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Chapter 76

Nick turned off the thruway and made a right. According to the built in map system in his car, there should be a Marriot close by. He had to hurry though, it was already two o’clock and Veronica would be going on her break shortly.

He’d left from his Grandparents at about eleven to allow enough time to get there since he wasn‘t familiar with that part of New York. According to the directions he’d gotten off the internet, it would take him about two and a half hours to get there, it’d taken him just about that, of course he’d been gunning it a bit, but he didn’t want to be late. It’d been nice to see his Grandparents and he’d enjoyed spending time with them, but as usual, he’d gotten bored quickly and spent a lot of time out at clubs and visiting some old friends.

Making a left, he made his way further down until he found the hotel he sought. After parking he got out, grabbed his bags and headed inside to check in. He booked a room under an alias just incase, he didn’t figure he’d be found out here, but fans always seemed to find a way to find him, he could never be too careful. He thanked the woman at the desk and took the pamphlet with his key cards and headed to the elevator and up to his room. His head was racing with thoughts of what was to come. Would she be happy to see him? Mad? Nick knew he should’ve given her some kind of notice, but he wanted to surprise her, he hoped that within the last week and a half since they last talked, she hadn’t made any serious plans.

Nick found his room and opened the door, heading in he dropped his bags off and hurried back out. He checked his watch, two-ten. He had twenty minutes to get to her job. Nick quickly made his way back to his car and got in and started for the store, remembering suddenly he had one more stop to make.


Veronica tossed the remaining chicken into the garbage can next to her and grabbed the other, ripping the skin and pulling the meat apart and tossing it into the cambro. She’d been picking chicken for Chicken Broccoli Curry for the last twenty minutes, she was just about done and then hopefully with the ok from Carla, she could go on her break. She tore the piece of chicken she hand in her hands into small pieces and tossed them too into the cambro.

What was Nick doing? Was he mad at her? Their last phone conversation wasn’t bad at least she hadn’t thought so, what had she done wrong? She knew he was busy, she understood that, but he’d always seem to have made time, be it a phone call or a simple email. Veronica hadn’t wanted to think she’d become spoiled or too comfortable with their relationship, she didn’t want to be blindsided.

“Hey V, when you’re done with picking, go on your last break,” Carla announced from across the deli.

“Ok thanks,” Veronica smiled, tossing the remains of the final chicken into the garbage. She put the lid on the cambro and labeled and dated it before sliding it onto the cart. Pushing her cart along, she headed into the kitchen to put it away before heading out to her break.


Nick made his way into the store and was immediately hit by the cool air. He looked around; there weren‘t many people in the store, he was grateful. He saw someone who he assumed to be an employee and made his way over.

“Excuse me…”

The lady turned to look at him, a pleasant smile on her face.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes, can you tell me where the deli is please?”

“Oh sure, it’s just over there, right past the rotisserie,” she pointed.

“Thank you,” Nick smiled, turning and heading over. Nervous, god he was nervous suddenly. He wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans as he stopped in front of the counter.

A young woman came over to the counter, smiling at him. As she studied him a bit, her smile faltered, she appeared to be trying to decide something about him, as if she was trying to figure something out.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes, I’m looking for Veronica Peterson.”


Veronica was making her way out of the cooler just as Carla came back.

“Veronica, there’s a guy out there looking for you,” Carla announced, a weird expression on her face.

Veronica blinked, “A guy?”

“Yeah, he looks familiar but I can’t place his face. Are you expecting someone?”

She shook her head, “No, no one. I don’t know of any guy who would come visit me.”

“I can’t help but think I’ve seen him somewhere,” Carla pressed. “Well anyway, go on out, he’s waiting for you.”

Veronica was still trying to think of any guy who would be visiting her at work when she poked her head out of the kitchen. She scanned the counter right to left, her eyes stopping on a tall blonde haired guy who was looking around casually. Suddenly he turned his head and looked right at her, a slow smile spreading over her lips. She stilled, her heart dropping suddenly…

Nick Carter was there to see her.