alrighty guys...before you read the chapter i just want to say that i am sooo sorry to all my readers that i haven't updated in a super long time. life has been busy and all that stuff but i promise i'll pick the story back up now that i have more i hope you guys like it!!!
Chapter *30*
“Hey, throw me that puffy jacket hanging up in the back.” I yell to Sarah as she rummages through my closet.
She removes it from the hanger and tosses it in my direction.
“There is no way that is gonna fit in there.” She informs me.
“Well it has to. I’m not taking another bag. I’ll make it fit.” I tell her as I shove the jacket into my suitcase and then throw myself on top of it to zip it up.
“I seriously can’t believe he is flying you out to New York! I am so incredibly jealous and not to mention mad at you because we were supposed to go to together for the first time.”
“Oh we’ll still go one day. What do you want me to tell him… ‘Oh sorry Alex I can’t come to New York to see you because Sarah is too jealous.’ I don’t think so.”
“I know I know. I hope you have enough warm clothes though.”
“I am almost one-hundred percent sure I don’t. We live in California where there is no winter, so that means I have no winter clothes. I mean, I bought a couple of new things but not much.”
“Well just shop while you’re there!”
“Oh you know I will.” I tell her laughing.
“Well let’s get your bags down to the car, your plane leaves in one hour!” She says grabbing one of my suitcases.
“Good idea.”
The two of us load up the car with my things and hop in to go to the airport. When Sarah drops me off at the curb, she hugs me and reminds me to buy her something while I’m there. After having and employee take my bags, I head to the gate and arrive just as they are boarding. I take my seat in first class and immediately whip out my iPod for the long trip. When the captain announces we have reached cruising level, I unbuckle my seatbelt, turn on my music, and lean back in the chair.
Alex and the boys have been away doing shows for radio stations during the Christmas season, and last weekend Alex told me he was going to fly me out for the New York show. I was so excited, and not only because I was going to New York, but because I missed him. Ever since that rainy day we have been dating. We spend a lot of time together doing almost everything.
The only problem is that we haven’t really told anybody. Well, Sarah knows and Alex told Kevin, but as for the rest of the guys….they don’t know. We both thought it would be best that Nick and the others didn’t find out we were together until later on, so we’ve been sneaking around most of the time, but not only from them, but from the paparazzi too.
The only reason I’m even going out to see them is because Kevin helped Alex tell the guys it would be a good idea if I came out since they all missed me so much. I’m sure Nick isn’t too happy about it, but this trip isn’t about him…just me and Alex.
*A Few Hours Later*
I stand up from my seat and try to stretch my legs out as much as I can. The flight to New York wasn’t nearly as long as the one to Italy, but for someone who doesn’t like planes….it was a long trip.
As soon as the isle had cleared, I moved my way out and reached up to grab one of my bags from the overhead container. Once it was slung around my shoulder, I joined in the line of people getting off the plane.
As I make my way toward the exit, I realize that I didn’t know who I am supposed to be looking for. Alex never told me if he was picking me up or if he was sending somebody to do it. I’m almost positive he sent someone though because he can barely go to the grocery store without being followed and it would be even worse in an airport with hundreds of people.
When I finally emerge from the gate, I scan the room to see if I can figure out who is taking me to the hotel. As I expected, I don’t see anyone, so I walk over to a row of chairs and set my bag down. I start to rummage through it and at the bottom, find my cell phone.
Before I dial, I take another quick glance around, and that’s when I spot a man standing in a far corner of the terminal. He’s wearing a black suit with a black driver’s hat. He is slumped against the wall looking at the floor seeming to be extremely bored with his life, and in his hand he is dangling a white sheet of paper with my name written on it.
He couldn’t be the one picking me up could he?
I decide it’s best if I just go talk to him so a grab my bag and slowly make my way over to him. As I get closer he doesn’t even look up, giving me the feeling that he’s sleeping since I couldn’t see his eyes due to the sunglasses he was wearing. Great. He sent some shady guy who stands in corners and falls asleep standing up.
When I get close enough to him, he finally brings his head up from its dangling position.
“Uh, excuse me sir, you are looking for Anna right?” I ask the man.
“You know I am.” He says flashing a huge smile, and with that he lifts his glasses up just slightly to reveal a pair of kind, familiar eyes.
“Oh my G…..” I start to squeal but he cuts me off, pushing his finger to his lips signaling for me to not acknowledge that it’s him.
I can barely hold back from throwing myself at him while we go down to get the rest of my bags, but I know it would just cause commotion.
While we stand there grabbing my bags, I can’t keep a smile off my face. I knew he wouldn’t send some creep to come and get me. It made me feel so special just knowing that he cared about me enough to come into this huge airport, with the potential of someone recognizing him, just to pick me up.
When the bags were on a cart, he led me out of the airport and into the pick-up area. A light snow was falling as he opened the door of a town car for me. I climbed while he loaded my bags into the trunk. When he was done, he opened the door and slid onto the seat next to me, removing his sunglasses.
He took off the hat and placed it on the head of the man sitting in the front seat, whom I hadn’t even noticed upon first entering.
“Thanks for the hat Al. Now, take us to the hotel” he tells to the driver.
As soon as he gives the directions, he turns back to me, and within seconds, pulls me into his arms. After a few straight minutes of kissing, he says, “ Oh hi, by the way.”
I break out laughing realizing we hadn’t even said hello to each other, and through my giggling say, “Hi to you too.”
I lean back into his arms and glance out the window. I have never been in real snow, and it was just beautiful. As we enter the heart of the city, a feeling of warmth comes over my whole body. Being here, in New York, with Alex is the best thing I could have asked for.