I hate Mondays.
I never thought about the fact that I would have to go to school every Monday for the rest of my life when I became a teacher. I’ve always despised Mondays and I still do. The only thing that’s good about this particular Monday is that it’s the only school day of the week.
It’s almost 2 o’clock which means that it’s project time for the kids. Today they are making turkeys out of their hands since Thanksgiving is in two days. As I walk around and help them trace their hands, my cell phone starts to ring over on my desk and it makes all the kids jump.
“Sorry about that guys, just keep working on your turkeys, this will just take a second.” I tell them as I rush over to my desk to answer the phone. Before I open it up I look at the front display to see that’s it’s AJ, so I pick it up and say, “Heyy.”
“Hey what’s goin’ on?” he asks.
“Not much, just making hand turkeys.”
“Sounds extremely exhilarating.”
“Oh it is. So what’s up?”
“Well I was wondering if you were free this afternoon.”
“Hmm, it depends.” I say sarcastically.
“I’m going shopping and I don’t want to go alone so I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me.”
“Well in that case, no I’m not busy.”
“Good. What time does school get out?”
“2:45. I usually don’t get home until 3:15 though.”
“How about four o’clock?”
“Sounds good.”
“Cool, so I’ll pick you up at four then.”
“K, see ya.”
* Later that Afternoon*
He picked me up right on time, four o’clock, and we headed to our destination. It didn’t even occur to me that the places we would be going to would be places that I would have never stepped foot in before, knowing I could never afford anything. Now, the two of us are browsing around the Armani Exchange. All the women and men walking around here are just beautiful; all of them toned, tall, and tanned to perfection. That’s what you get for living in Los Angeles.
“So what are we shopping for anyways?” I ask him as we slowly make our way around the store.
“Well the AMA’s are tomorrow night and I don’t have anything to wear.” He says looking through a rack of shirts. He pulls out a plain black, long sleeved dress shirt and holds it up to himself, turning towards me.
“No, it’s too plain.”
He turns back around and sifts through the shirts again, pulling out one that was orange, blue and green with a flower pattern.
“Ew. Do you want me to vomit.” I say laughing.
“I was kidding.” He says smiling and putting it back.
“Good because I was a little worried about your mental health for a second there.”
He turns around for the third time holding a pink shirt with tiny black dots covering the whole thing.
“Now that one is hot. I like a man in pink.”
“Well then I guess I’ll just have to try it on. Do you want to look over in the women’s part first?”
“For what, I can’t buy anything.”
“Just to look around. Come on.” He says grabbing my hand and leading me to the women’s section.
We walk over and start to look at all the dresses and skirts on the wall. Everything is amazingly spectacular. There wasn’t one dress that I wouldn’t love to wear. They have every color and cut you could ask for. When we were done browsing and about to head to the dressing room so he could try on his shirt, I stop.
There in front of me is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. I guess you could call it my dream dress.
“Oh my god!” I say walking over to it and taking it off the rack.
The top is strapless and has a heart shaped cut. The bottom part poufs out just the right amount; just enough to look pretty and not like you’re wearing a tutu, and it ends right in the middle of the knee. The whole thing is black except for a pink band that is about 5 inches wide, wrapped around the waist. On the back of the band rests a large pink bow, tied perfectly.
“Now that’s a nice dress.” I hear AJ say from behind me.
“It’s gorgeous.” I say in almost a whisper, still admiring it.
“Try it on.”
“No. I don’t need to.” I say, carefully hanging it back up.
“No you’re trying it on.”
He grabs it back off the rack just as an employee walks over to us.
“AJ! How are you? You didn’t tell me you where coming in today!”
“Hey, sorry it was a last minute thing. Karen this is Anna, and Anna this is Karen, she usually helps me when I come here.”
After we say hello and shake hands, she asks, “So do you guys need a dressing room?”
“Actually yeah. We have some things to try on.”
“Alrighty then, I’ll take your clothes and you can just follow me back.”
So we do as she says. We follow her to the back of the store and then into a luxurious room with white carpeting, a huge white couch in the middle, and mirrors all around. There is one section with a white cloth hanging to the floor where we are to change.
“This is our special dressing room, only for important people.” She informs me smiling.
“It’s really nice.” I tell her sitting down on the couch.
“So AJ here’s your shirt, and did you have any pants to try on?”
“Well what were you thinking? Just regular dress pants?”
“No, I’d rather have something different.”
“Hmm..….Oh! How about a pair of black suspenders! They are different and we just got a bunch of new ones in.” She says excitedly.
“Sounds good.” He says. Right away, she puts on her head set and asks an employee to bring her back a pair and within seconds, AJ is in behind the curtain trying on his outfit.
After only a few short minutes, he emerges from behind the drape dressed in the shirt and suspenders.
“So what do you think?” he asks looking at himself in the mirror.
