*One week later*
“JOSH PLEASE STOP PULLING RACHEL’S HAIR!” I try to say as calmly as I can.
“What happens if I don’t!?” he yells back.
“Well, if you don’t stop, I think you get to come sit up at the front next to me for the rest of the day and you can’t do your coloring project.”
“Fine! I DONT CARE!”
Wow, I really don’t know why I volunteered to teach second graders.
They are so cute sometimes, but now is NOT one of those times.
So I bring Josh up and sit him down in a chair right next to the door, near my desk. I explain to him if he is good, he can do the coloring project instead of sitting here. I look at the clock.
11:45. Only 15 minutes until lunch. I can last that long.
I walk back up to the whiteboard and pick up the marker to finish showing the rest of the class how to do some math. For the next fourteen minutes, Josh sits quietly while I am teaching. This is a miracle because the kid is just so loud! I guess he really wants to color after lunch, but then all of a sudden I hear Josh scream.
“Hey who are you?! GET OUT!”
I am kneeling down at a desk helping one of the kids, so I turn around and look at Josh. I swear, I am about to go bonkers and ask him what he’s yelling about, but I stop, noticing someone standing in the door of the classroom. Their face was blurred from the sun coming in. Then, I hear a familiar voice.
“Hey buddy, it’s alright, calm down. Is your teacher here?”
You have got to be kidding me! It couldn’t be. Wouldn’t Josh or any of the kids have known if it was really him? Wait no. They’re too young. They wouldn’t know. It really couldn’t be.
“Nick?” I ask with a strange, stunned tone in my voice.
He steps further into the room. I really couldn’t believe it. He looked so good. I see him on magazine covers and TV shows, but they don’t do him enough justice. His blonde hair is longer and wisped across his forehead; his body seemed to be fitter than last time I had seen him; and his smile just makes me want to melt.
I navigated myself through the jungle of kids as fast as I could, he put his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. God, I missed his hugs, his big arms wrapped around me. It made me feel so safe and protected. I come out of my trance with the bell ringing in my ear and I pull myself away. Even though it was the last thing I wanted to do.
“Ummm…okay everyone, uh, time for lunch. I’ll see you after.”
As the kids scurried to get their lunchboxes and hurry out of the room, I turn back to him.
“How did you know which school I taught at? How did you know I would be here? How---”
He just stood there laughing at me.
“Well I knew you would be here because its a Wednesday and that’s a school day. And I knew where you were because I called your apartment and Sarah told me how to get here. I thought I would surprise you.”
Well, I had to hand it to him. I was surprised. So surprised, that I still couldn’t believe he was standing in front of me.
“So, Anna, how about I take you out for a nice lunch?”
Well, how could I say no to that?