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A/N: Hey quick note, I hope you guys enjoy and try to review please. Alright this chapter might seems a bit confusing since it takes from the last chapter, but trust it’ll make sense as you read along to the end of this chapter. Thanks so much guys!

“A Broken Soul”

**~Chapter Eleven~**

A.J. grits his teeth as Alena giggles erotically: twirling her blonde locks with her slender fingers.

“So Alex what do you think of this room?” Alena asks, pouting her red lips at him.

A.J. rolls his eyes and sighs, scanning his coffee eyes around the fancy decorated bedroom. The crème walls and soft plush red carpet gives the room a vibrant color. The dim golden florescent lights on the ceiling cast a soft light in the room. Alena dashes over to the canopy bed with its light red drapes hanging from golden railings on the white ceiling surrounding the bed. Dark mahogany dressers and shelves are placed on either side of the room filled with textbooks and such. Alena giggles as she throws herself on the large red velvet covered king size bed in the middle of the room. She smiles and sits up in the bed, leaning on her elbows. “A.J. there’s room for one more.” She whispers gently, patting an empty side besides her on the bed.

A.J. smirks and shakes his head, “Na, that’s ok. I’m not tired. But you can go take a nap if you want.”

Alena chuckles and waves her pointer finger at him, “Oh no. You’re not getting away from me. Now come. I won’t bite…hard.” She giggles erotically.

A.J. passes his tan butter pecan hands through his brown and black hair, “I’ll just leave you alone here in the room. I’m sure you have things to do and I’m only stalling you.” He says nervously taking a few steps backwards bumping hard into a rough material. A.J. turns around in time to see one of the burly guards with a raised pistol towards him. The guard smiles and waves the pistol in his large hands.

“I don’t think you have to go anywhere Alex. Now if you don’t mind. Come join me, since after all I’m not planning anything right now.” Alena states.

A.J. fakes a smile and gulping nervously makes his way towards Alena, “Ok, well I guess since I’m not going anywhere I’ll hang out here then.” A.J. whispers nervously as he hears the heavy breathing of the guard and clicking of the pistol against the guard’s hands.

“Come on Ajey Wajey! The spot next to me is getting cold.” Alena whispers, patting the empty spot besides her.

A.J. gulps and nods, making his way over to her. He turns around and sees the guard smirking as he twirls around the pistol in his hands. A.J. sighs and closes his eyes, he only hopes the guys figured out where he is at.

Amerian steps into the room as Jeremiah closes the door behind him.

“Well boys where do we even begin? First off that folder that Howie found, looks like we’ll be using that.” Amerian states, his azure eyes staring down at Howie was sitting on the edge of the bed wit his arms in the air. Amerian snatches the folder off the top of a dresser and hands it over to Jeremiah who still has his pistol raised at the guys.

Kevin smiles and eyes Nick who smirks and nods his head. Suddenly the three men stand up and each pulls out a black pistol pointing at Amerian and Jeremiah.

Amerian smirks and laughs, “Oh look at you Boys trying to be all brave.” He runs his fingers through his sandy blonde hair.

“You guys are really something.” Jeremiah states, his dark eyes scanning the two members of the group pointing a gun at Amerian and Jeremiah.

A laughing breaks the silence as Emmanuel- A.J.’s body double- steps into the room with a raised black pistol along with Howie’s body double, Franklin.

Amerian faces the two body doubles and turns to face the four other men, two of which is holding a pistol in Amerian’s direction.

“No, no. Wait up. Don’t tell me. Dammit! We’re screwed up Am!” Jeremiah yells, moving from the two guys at the threshold to the other two next to Brian and Howie.

Brian and Howie gulp looking at Sean- Nick’s double. The man’s sapphire eyes stared directly at Amerian in a serious tone. Howie smiles a bit and leans near Brian, “Hey Brian, now we know what Nick would look like if he was real serious about something.”

This let out a nervous chuckle from Brian as Canon- Kevin’s double, tells Howie and Brian to duck down and stay on floor next to the bed away from Amerian and Jeremiah.

Howie scratches the side of his wavy hair and laughs nervously, “Man this is messed up. Amerian is backstabbing us. I can’t believe it!” He whispers loudly over the arguing that was breaking out with the body doubles in the room.

“D, question: if these guys are the doubles, then where are Nick and Kevin?” Brian asks, whispering.

Howie shrugs his shoulders, leaning his back on the bedside, “Don’t know. I hope they’re ok. I sure these guys will know.” They sit, knees drawn up to their chest and peeks around the bed side to see Sean screaming at Amerian.

Brian gulps, “Oh mine, this ain’t good.”

“Wow, you and Nick never had a fight and let’s hope that never happens by the way these guys are.” Howie whispers, tucking back his head from the being spotted.

Suddenly a gun popped as screams break out.

Howie gasps, as Brian pokes Howie on the side, “Go check, go check! What happened?!” Brian shrieks quietly.

Howie licks his lower lip softly, “I, I, I think someone got shot. It was a gun shot!” He whispers back, the fear trembling through his body.

Brian’s eyes grew wide open as he shakes his head, “Oh please God. If one of the guys are shot, we’re down one guard.”

