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Chapter 6

“So you saw him and all you said was “Yeah thank god?” Lynne questioned.

“He was going in to work!”

“Have I taught you nothing Veronica?”

She sighed.

“Next time, try an actual conversation.”

“I couldn’t Lynne! He had to work!”

“So that doesn’t make a difference, you told me yourself you avoid talking to him when you two work together.”

Veronica really had to learn to keep her mouth shut.

“Yeah so?”

“So you wouldn’t have said anything to him had you had the opportunity anyway!”

“You don’t know that, maybe I would’ve!”

Lynne cleared her throat, “Anyway, so I think we should go out on Friday, Friday nights are meant to be spent out at the clubs.”

“Yeah sure, ok Lynne, whatever you say,” Veronica knew it was pointless in trying to argue with her, she had her mind set on something and there was no stopping her.

“Great, so I’ll see you around seven ok?”


“Ok good, you’ll thank me later.”

“Right, look Lynne I’m gonna let you go for now, gonna hop online and check my mail.”

“Fine ditch me for a bunch of junk mail and porn, I see how it is.”

“Lynne, porn is junk mail.”

“I like to give it it’s own special category.”

“Uh huh, anyway, I’ll see ya tomorrow night then.”


Veronica hung up and headed over to her room; booting her computer up and then heading out into the kitchen to make herself something quick for dinner. To say that she was addicted to the Internet would be an understatement. After making a quick sandwich, she headed back into her room, plate in hand. She sat in her computer chair and quickly dialed up, she needed to get dsl, but she couldn’t afford it right now, twenty-two bucks she could.

Quickly she went through her routine of checking her email and going to the various sites she hit daily, looking around for anything interesting to read. She had this whole other life online that no one really knew about, Lynne knew and the people online and that was it basically. After taking care of what needed to be taken care, she decided to mess around a bit and head to some sites she hadn’t been to in a while. She went to her bookmarks and clicked on one, waiting while the page loaded.

What she also didn’t tell a lot of people about was her huge interest in the Backstreet Boys. She’d been a fan for about six years and was still going strong, it outlasted any of her other likes for a group and whatnot. She’d met a lot of people through them from all over the world. It really was amazing that one had no idea how big their following was until they went online and saw the fans from literally all over the world coming together through their love and appreciation of these five guys.

After looking around the site to see that was no change from the way it’d been the last two years or so, she decided to head over to one of the guys individual sites. She waited again for it to load, cursing dial up and then scrolled around the site. Even Nick’s page left little to be desired. Nick Carter was one of the members of the Backstreet Boys who’d recently gone solo, so he had his own official site. She’d scanned through it numerous times before, learning what little she didn’t know. Making her way around, she clicked on the “Contact Us” page and looked around once it loaded. They gave the email address of the people who kept up the page and then an email address in care of the site where you could email Nick. She’d done it before and of course hadn’t received a response; not that she was really expecting one.

What she now noticed though, was that they had an actual address where you could write to him in care of his fan club. She was a part of his fan club, but she didn’t remember ever seeing anything about this in any of the newsletters. Not that it mattered anyway, it’s not like he ever read the mail he got and even if he did, it’s not like he responded. She stared longingly at the address, why waste her time wondering what would happen if? Looking around, she found a scrap piece of paper and scribbled the address down, this really was stupid. She didn’t know why, but she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write him, even if nothing did happen.

She logged off, grabbing an envelope from the box beside her computer and walked over to her bed, grabbing a notebook and a pen. She sat down and got her clipboard, setting the notebook on it opening to a new page before clipping it down. She dated it and thought a minute before starting to write.

Dear Nick,
Hi Nick, my name is Veronica Peterson and I just wanted to write you and say that I’m a really big fan of yours and I enjoy the music you did with the Backstreet Boys and of course your solo stuff too.

I wanted to say that you’ve influenced and inspired me in so many ways, ways I can’t even begin to tell you. I can listen to your music and automatically be put into a good mood. We’re the same age, so a lot of the things you talk about, I can relate to, which is nice.

You’re so good to your fans and that really means a lot to us. I know that I speak for a lot of your fans when I say we’re anxiously awaiting your new album!

I hope you’re doing well, take care!

PS. Feel free to write back when and if you have the chance.

There, simple and to the point, she figured she wouldn’t spend a lot of time on a letter he’d never read. She read the letter once, then twice then a third time, checking for spelling errors. Confident that it was as good as it was gonna get, she addressed the envelope and stuck the folded letter inside, adding a stamp and her address label. She stopped a Moment, before getting up and getting another envelope, adding an address label in the center and a stamp in the corner and folding it, stuffing it inside the envelope too. She’d always heard that adding a self addressed stamped envelope helped big time in getting a response.

Not that she expected one of course.