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A/N: Well hey everyone I managed to update this story at least. I’ve been busy writing a new story called “The Blood Pact” in the action/adventure part of this site and a cute new one co-written with another great writer Natalie- it’s called “Not Too Young” please check out, it’s really nice, I’ll promise you’ll enjoy it. Now onto this story, you all know the deal: drop a review if you can thanks! By the way thanks to all who voted for my story “Daywalkers” and “Troubling Gifts” I won two awards for those stories, one for best horror and the other for most original plot! *grins*

“Broken Soul”

~**Chapter Ten~**

Howie runs up the last flight of the blue carpeted steps before he reached Kevin’s suite. The harsh yellow florescent lights in the hallway blare down on him as he reaches the end and stops in front of the last dark mahogany door on his left. Knocking rapidly on it, he can feel his heart pound against his chest as he waits for someone to open the door. He hears soft footsteps from the room approaching. He gulps and quickly scans the desolate hallway around him, hearing the soft lock of the door give way to allow his entrance.

Howie smiles and faces Nick, “Hey good you’re here. Look, is Kevin in here?”

Nick nods his head, “Yeah. D. you alright man? You look like you pissed your pants.”

Howie rolls his dark coffee eyes and pushes his way into the room running towards the living room to find Kevin staring at a large glass pane window, jotting down something on a sheet of paper. “Kev, great. Listen man, I found something I think we should all know.”

The nervousness seeping out of Howie’s voice caught Kevin’s attention. Kevin raises his head worriedly and nods his head, “Hey alright. But are you ok?” He whispers gently patting his nervous friend’s shoulder.

Howie just nods his head and fumbles with the pockets of his beige leather jacket, “I found this in Emmanuel’s room. I figured you should read this, so you know what the deal is.”

Kevin nods his head and takes the folded sheet of paper from Howie’s trembling hands. He unfolds it and scans the letter, feeling his mouth drop in shock. His emerald eyes clouded in worry as he gazes over at Nick who is left in anxiety on what the letter pertained. Kevin gulps down hard the lump that is beginning to form in his throat as he drops the sheet of the paper on the beige carpet.

“What it say?! Kev, Howie man, what did it say on the paper?” Nick asks loudly, as he runs over to join the two older men. Kevin takes a deep breath and blows out a puff of air.

“I don’t know if you should tell you yet. I want Brian to know this as well.” Kevin whispers, passing his shaking fingers through his raven spikes nervously.

Nick gulps and quickly leans down on the floor to reach for the written paper, but Howie was faster than him and snatches it before Nick’s finger’s touch the edge of the white sheet. Nick stares confused, “Can’t I read it?”

“Not yet.” Howie whispers staring at the large glass pane window hoping it would ease his discomforts.

Nick glares down at both men and lets out a loud sigh, “Ok, then I’ll wait for Brian to come, then you’ll show it to me.”

Kevin nods his head and bites his tongue softly trying to drown the rising worries that gripped his chest. He decided to phone Brian to get him back here immediately because all their safety is on the line.

She picks up the black cordless phone and hands it to A.J. Her emerald bluish eyes glittered quietly under the dim lights in the hallway as she smirks at one of the guards.

“A.J. sweetie this phone will be tapped just so you know. I mean I can’t trust you won’t be tempted to call the cops or such. Remember, I’m giving you five minutes to talk before I cut you off. Start dialing, time is ticking away.” Alena states quietly and walks down the hallway disappearing at the corner.

A.J. gulps and quickly dials the only number he can remember at this point, Brian’s. He hears the other line pick up as Brian’s voice whispers a hello.

“Brian, oh good you picked up. Boy I thought I had to leave a message or something.” A.J. states trying to cover up his excitement and fear dwelling in his chest.

He hears Brian gasps and speaks slowly not believing his ears, “A.J.?”

“The one and only.” A.J. responds jokily.

“Oh thank God you’re alright! A.J. you have all of us freaking out over here! I was so scared that something happened to you. Boy where are you? It’s been days since we’ve seen you and now you’re calling. What happened man?” Brian asks, his voice full of deep concern.

A.J. gulps and knowing this call is tapped, he needed to tell Brian where he was, but how? Suddenly he thought of something and hoping Brian can later figured it out with the other guys, he had to use some code. “Oh B, you wanna know where I’m at?”

Brian yells, “Duh, what do you think man!?”

A.J. chuckles and crosses his fingers hoping his message would get to the other guys. “Listen B man I can’t talk long. But I promise you I’m doing very well. I’ll be there soon, just make sure to tell Nick to jam off the coast where Bon Jovi’s new single came out. You know he can figure that song out cause he’s so used to it.”

