“I don’t know what to think if this is your idea of a nice lunch, but I guess some things never change.” I say with a laugh
“Nope, they don’t.” Nick says with a full mouth of McDonalds.
I wasn’t surprised our lunch had ended up being going through the McDonald’s drive through and then eating it in the car. Even when Nick and I were dating all those years ago we never really did anything too fancy. He was just never that kind of guy, but I didn’t mind it so much.
“So how has the tour been going? I mean I know you have told me, but anything else exciting happen?” I asked.
“Naw. Nothing as exciting as coming home. I needed this little break before we go to Europe. I think we all do actually. And I am really glad that I‘m gonna get to spend some time with you.”
That’s the only thing I could think about. Spending time with her. Yeah, I know she is like one of my best friends and I haven’t been too great to her in the past, but I just love talking to her and never getting to spend time with her makes it even harder. She is the only one who I can call and whine to and won’t yell at me. All these years I have always had a thing for her. Even if I had a girlfriend it just wouldn’t go away.
“Nick it really makes me wonder why this time you are home you seem so keen on spending soooo much time with me when before you didn’t seem to care very much.” She says.
Great. The interrogation begins.
“It was never that I didn’t care. You know how busy my schedule is. I just missed you so much and I felt bad about not seeing you all those times that I decided we can spend all of the two weeks together.”
“Oh so you decided that I would just drop all my plans and spend every waking minute for the next 14 days with you? You know I can’t do that.” She says laughing again.
I wish she could.
“Well I know not every minute but how about most of them?” I say.
“Hmm….I guess I could handle that. But there is one thing you have to do for me or else the deal is off.” Anna says.
“Ok shoot.” I say, bracing myself for whatever she is going to ask.
“You have to take a shower EVERYDAY, and you can’t forget to wear deodorant.”
“Ok, I’ll do it. Only for you though.” I say in sort of an embarrassed way.
“Ah glad to hear it. So what do you have planned first?” she asks
“Be at my house tomorrow at 5. I’m having the guys over for a BBQ and I want you to meet them. Nothing fancy just a good old BBQ.”
“Well once again Mr. Carter how could I say no to an offer like that? Now if you don’t mind I think you should take me back to the school before the munchkins decide to kill each other.”