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Chapter 31

“Can I help you?” Veronica questioned as she pulled a new pair of gloves on.

“Veronica? Is that you?”

Veronica smiled; the girl didn’t look familiar.

“God, I didn’t even recognize you, it’s been so long. It’s Lisa Rivers.”

She blinked, her eyes widening suddenly.

“Oh my god, hi!”

“Hi! Wow, how are you?”

“I’m alright, here, come down here.”

Veronica motioned her down to the end of the counter.

“Yeah? I haven’t seen you since you moved what, three years ago?”

“That sounds about right. Yeah, I had to get away, make my own life you know?”

“I hear ya. I got married!” Lisa exclaimed, grinning.

“You did? Congratulations!”

“Thanks, I’m pregnant too. Due early next year.”

“Oh wow! I can’t believe it, you’re gonna be a Mom! That’s so great Lisa.”

She was stunned to say the least, Lisa was about four years younger than she was and here she was married and ready to start a family, she really was behind.

“Thanks. So tell me, how’s your Brother, your Mom, Dad?”

“Bryan’s doing good, he lives in Georgia now with my Dad.”

“You’re Mom’s not there?”

“Nah, they got divorced a few years ago.”

Lisa gasped, “Really? God I had no idea!”

Veronica shrugged, “It’s cool, they’re happier now.”

“How are you doing?”

“I’m alright, really. It was for the best, Mom wasn’t happy and she is now, it’s all worth it in the end.”

“I just can’t believe it, I never knew. Did you ever tell anyone? Does Christa or Melanie know?”

“Nah, I never said anything to anyone, even when everything was going on. Not something ya really talk about,” Veronica shifted uncomfortably. She didn’t want pity; she didn’t want anyone looking at her like her life had fallen apart. It hadn’t, just her family.

“I never expected it, your parents always seemed so happy,” Lisa frowned.

“Yeah I know,” she really didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

“God Veronica, I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah, me too. It’s over and done with and I’m fine and everyone else is so…”

Lisa nodded, “Yeah, well, give me a call if you ever need to talk.”

Veronica took the slip of paper with her number on it she offered and slipped it in her pocket.

“I will, thanks.”

“Well I’ll let you go, it was nice to see you again! Keep in touch please, we’ll have to get together sometime.”

“Sure sounds good.”


Veronica watched her leave, sighing heavily. She hated to think about the divorce, not that she avoided it, she’d dealt with it, or rather was still dealing with it. She found however, that it was better to deal with it, but not let it take over her life like she let it in the beginning. Sometimes she could forget long enough to pretend her Dad was just at work and that he’d be home on the weekend, she’d gotten good at that. It was what she’d been used to since she could remember. Her Dad being a truck driver caused him to be gone for a week at a time, sometimes longer, only to come home for two days and then head right back out again. If she tried hard enough, she could pretend that’s what was happen.

Turning and making her way into the kitchen, she’d call him tonight.

“Hey Dad.”

“Well hello, to what do I owe the pleasure? Is something wrong?”

“No Dad, nothings wrong, I just wanted to talk to you.”


“Are you busy?”

“No no, just eating some dinner.”

“I can call you back if you want?”

“No, it’s fine, really. So what’s going on?”

“Nothing, just relaxing.”

“Did you work today?”

“Yeah, just got home about an hour ago and I’m making myself some dinner actually.”

They talked for a little longer when her Dad said he had to go and get ready for bed. They hung up a short time later and Veronica sat to the table staring blankly at the phone. The conversation for the most part had been good, he’d gotten on her case towards the end about her job again and left her feeling a bit angry and frustrated, but she could handle it. It was one of their better conversations, with a bit of humor thrown in. Why couldn’t all calls be like that? Why couldn’t they just talk?

Rubbing at her eyes, she stood and made her way back into the kitchen finish dinner. That was too much to ask, that’s why.