“What? J, what the heck are you talking about?” Brian asks confusion in his voice.

Suddenly Alena walks down the hallway approaching A.J. signaling him to hang out before she reaches him. A.J. gulps and laughs, “Well B listen man, I gotta go, just make sure to pass the message that I miss you guys and I’ll be there soon, k?”

“Wait, you’re hanging up? I haven’t seen you since you were kidnapped and you’re leaving now?! Wait!” Brian screeches on the other phone line.

“Peace out B. I’ll talk to ya later. Bye.” A.J. states as he hangs up the phone on its cradle on the wall and fakes a smile at Alena.

Alena shook her head, “You’re a weirdo. You had a chance to talk to your friend and you gave him a stupid message. Way a go boy, I’m sure they’ll be happy to know that you lost your mind out here.” She states softly, purring into his ear as she wraps her arms around his waist, pulling him closer to her. “Now where were we? Oh yes, I was gonna show you my room, care to see it?” She whispers erotically, her honeysuckle tresses tumbling over her slim cheeks as she pulls A.J. down the hallway. A.J. crosses his fingers in hopes Brian won’t mess that message up. He knew Nick would figure it out cause when they were young they use to talk in that same form, always confusing the other guys. He hopes Brian won’t forget the strange yet very important data he was given.

Brian cries out and tries to redial only getting the operator who mentions the phone line is unavailable at the moment. “What!? NO man! I can’t believe this. A.J man, why the strange call?” He tries looking for the number on his phone and it was blocked. Grumbling, he slips the mobile phone on the small clip on his belt and walks away from the small pond, eager to tell the others about A.J. Suddenly an idea popped into his head, “Wait, Nick used to speak that way when he was younger. It was a code he and A.J. had. That’s it, Nick knows what the message meant.”

“Oh really now? Well that’s too bad you won’t be able to share that so called important news to your Boys.” Jeremiah states, his black curly hair blows in the gentle warm breeze as his caramel complexion glows in the sunlight.

Brian stops dead on his tracks and stares at the strange man before him, “Do I know you?”

Jeremiah smiles, “Not yet. I was told to come pick you up. You know you shouldn’t be walking around here on your own, it’s dangerous especially since your friend’s kidnapping. So come with me, I’ll take you back to the hotel, I’m sure the other guys are waiting for you.”

Brian gulps, “We never hired you. I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but you must think I’m gullible to trust you after all that’s happening.”

Jeremiah smiles, his dark eyes lit up, “Amerian sent for you. He figured you would be here. So now if you’re interested, can you come with me? The group was asking about you and are worried about you.”

Brian chewed on his bottom lip softly, all this sounded too strange, this man appears and claims to know Amerian then he wants to take him back to the hotel. “I’m sorry, Amerian never told me about you, I can’t go with you, I don’t know your intentions.”

The statement brought laughter out of Jeremiah, “You’re right, you shouldn’t go with me until Amerian tells you, but he’s the one who’s in charge of your safety and he sent me. So you can come with me nicely or…” Jeremiah trials off and pulls out his silver semi-automatic, pointing it at Brian. He continues, “Or come with me with a bad headache. I don’t miss, so don’t try me boy.”

Brian gasps and lifts his arms in the air, “Whoa, hey listen man, I don’t know what you think you’re doing but you can’t get away with this?”

“Watch me.” Jeremiah states, playing around with the pistol in his hand.

Suddenly Brian sees Amerian sneaking up behind Jeremiah. Brian watches Amerian placing his finger over his mouth, signaling to Brian to keep quiet.

Brian clears his throat and smirks, “You wouldn’t pull that trigger, I’m worth too much alive for you to just shoot me off.”

Jeremiah smiles, “You’re right. But it’s worth a shot right?” He laughs at the irony of his statement.

Suddenly Jeremiah turns around in time to see Amerian pointing a black silencer at him, “Step away from Brian. J. I have a plan, I think I found out where Alena is at.”

Jeremiah and Amerian stare at each other before breaking into a laugh and slapping each other in the back. Brian stares at the two men in confusion as they lead Brian back to the hotel.

Kevin lifts his head up at the sound of his front door opening. Brian steps in with a smile on his face, telling them that A.J. had called. Brian goes to tell Nick some strange statement that A.J. had said, figuring Nick would understand it. Nick smiles and nods his head.

Kevin and Howie glance at each other and shrug their shoulders.

“I can’t believe A.J. remembers that?” Nick whispers with a smile on his face.