Howie intakes a deep breath and attempts to poke his head around the bed pole to see Canon- Kevin’s body double, slamming Amerian to the floor. He hears Amerian chuckling loudly, “You won’t get your friend back! It’s funny that you’re only watching two of the guys. Wonder where the other two could have gone!” Amerian teases, as Canon pulls out a pair of handcuffs and slams Amerian’s head on the carpet.

Sean-Nick’s double, kicks the gun out of Jeremiah’s hands, as Emmanuel and Franklin help out in pulling out the two cuffed men.

“Looks like you’ll be visiting our friend the police. I’m sure they would love to get some information from you. After all Amerian, you’ve been pulling this stunt for far too long.” Franklin states grinning- Howie’s double states, as he roughly grabs Jeremiah by the arms and drags him out the room.

Canon along with Sean, lift Amerian from the carpet as Emmanuel dragged the guilty man out of the room. Canon sighs as he puts away his revolver. Sean walks over to the cowering men, Brian and Howie, smiling.

“It’s ok guys. Sorry about that. You guys were put in serious position and I’m just happy we were able to get the guys without any serious wounding.” Sean states, putting his pistol away on a small clip on his belt.

“Man, Sean, I’m just a little disturbed. I couldn’t tell who was who.” Howie states, standing up and running his fingers through his hair.

Sean staring at the two men, pats their shoulders gently.
Brian coughs and shakes his head, It’s a bit weird, I mean Nick is never the serious type and here you are with a different attitude.”

Sean laughs and crosses his eyes, staring at Brian, “There, better?”

Brian smiles, “Yeah, much better. More like the original Nick.”

“Good.” Sean states, smiling the way Nick would, “Come one, let’s get you guys out of here.”

“No one got hurt right? Cause I heard a gun shot.” Howie asks.

Sean shakes his head, “Na, Amerian fired, but missed any of us.”

“Oh ok. Good.” Brian states, tugging on his blue shirt.

Canon walks over to the three men, “There’s a situation. We told Nick and Kevin to stay in the hotel cafeteria right?”

Sean nods his head, “Yeah why?”

Canon shakes his head, “Their not there. No one saw them or anything. I don’t know where those guys could have gone.”

Howie gulps, “Maybe they fled to safety.”

Canon shakes his head, his raven spikes glittering in the florescent hotel lights, “Doubt it. That was safest place they could be in. We did the research, trust me. Wherever they went, I hope they took something to contact them.”

Howie sighs, “This is a bigger mess than anything right? So I guess I told you what I found then right? But how did you know about Amerian coming in?” His weary dark eyes gaze at the two body doubles, Canon and Sean.

Canon smiles, his emerald eyes glittering: “When Emmanuel left the room when Howie was there, he over heard Jeremiah talking on a phone to none other Amerian. We figured if they were gonna do something they would go to one of you guys rooms. I ran up here to Kevin’s suite and found him and Nick staring out a window, talking about how confused and frustrated they felt with A.J.’s kidnapping. I told them I found out about Amerian’s real intentions and told them to wait in the café downstairs till I come down for them.”

“So when I came in here to show you guys the folder, you already knew then, since it was in Emmanuel’s room and you all knew what the folder stated and stuff right?” Brian asks.

Canon nods his head, “Yeah.”

“Wow, I thought all this time you were Kevin. You acted like him and everything.” Howie states.

“Well that’s what we get paid to do right.” Sean states, putting on a black jean jacket and walking out the room.

Brian and Howie smirks as they grab their cell phones out the trash bin and look at the two men before them.

“I promise we’ll find A.J. and get the other two back here with us.” Canon states, his emerald eyes looking at the two depressed men.

“Lets go, we have to search out where Nick and Kevin went.” Sean states, stepping out the room followed by the others.

“Nick I can’t believe I listened to you! We gotta get back, I’m sure the guys are looking for us!” Kevin whispers angrily, glaring at the young member of the group.

Nick rolls his eyes and slows down the car at a stop light. “Na ah man. We know where A.J. is and we’re gonna find him.”

Kevin growls in the passenger seat and leans over, grabbing the steering wheel away from Nick’s hands.

“Hey, hey man! Whatcha doing?” Nick yells confused, as he pushes Kevin’s hands away from the steering wheel.

Kevin pulls the wheel and tells Nick to stop the car. Nick growling, parks the car on a corner of a sidewalk on the street.

“Alright man! Damn. What the hell is up with you?” Nick asks, his blue eyes blazing.

“Nick, this ain’t right! Turn back around, we gotta get back to the others!” Kevin’s green eyes full of distress.

Nick rolls his eyes, “Don’t you care about A.J.?”

“YES! Which is why we leave things like this to the professionals! Nick, if we go to the place where A.J. is at, what makes you think it will be easy to find him? Don’t you think these people will be armed? Remember back at St. Ann’s need I remind you how that was?! I’m not taking a chance in seeing any of you guys get hurt.” Kevin whispers, his voice dropping away as he looks out the passenger side window. The odd silence lingers in the air.

Nick stares forward and smiles, “Is this the part where we hug and I say how much I love you?” He smiles, batting his eyes.

Kevin laughs and rolls his eyes, “That’s alright Nicky, I’m not much for your hugs. Maybe when we get back to the hotel room.”

Nick chuckles, “Yeah baby. You’d like that now don’t ya?!” He pokes Kevin on the side as he smirks.

Both men burst out laughing as Nick turns the car back around and heads back to the hotel.

**~To Be Continued…~**