“It’s perfect, you look really good.” I tell him. Not only does he look good, he looks hot. I just stare at him, looking at his reflection. We all know I have thought he was good looking from the first moment I saw him and that I have always had a little crush on him, but I have to admit that lately, spending so much time with him has made me think about it more.
“Well then, I guess this outfits a winner.” He says as he heads back behind the curtain. When he reappears, he pulls me off the couch and pushes me into the dressing room.
“Now you try on your dress.”
“No, I really shouldn’t….”
“Stop. Try it on.” He says grinning and then ducking out of sight.
Well, I guess I have no choice. It’s not that I don’t want to try it on, because I really do, but it’s just that I know I could never have it. I quickly shed my clothing and then carefully slip on the dress. After zipping up the side, I take a deep breath and step out.
“Wow.” AJ says straightening up from his slouched position on the couch. I give him a smile and then turn to one of the mirrors.
Wow is right. The dress is so beautiful and it fits every curve of my body perfectly. “Anna that dress looks amazing on you.” Karen says walking over to stand next to me. “So do you want me to take it up to the register with AJ’s things?’
“Oh, no, I was just trying it on….”
“Karen take it up with you.” AJ says from behind me.
“Great! I’ll just grab a new one from the back.” She says leaving the room.
“What are you doing? It’s so expensive and I really don’t need it!”
“Actually you do.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Anna will you be my date for the AMA’s tomorrow night?”
My mouth drops open in shock. “Are you serious?” I ask as he stands there grinning at me.
“Yep, I’m serious.”
“Oh my God Alex! Of course I’ll go.” I say excitedly as I rush over and give him a hug.
“Good, now, go get dressed while I go and pay for our things.”
*The Next Day*
“Baylee honey don’t touch that! It’s hot!” Leighanne says to the little boy who is pointing his finger dangerously close to the curling iron. He makes an evil little laugh and then runs out to cause some damage elsewhere.
Leighanne, Kristin, and I are all seated in the master bathroom at Brian and Leighanne’s house with people swarming all over. I never knew how much work went into getting ready for an award show. It’s around two thirty in the afternoon (or at least I think it is due to the fact that I haven’t been anywhere near a clock for hours) and all of us are supposed to arrive on the read carpet by three thirty. It’s crunch time and it’s more hectic in here than ever.
There are two women for each one of us; one doing our hair and the other doing our nails and make-up. Kristin is getting her hair put up into a sleek ponytail while Leighanne is leaving hers straight. I got mine straightened and now it is being curled into loose curls. I must say we all look gorgeous. For me, this is a whole new thing. I have never gotten my make-up or hair done this nice, ever! I really do feel like a princess.
“So does Nick know?” I hear Kristin from one of my sides.
“Does Nick know that I’m going with one of his best friends? Uh, that would be no, unless Alex told him.”
“Isn’t it going to be awkward though? What do you think he’ll do?” Leighanne asks.
“Of course it’ll be weird and awkward but I’m just gonna try to have a good time. Nick is not going to ruin my night. And plus, it’s not like I wouldn’t eventually see him. I’m still friends with all of you so it was bound to happen. I still want to be friends with him; we have known each other for so long, but being his girlfriend is too much.”
“How are my lovely ladies coming along?” says Brian appearing behind us, already dressed and ready.
“We’re good.” Leighanne says to him smiling.
“Any word from the others?” Kristin asks.
“Actually they’re all on their way over here with the limo.”
“What!?” All three of us scream at the same time, sending the woman working on us almost falling over backwards.
We jump out of the chairs and rush into the bedroom. Leighanne shoves Brian out of the room as we throw off our robes and help into our dresses. About five minutes later, there’s a knock on the door and Brian’s voice yelling, “They’re here ladies, let’s go!”
After a few last minute make-up fixes and a couple looks in the mirror, we leave the bedroom finally ready in our dresses and heals. We make our way down the stairs and towards the living room where they are all waiting. As soon as we enter the room , we are greeted with whistles and clapping.
“You girls look so beautiful!” Kevin says as he walks over to his wife and wraps her in his arms.
Looking around the room, I see Nick standing behind all the rest, arms crossed over his chest, staring at the ground. I try to ignore it and turn my attention to AJ, who was walking towards me with a huge grin on his face. When he reaches me, he pulls me close, grabs my arm, and brings his head to my ear and whispers, “I have something for you.”
He lets go of one of my arms and moves his hand down my other one until our hands meet. He closes his fingers around mine and leads me away from the group and into the kitchen.
When we enter, he stops and digs around in his pocket until he pulls out a long, black velvet box. He opens it to reveal a diamond necklace sparkling in the light shining down from the ceiling.
“Oh my god! Alex you already got me so much….”
“Oh stop. You deserve it and I thought it would go with your outfit.” He says smiling warmly at me.
“It’s so beautiful.” I say lifting it up from it’s carrier.
“Here, let me help.”
