The next morning, I am woken up bright an early by Sarah who wants to know all the details of my night.
Now I’m sitting on a stool in the kitchen talking over the sounds of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade blaring from the TV and Sarah’s cussing. She’s trying to make sweet potatoes to bring to my house tonight for Thanksgiving dinner, since her family went out of town.
“So he kissed you?” She asks, vigorously stirring a bowl full of orange goop.
“Yeah.” I say blushing while a tiny smile creeps over my face.
“Well you know you can’t date him.”
“Uh, why not?” I ask, surprised at her comment.
“Because he’s one of Nick’s best friends, that’s why not. That’s kind of a shitty thing to do.”
“Well I’m done with Nick. It’s not like I broke up with him because Alex and I were having some secret love affair. I mean what if I really like him? It wouldn’t be fair if I couldn’t date someone because they are close to Nick.”
“You probably just like him because you don’t like not having a boyfriend. You do it all the time. After you and a boyfriend break up you find a rebound guy, and this time it’s AJ.” She says adding things into the bowl.
“Well what if he’s not just a rebound guy.” I whisper to myself, not meaning for her to hear it.
She turns to me and says “If he’s not, then I will totally be surprised.”
I take a deep breath and decide to change the subject. “So is Scott coming with us tonight?”
“Yep. He’s coming over in a little bit. He’s so sweet; he asked if he could bring anything!”
“Oh god.” I say laughing at her.
“Shut up! So are you sure I need to make so many sweet potatoes? I feel like I’m cooking for an army.” She says arranging marshmallows on top of the potatoes before putting them in the oven.
“Yes I’m sure. Do you not remember how many people are in my family? You can barely walk around in my house when they are all there.”
“Oh yeah; forgot about that.”
*Later That Afternoon*
Sarah, Scott, and I pull up to my parent’s house at around 4 o’clock. We walk up to the door , each of us carrying a pan full of potatoes, but before I could even open the door, it is opened for me.
“Hello everyone!” My mom says in her party voice. Years ago I had established that she had two different voices. One was her normal one and then there is an overly cheery party one.
She hurries us into the house and within seconds she takes the food out of our hands and pushes us into the living room, right into the middle of all of the relatives.
The house is full of aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. I’m used to the fact that I have a huge Italian family, and Sarah’s is pretty big too, but I look over at Scott who looks completely overwhelmed. I have to hold my breath to keep myself from laughing.
After the hellos and introductions, the three of us find a space to sit at a table in the backyard. It didn’t take long for some of my relatives to close in on me, and soon the table was full.
I had been dreading the drilling I was gonna get from all of them but I knew it would come sooner or later, and sitting at that table, it didn’t take long for the subject to come up.
“Anna I read in the paper about you and Nick. What happened?” Asks my aunt Sue.
“Yeah, what was it like dating him? Did he cheat on you? Or did he have sex with you and leave?” asks a cousin.
“Jeez you guys. It wasn’t anything like that, it just wasn’t working.”
“No juicy details?” Aunt Sue says.
“No, not really.”
Like I’m really going to tell them he has a minor drinking problem and was kind of an asshole.
“So what about you and AJ,? You went to that award show thing with him yesterday. I saw you on TV!” Says my fourteen year old cousin Rebecca.
“What about AJ and I?” I ask her.
“Well I thought you two looked cute together. You guys were matching. He was wearing that pink shirt and you had a pink band and bow on your dress.” She says smiling at me.
“They’re just friends.” Sarah says to them.
As most of them get up from the table, displeased with the answer they had received, I turn to Sarah.
“I think I’m capable of answering questions that are about me.” I say to her.
“I know you are, but I’m just helping out. You two are just friends, nothing else.”
I’m glad she’s making my life decisions for me now.
After having most of the relatives make their rounds around to me, and asking me about my Backstreet Boys experiences, my mom lets us all know that it’s time for dinner.
We walk into the dining room where we added two extra tables to fit everyone. Sarah, Scott, my sister (who had arrived just minutes before) and I take our seats near the end of the third table, so if we needed to escape we could.
When everyone is situated, my dad stands up at the head of the table, and starts distributing the slices of turkey. I make sure to load my plate up with everything we had, except for the green beans. They make me sick, always have.
After only about five minutes of cramming food into my mouth, I jump as I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I lean back to pull it out and look at the caller ID. My heart jumps, seeing that it’s AJ. I feel Sarah’s head leaning across my body to see who it was and once she sees, she looks up and whispers, “Don’t answer it.”
“I have to.” I whisper back. I start to stand up but she grabs my arm. My dad looks down the table and sees us.
“Anna?” he asks is an angry voice.
“Uh, excuse us for a second.” I say pulling Sarah out of her seat and rushing to the back of my house to my old bedroom.
When we are both inside, I shut the door and flip open my phone.
“Turn on the speaker!” Sarah says at the last second, so I hit the button and turn it on.
“Hey.” I say into the phone.
“Hey sweetie, whatcha doin’?” He asks.
“I’m at my parent’s house. We’re in the middle of shoving turkey down our throats.”
“Oh shit. Sorry interrupting, so I guess I’ll make this quick. I was wondering if you wanted to come over tomorrow, just to hang out and stuff.”
I look up and turn my head to Sarah. She shakes her head at me and mouths ‘NO!’. I bite my bottom lip, trying to decide what to do, but then I realize, why should I listen to her? I should do what I want. I don’t care if she thinks I shouldn’t see him.
“That sounds great.” I tell him as Sarah falls down backwards onto my bed and lets out a deep breath.
“Ok great, I’ll email my address to you, and I’ll see you tomorrow! Have fun with the turkey.”
“Oh I will. Bye.” I say and hang up the phone.
“Why did you say yes?” Sarah asks, pushing herself up from the bed.
“Because I like him that’s why. If you don’t think I should see him, well, you should get used to the fact that I’m gonna see him if I want to.”
She just stands there smiling at me.
“What?” I ask her, confused.
“You’re finally growing some balls and standing up to me. It’s about damn time!” And at this, we both leave the room laughing.