As I turn my car onto Nick’s street. I hope I’m not making a mistake. I called his cell and the house phone numerous times; he never answered. I know he’s not mad at me, he has no reason to be, but he’s just angry in general. The whole scene last night was bad. They both overacted, which was exactly what I didn’t want to happen.
I park in the driveway and make my way to the front door. When I ring the doorbell, there’s no answer. I get the same result from knocking, so I grab the knob and walk in. He always forgets to lock the door.
“Nick?” I say into the house.
Still no response. I walk upstairs to his room but he’s not there, so I go back down to the living room, and there he is.
He’s lying on the couch asleep with beer bottles scattered around him.
“Great.” I say to myself.
When I get to the couch, I sit down next to his legs.
“Nick.” I say, gently rubbing my hand over the back of his leg.
He jumps, and moves his head in my direction.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, squinting at me.
“I called and you didn’t answer. I just wanted to make sure you were ok.”
“So are you ok?”
“Yeah I guess. I have a major headache though.”
“I’ll get you some Advil then.”
When I come back and hand him the pills with a glass of water, I start to pick up the empty beers.
“Did you drink all of these last night?”
He doesn’t answer.
After setting the bottles in the kitchen, I return to my seat on the couch.
“You know you don’t have to drink to get away from your problems.”
“I don’t do that.”
“Then why did you do it two days in a row? I know last night was bad but…”
“I juts felt like having a couple of beers ok. It’s not a big deal.”
I decide to drop it. There’s no use in talking to him about this because he obviously won’t tell the truth, and doesn’t want to talk about it.
“So are you all packed to leave tomorrow?” I ask him.
“No, I have to do that today actually. Would you mind helping? I never know what to take.”
“Yeah right, you know damn well what to take, you’ve packed for big trips soo many times. You just want me to fold the clothes so everything fits because you’re too lazy.” I say laughing.
“Well, you caught me. You’re right.” He says leaning over to kiss me.
Well his bad mood disappeared fast.
We get off the couch and head up to his room, for what would be a day full of cramming clothes into suitcases, and taking breaks for the occasional make out session. By 5 o’clock, we finally had him packed for Europe.
*The Next Day*
*7:00 am*
I sit in the back of the town car with Nick on the way to the airport. Our heads are resting each other and our hands are clasped together in his lap. The ride takes place mostly in silence due to the fact that we are both still half asleep.
When we arrive at the airport, the driver comes around the side and opens the door. Nick climbs out first, and when I follow him I realize there are paparazzi waiting for us. They are snapping pictures as fast as their fingers could go and screaming “Nick! Anna! Look over here!” What the hell they already know my damn name? God they are annoying.
As an airport employee gets the bags, Nick wraps his arm around my shoulder and we hurry past them to the door.
Since the boys have their own plane taking them overseas, we are escorted to a separate gate where they will board the plane.
We make our way through the airport and when we turn the last corner, there they all are: Kevin, Kristin, Brian, Leighanne, Howie, AJ, and last but not least Baylee.
When he sees me, he runs over and I bring him up into my arms.
“Hey Baylee!” I say with a giggle. I still cant get over how cute he is.
“Hi Anna. Look at the big plane!” he says as he points out the window.
“Wow look at that! It really is big.”
I put him down and he rushes back to press his face against the glass, trying to get as close to the plane as he can, and I go to say hello to everyone.
After a couple of minutes, a flight attendant appears and informs the boys that it’s time for them to board.
I take a deep breath. This is the moment I have been dreading for two weeks.
While Nick says his goodbye’s o the girls and Baylee, I take the opportunity to say it to the guys.
I go down the line starting with Howie, then Kevin, Brian, and last but not least AJ.
As I stand in front of him he smiles and says, “I’m gong to miss you! I’m gonna call you ya know. I’ll just have to make sure to do it when you and Nicky aren’t having phone sex.” He says laughing at his own joke.
“Ha. Well that’s very considerate of you, and you know I’d love it if you called. Keep an eye on the dumb blonde over there for me.”
“Don’t worry I’ll watch him. Bye sweetie.”
“Bye J.”
After he hugs me he disappears around the corner, leaving Nick and I alone. We stand there looking at each other, then he says, “Well I guess this is it.”
All of a sudden sadness overwhelms me. A tear escapes from my eye and drips down my cheek
“Aww baby don’t cry.” I feel him wrap his arms around me. “I’ll be back before you know it, and we’ll talk on the phone everyday.”
Kevin reappears and shouts, “Nick you really need to get on the plane.”
“Alright just give me a second!”
“I’m gonna miss you so much” He says kissing me.
“I’m gonna miss you too. You really should go though.”
“I know. I’ll call you as soon as I get there. Love you baby.” He says as he places one last kiss onto my lips.
“Love you too.”, and with that he leaves to board the plane.
Kristin, Leighanne, and Baylee had left a couple minutes ago, so I wrap my sweater tighter around my body and walk back to the car alone. I get into the empty backseat and ask the driver to take me home.