“Wait, if A.J. sent us a code, it means he was either being watched or something. It doesn’t add up but A.J. is still in danger.” Kevin states seriously, his emerald eyes wavering between Brian and Nick.

Howie gulps, “So what did that statement mean?” He whispers glancing at Nick.

Nick nods his head, “He’s in New Jersey near by a beach somewhere.”

Kevin smiles and laughs, “Oh man, thank God A.J. and you came up with that stupid way of talking. I’m so happy I could kiss you.”

Nick smirks, “Uhmmm… hmmmm. A hug would do fine, not a kiss bro. That’s why you got your wife.”

The other guys chuckle and give each a high five, hoping to inform the police as soon as possible.

“Oh wait! Kevin, you read a letter Howie brought in? Wanna tell us what’s on it now?” Nick asks, his bright ocean eyes glance at him.

Kevin gulps and nods his head, handing the folded paper over to Brian, “Right, it’s pretty weird. Howie found this letter in Emmanuel’s room and it stated something about A.J.’s kidnapping. It goes into detail about there was some form of planned bet to take A.J. into custody by a woman. There are no names there so it’s shady on the whole thing. But it’s weird to see why would Emmanuel hold this info from us? In fact why didn’t the other men tell us about this letter?”

“Do you know if he wrote it?” Nick asks, leaning over Brian shoulder’s reading the letter along with Brian.

“No, it doesn’t look like it. Seems to be written by someone else. The initials are A.H. Do we know who that can be?” Howie asks.

Kevin shakes his head, “Not that I know of. We’ll hold onto this letter and what Nick said about A.J’s whereabouts to the cops. K?”

The others nod their heads and let out a deep breathe, knowing that their friend is alright and is doing well. At least for tonight they’ll get a good night sleep knowing A.J. is ok.

“We’ll get him back, I know we will.” Brian says softly, taking a deep breath.

Nick pats Brian’s back and asks what the others were thinking, “Hey I just thought of something. Isn’t Brian’s court date like two days away?”

The others nod as Nick continues, “Well why didn’t Dominick call us to inform us about what he got so far in the case?”

The three men glance at Kevin as Kevin shifts in his seat, “I found out today that Dominick was shot up last night in his house. Someone broke in and killed him and wife. Some cops there said Dominick had cameras and are looking at the possible murderer. They said they’ll get back to us if they find anything.” Kevin whispers, a grim expression slide on his features.

The other men gasp as silence filters the room. “Damn. That sucks.” Nick whispers, shaken up a bit. Brian sits on the edge of the king size bed and shakes his head.

Suddenly the phone rings and Howie picks it up, “You guys it’s the police.”

“Speak of the devil.” Brian whispers as Nick takes a seat besides Brian. They listen to Howie who answers the phone with an “Uh huh. Yes.” Or “No.” After a minute, Howie hangs up the phone and shakes his head.

“What did they say D?” Kevin asks.

Howie looks at Brian and shakes his head, “Oh man B. They found footage on you in the house killing Dominick!”

Nick and Howie gasps as Brian shakes his head, “NO! No that can’t be! That’s not me you guys. You know where I was last night, don’t you seriously think someone is trying to frame me?!” Brian screams out, the sudden fear creeping up in his chest. Kevin stays silent, as he watches his cousin fight with his own emotions.

The others said nothing as the news sunk in them. Brian sinks low on the bed and runs his fingers down his face, “Someone’s framing me, I just know it. And I’m thinking the only other guy that can get away with my appearance is that guy, Amerian who looks like me.”

Suddenly the front door to Kevin’s suite flings open as Jeremiah and Amerian walk in, holding their pistols in the guys direction.

“Looks like you guys figured it out. Jeremiah found Howie sneak away from Emmanuel’s room with the paper and we knew it would only be a matter of a time before you guys put the pieces together. I must commend you, you’re smarter than I thought.” Amerian states, the familiar azure eyes glaring at the four men.

Howie gulps and was about to speak when Jeremiah whispers for everyone to remain silent, “Stay quiet and you’ll live today. Don’t call for anyone, in fact drop your cell phones in the trash bin!”

No one moved.

“I said now!” Jeremiah screams, waving the pistol towards a trash bin besides Kevin’s night stand.

The four men gulp and shakily move towards the bin depositing their cell phones in it.

“Good. Good boys. Now if we’ll all take a seat. I guess we’ll have to see what exactly you know and how to keep your mouths shut to the other guards.” Amerian states smiling as the shocked looks on the four men remained frozen in their expression.

**~To Be Continued…~**