He takes the necklace and walks behind me. As he pulls my hair over to one side, his fingers brush the back of my neck, sending chills down my spine. Jesus what is wrong with me. Every time he touches me I get a feeling, one that I can’t really explain.
When he closes the clasp, he walks back so he’s standing in front of me and says, “Anna you look amazing; absolutely beautiful.”
I feel my cheeks getting red, just like they always do when I receive a compliment. I’m not used to people telling me I’m beautiful. Well, my parents tell me that but I never believe them, they have to say that. I don’t even think Nick told me I was beautiful, he just told me how hot he thought I was.
“Thanks.” I say back to him.
All of a sudden I hear Kevin’s voice echoing through the house, “Let’s go you two! We’re all waiting!”
“My lady.” He says in a scary British accent and sticks his arm out, indicating that I should grab it.
I walk to him laughing and wrap my around his as we stroll out of the house and into the limo.
*20 minutes Later*
“So how long will be on the red carpet?” Howie asks as we all sit in the limo getting closer to the theater.
“It’s not going to be too long since we only have to take some pictures then go inside, so I’m thinking fifteen to twenty minutes.” Answers Kevin.
AJ looks over and me and says, “So you ready for your first red carpet?”
“Ha I don’t know. I think when I get out there I will be standing there with my mouth open. You’ll have to pull me down it.”
“You’ll be fine, don’t worry about. Besides, I won’t let you go more than ten feet away from me. You’re my date tonight.”
Only a few short minutes later we arrived on the red carpet. When we get out of the limo I can barely see anything. The cameras are flashing everywhere and the photographers are screaming their names, telling them to look to the right and left. Fans are screaming at them to come and sign autographs and take pictures with them. For a split second all I want to do was jump back into the limo and go home, but then I feel AJ grab my hand and pull me close to him.
“Just breathe and smile.” He says to me quietly, so I do as he says and within a few seconds, I am posing in front of a massive group of photographers along with the other girls and the rest of the guys. AJ has his arm going around my back with his hand gently placed on my hip, and Howie was on my other side. I wasn’t sure where Nick was, but I didn’t care. That first feeling of being overwhelmed had passed and now I had on my biggest smile for the cameras.
Once we finished the group photos, the girls and I stepped off to the side so just the boys could get their pictures taken. As we stand off to the edge of the red carpet, my eyes begin to wander and all around me were celebrities. There is Kelly Clarkson, Mariah Carey, Will Smith, Gwen Stefani, and every other big music star there is. I can’t believe I am actually on a red carpet with all these people. It’s amazing.
When the photos were done the boys grabbed us and we all went inside to take our seats. Almost right after we sit down, I lean over to AJ and say, “Thank you so much for bringing me.” Then I lean over and give him a light kiss on the cheek. When I settle back into my chair, he reaches his hand over and grabs mine, and we sit there talking and holding hands until the show starts.
*Three Hours Later*
Although it is amazing seeing, and being around all of those stars, award shows are completely and utterly exhausting. The first hour of the show was great but then I found myself having to straighten myself up in the chair every ten minutes. It seemed to just keep going and going.
When we exit the theater and walk back outside we all decide we just want to go home. Thanksgiving is tomorrow and nobody wants to have a hangover from a night out partying. We all pile back into the limo, but before we leave, we realize that Nick didn’t get in with us.
“I’ll see if I can find him.” Brian says making his way to the door and stepping back outside. Brian walks only a few steps until he stops, and I see through the open door why he did.
“Hey Nick you coming?” Brian asks him.
“No sorry man, I was just coming to tell you guys I’m gonna go to a few parties. I’ll see ya later.” He says and as Brian moves to get back into the car, I see that Nick has his arm draped around the neck of a trashy looking blonde with long hair and humungous fake boobs. He sees me looking and smirks before he turns around and heads in the opposite direction with the blonde.
I close my eyes and scoot closer to AJ who wraps his arm around me while I lower my head down onto his shoulder.
I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know AJ is gently removing his arm from behind me.
“Hey sorry to wake you but we’re back.”
I look out the window to see my apartment building next to the car and also realize that we are the only two left in the limo.
I gather my things and then we both get out and walk into the building. We make our way up to my room in silence and when we reach the door I turn back around to face him.
“Thanks for coming with me, it was really great.” He says to me.
“No, no, no. Thank you for taking me. It was perfect.”
“No, it’s not perfect yet.”
All of a sudden he brings me close and our lips meet. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck. As he stands there kissing me, I kiss him right back. The whole time I feel like I am on cloud nine. This feels right. I feel safe with him. I would give anything to just stay here kissing him, but all too soon it’s over, and he pulls away.
“Now it’s perfect.” He says smiling. He turns around and walks back down the hallway. I stand there for a few seconds before walking into the apartment with a smile plastered onto my face.
I walk into the bedroom, quickly remove my dress, and fall into a deep, peaceful sleep.