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Chapter 69

“That’s good, let’s run through that once more and then we’ll break for lunch,” John announced.

The guys waited while the music played, running through their verses. Once they finished, they removed their headphones, starting to file out the booth.

“Ok, you know the drill guys. Meet back here at one thirty.” John announced.

“God, I’m starving today for some reason,” AJ groaned, reaching behind him to pull his wallet out of his pocket, starting for the door behind Howie and Kevin.

“AJ…wait up man,” Brian called, making his way over to him, his lunch bag in hand.

“I’ll be back, gonna go get lunch.”

“Nah, you don’t have to.”

“I don’t?”

“Nope,” Brian held out a second bag to him.

“What’s this?” AJ asked, reaching out to take the bag.

“Lunch. I told Leighanne how you had such a fit about my lunch last time, that she made one for ya this morning too,” Brian chuckled.

AJ’s eyes lit up, “No shit?”


“Sweet!” AJ exclaimed, opening the bag and looking inside. “Ohh hey, she even packed me my own bottle of pop too!

“You’re a dope J,” Brian groaned.

“Hey…what’s at the bottom?” AJ shook the bag, reaching inside and pulling out a handful of cheerio’s.

“Oh, those are from Baylee. He wanted to help his Mom with your lunch, so he gave you what he was having for breakfast,” Brian grinned.

“See, cause he knows how to SHARE, unlike his Dad,” AJ grinned smugly.

“Yeah yeah, ya got a lunch didn’t ya?”

“Well tell Leighanne and my little buddy I said thanks. Man, I haven’t had a homemade lunch in so long,” AJ beamed as he made his way into the conference room after Brian.

Grinning, Nick pulled his phone out, checking for messages. Suddenly a familiar voice called out to him.

“Hey Nick!”

He looked up, his eyes widening, “Aaron! What are you doing here man?”

“Nice to see you too,” Aaron groaned, making his way over.

Nick chuckled, “Sorry, just shocked is all.”

“Yeah whatever. I just wanted to come by and see how you were. It’s been awhile ya know.”

“Yeah man, c’mon, let’s go over here,” Nick pulled him over to one of the couches, sitting.

They sat, Aaron turning to look at him.

“Have you heard from BJ lately?”

Nick shook his head, “Nah, last time I saw her she was pissed at me. Can’t say I blame her either.”

“You should go see her.”

“I dunno, I don’t know if she even wants to see me.”

“She does, believe me.”

Nick looked at him, “How do you know?”

“She’s been asking about you, calling me and asking if I’ve heard from you,” Aaron explained.

“She’s pretty pissed at me AC; she barely even looked at me last time. I’m having a hard time believing it.”

“Well it’s the truth, if you wanna believe it or not.”

Nick sighed, rubbing at his eyes. He wanted to see his sister, all of them more, his brother too. But his parents made it so hard. He really didn’t want to have to deal with his Mom, she was the reason he kept away. It shouldn’t be like that he knew, but it was so hard.

“It’s Mom isn’t it?”


“The reason why you don’t see her or Leslie, and Dad for me and Angel.”

He looked away, “It’s not right I know, but…”

“Nah, I get it, I’m the same way. Why do you think I stay away? Mom’s like…she bitches and complains, and then Dad. He gets defensive and pissed off if I even mention that I’m thinking of going to see her or BJ or Leslie. I’m damned if I do and I’m damned if I don’t.”

“How’d our family get so fucked up Aaron? How’d it get so bad?”

Aaron shook his head, sighing, “I don’t know. I think though, we should go see BJ and Leslie together, I‘ll see if I can get Angel to come too.”

“Yeah, I guess that could work.”

“Maybe with both of us there, it won’t be so bad. Or, we can try to set up a time when Mom’s gone.”


“I don’t want to deal with her, besides; it’s BJ and Les I wanna see.”

Nick looked at him sadly, sighing.

“Hey, I didn’t want it to be this way, but SHE’S the one who’s fucked this up, her damnit!” Aaron growled.

“C’mon man, stop it; this is Mom we’re talking about.”

“I don’t care, she doesn’t seem to care that she’s hurting us, making us pick sides, making our lives miserable, neither one of them. I’m sick and damn tired of it.”

“I know Aaron, me too,” he whispered.

“So, are you with me?”

He had no choice, he did want to see his sisters, he needed to try at least.

“Yeah, I’m with you.”