Anna!” She says, as I approach the table.
“Hi, sorry I’m late. The meeting went a kinda long. Hey little man! Can I have a high five?”
Baylee raises his hand and smacks mine with a smile on his face.
“I got your latte for you.” Leighanne says, pushing the cup across the table to me.
“Oh thanks so much! Lord knows I need this.”
“Sooo, how’s Nick?” She asks.
“Oh just dandy.”
“I heard about what happened yesterday; AJ called.”
“Ugh, yeah. That was special.”
“He has been doing things like that a lot lately, like during this first half of the tour. He would always go out and party.”
“Gee thanks Leigh, that’s encouraging.”
“Well I’m just saying that’s how he has been, not that he’ll stay that way.”
“Let’s hope he won’t.”
“So how are you gonna be when they leave for Europe?”
“I have no idea. I don’t even want to think about it.”
“But it’s two days away!” She says laughing at me.
“I know, I know. I have been able to deal with Nick being gone, but we were never together like we are now. I have never been away from a boyfriend for that long. I’m going to miss him so much. Actually, I am going to miss them all. My life will go back to being all dull again.”
“No it won’t. I’ll be here! And I know how you feel. I still hate it when Brian leaves. It’s hard for me to go with them now, especially to Europe, since we have Baylee. I wouldn’t worry about it, you’ll be fine.”
“I hope so. I also hope Nick doesn’t go find some tall, leggy European woman and fall in love with her.”
“Oh please! You are being ridiculous. You know he loves you.”
“I know. I’m being sarcastic…kind of.”
“So when are you gonna get Nick over to your parent’s house?”
“Actually, we’re going tonight.”
“Are you nervous?”
“Are you kidding? There’s no way not to be.”
*6 pm*
Nick follows me down the driveway and up to the front door. There are nervous butterflies in my stomach that I haven’t been able to get rid of all day. Before I walk in, I turn to him.
“Don’t be nervous k.”
“I’ll try not to be.” He says as he lightly kisses my cheek.
I reach for the handle and open the door.
“Hello?” I yell into the house.
“Hi honey!” My mom says with a cheery tone in her voice. She walks over from the kitchen and give me a hug, and then she turns to Nick.
“Hi Nick it’s good to see you again. It’s been so long.”
“It’s good to see you too.” He says and pulls her into a hug.
“Well why don’t you two come into the living room, Dave is in there.”
We make our way into the room, and there is my Dad, sitting, waiting. I’m surprised he’s not sitting not polishing a gun. The look on his face is not one that would usually be there. He seems, well, pissed. He gets up from the chair and I walk over to him.
“Hi Daddy.” I say hugging him.
“hello.” He answers back.
“Uh , and Dad, you remember Nick.”
“Ah yes. Hi Nick.”
“Hello.” Nick says as he extends his hand.
My dad shakes it and I let out a minute sigh of relief. Ok, they shook hands. That’s a good thing.
“Why don’t you two sit down. Can I get you anything to drink, maybe a beer?” My mom offers.
“ I’ll have a beer, thanks.” Nick replies.
“And I’ll just have a coke.”
She walks out and reappears a few moments later with our drinks. When we are all finally sitting down, there is a moment of awkward silence, but it is quickly broken by my mother.
“So Nick, how have things been?”
“They’ve been good. Busy but good. We just finished the North American part of the tour, so it’s nice to have this two week break.”
“Oh I’m sure that must be tiring to be on the road like that, although you’re probably used to it by now. But did you say you were on a break?”
“Yeah, we’re leaving for Europe on Monday actually.”
“Europe, eh. For how long?” My dad asks.
“Two months.”
“Wow, that’s a pretty long time.” My mom says giving me a wide-eyed look.
“It’s kind of a bummer, but I have to do it.”
“Yes, well, uh, Anna will you help me set the table?” My mom asks.
“Sure.” I tell her reluctantly. I don’t want to leave Nick alone with my dad yet, but I’m sure they’ll be fine.
I get up off the couch and give Nick a smile before I go to the dining room.
“Do you really think it’s safe to leave them alone already?” I say.
“Your father doesn’t bite. Nick will be fine. But Anna, two months? He’s going to be gone for two months?” She says as she hands me the stack of plates.
“I know it sucks, but it’ll be fine. We’ll talk on the phone and over the internet. He’ll be home before the Holidays.”
“Yeah but still. I’m not so sure this is the best thing for you two. He’s not going to be here and what if you meet someone else, or what if he does!?”
“Mom stop it, you’re overreacting. It’ll work out.”
We finish setting the table, and then call the boys in for dinner. As they enter, neither of them seem upset. They haven’t killed each other yet.
During the meal we mostly made small talk that consisted of the kids in my class, Nick’s experiences on tour, and my dad’s fishing. Everything was going fine, but I had a feeling it wouldn’t stay that way.
When we finish eating and my mom clears the plates, my dad leans back in his chair and looks to Nick.
“So Nick, what are your intentions with my daughter.”
My mouth opens almost as wide as it can go and my eyes bulge out of my head. I look at Nick who pretty much has the same expression. You have got to be kidding me. He soo did not ask that question.
“Well I want to know. What if he’s just using you?.” He says with a stern look on his face.
“I can assure you that’s not what I’m doing.” Nick breaks in.
“It seems that you never cared before, but now you do. Maybe because your LA girlfriend got a real boyfriend so you had to find a new one and you chose Anna.”
“Dad what are you doing! Stop it.”
“No. This boy was never good to you and he wasn’t to me either. If he wants to be with you then he needs to prove to me that he cares.”
“I shouldn’t have to prove anything to you. The only person I should have to prove anything to is Anna, and she knows I love her. I could care less if you believe me. You’re just an asshole.”
“Well look who’s calling who the asshole.”
“Just stating the truth.” He snaps back.
At this my dad stands up and furiously throws his napkin on the table.
“Dave sit down!” My mother pleads.
“No. I want him out of here. He can’t talk to me like this in my own house. It seems that nothing has changed. You are just as immature as you were when you were younger.”
Nick gets up from his chair and I do the same.
“I’ll be glad to leave. I don’t want to be here anyways.” he says as he grabs his jacket off the back of the chair.
“Nick please, just calm down.”
“No, I’m done with his bullshit.” And with that he grabs his coat and walks out the door.
I stand there, still shocked at what had just happened. It went so bad in such a short time.
“I cannot believe you just did that dad. You attacked him for no reason! He was trying so hard, he just wanted you to like him, and you just jumped all over him for no reason. No reason at all!”
I fling my purse over my arm and take hold of my coat.
“Mom thank you, the dinner was very good. Dad..just..ugh!” And I walk out.
I am glad to see that the car is still parked so I hurry over and climb in. As soon as I’m buckled he drives off.
For ten minutes I don’t dare say anything, not knowing how he would react, but then I finally get the courage to talk to him.
“Nick, I’m really sorry. I didn’t know he would do that. I feel so bad…..”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault.” He says. I know he means it but there is still anger in his voice.
“Well do you want me to stay over tonight? We can…”
“No it’s fine. I’m gonna take you home.” He says cutting me off for the second time.
“Oh, ok.”
We didn’t talk at all the rest of the ride home, and when he dropped me off all he said was “Bye, I’ll call you later.”
I stand there and watch his car speed off into the night, and the only thing going through my mind is that he won’t go and do anything stupid.