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A/N: Thanks so much for the new reviews, wow. I’m glad you all like the story; see now I feel all special. *smiles sheepishly* Enjoy this chapter and if you want to make me smile more, review this story by e-mailing me or dropping a review on the site. Now all my peeps onto the story!

“A Broken Soul”

**~Chapter Three~**

Flipping through a magazine, my eyes lost focus on the pictures after a few minutes. I needed to do something, anything that would get my mind off A.J. and his condition. My eyes cross over the small lounge room in the television studio. This room was pretty comfortable; it seemed that the crew was providing us with everything we needed. Food of all types and then I gasp. I look and stopped dead track on the bowl full of KFC chicken wings. The only thing that rang through my head at this point was A.J. usually asked for this. It seemed the other guys noted this and one of them gasps at the bowl as well.

Nick shakes his head and rams his fist into a nearby wall, taking chucks of the beige painting from it. Brian lets out a deep breath and rubs his eyes mumbling something about he wants to cancel the meeting with the television show today.

Personally I can’t blame him, everyone was seemed distant since the incident with A.J. It’s been over three days already and we still can’t visit A.J. I wish I could hear his voice, as much as he annoyed the hell of me, I miss him terribly. He’s needed in the group and this sudden disaster is shaking the group up even more. I hate the fact that we’re always the group going through with problems and the media loves that it can get its filthy paws on any news worth telling.

I watch Howie, who is taking the whole A.J. thing the worst. As much as he tries to hide the fact that’s he’s ok with everything, I know right away he isn’t. I just know he’s plagued with the horrid ideas of that night. We all knew Howie was trying to be strong for the group, but he didn’t need to be. “That’s way I’m here.” I whisper to myself. I watch as Howie’s brown eyes stare at the wall not blinking. He’s in his own little world as he’s been in since yesterday. Sometimes I caught him doing this more than once a day. It disturbs me to think that he’s not really all there, mentally I lost the Howard that was always smiling and laughing. He was the sweetest one, but I know he’s changing: changing into something that I feel disturbs me to think about. His personality did a whole three sixty on me. He’s now more aggressive, more demanding. Almost rude at times and he doesn’t seem to notice or even worse care. He was the one I would hang out with since we’re close in age almost but now it feels like it’s too late. It’s like I already lost a friend. He hasn’t been the same since it occurred. And I can’t do anything about it.

“Kevin, maybe you should talk with the director in charge. I’m not in the mood for being here on the show to talk about our album when we’re hiding the fact of A.J. It just doesn’t feel right.” Brian whispers to me, shaking his head sadly, his azure eyes downcast, staring at the forest green carpet.

I sigh and rub my weary eyes, it’s usually me doing all the talking since I’m the eldest of the group, so I don’t mind taking care of the problem. “It’s alright guys. I’ll take of it. Go on up ahead back to the hotel if you want. I’ll meet up with up you later.” I whisper, running my hand throw through my hair which today stood up in black spikes.

Nick smiles and pats my shoulder, “Thanks man.” He whispers, his face lighting up in relief, his light eyes glittering in relief.

I sigh and smile back: it was good to see someone happy even if for a moment. I watch as the other three quickly disperse from the room as if they craved for fresh air and longed to have it in their starving bodies. The mood in the group seemed strangled with the worries of our injured friend. Everything we did, reminded us of A.J. whether it was the food, the drink, even the music that the radio plays, reminds us of A.J. I wish I knew how he was doing. I wanted to let him know, we didn’t forget about him. But the strict rules and policies on the hospital were to be followed until further notice. I just hope that A.J. wasn’t mad with us.

I turn my attention to the entranceway where a man, assuming he was the director, had head phones draped over his neck.

The man smiles, his light eyes staring at me and then looks around in confusion to see the lounge was missing three of the four guys. Cocking his head to look behind me, he looks at me waiting for an explanation.

I sigh and tiredly respond, “I’m so sorry. We decided as a group we don’t feel right discussing the album with our friend being ill and all. It just doesn’t seem right. I’m sorry, but we’ll have to cancel for today.”

The man glares at me and sighs, “Ok then. If that’s what you feel. Then it’s ok. But you do realize you have tons of fans all waiting for your appearance and they’ll be in a big disappointment cause of this.”

I attempt a small smile and hoarsely whisper, ‘They’ll understand. We’re not really feeling like ourselves. It would have been tough for the fans seeing us so un-focus and so out of touch with things since our minds are elsewhere.”

The man smirks and throws his hands in the air annoyed, “Yeah, well you celebrities are something. Always have something hiding. Tell me sir.” The man leans in closer to look at my name tag which I have on a pocket of my black sweater. He continues talking, “Mr. Richardson, what’s really happening between you guys? I mean, you all don’t seem like you’re getting along. Like you’re all here just to promote the album. In fact I didn’t really hear you guys talking back here. Is there something you’re not telling the fans, Kevinnn.” He states annoyed, stressing my name out for emphasizes.

I sigh and close my eyes, if Nick or A.J. were here, they would have swung at the guy already. It seems pleasing to hit the man before me but that was no way to solve the issue, the better way is to hit them where it hurts.

I clutch my fists on my side and grind my teeth together, obviously this man didn’t understand the meaning of no. Taking a deep breath, I whisper rather harshly, “Sir, if you can kindly understand. The group is going through some personal issues and I feel you parading us around here to give your show top rating won’t work. I’m truly sorry if you can’t understand that we’re dealing with something serious.”

The man kept his smirk on his face and I wanted to swipe that off. Glaring at him, I walk around the rude man and grab for my coat.

The man laughs, “Fine, walk out on me. I’ll just have to say something not so nice about you guys.” His caramel complexion glittering in the harsh light.

“I’m sorry to say this to you, but this show is over and I promise you will be hearing from my lawyer about this.” I state, my voice resounding in the large waiting room.

The director glares at me and walks away complaining to the manager that today’s guest canceled out. I sigh and nod my head, it never ceases to amaze me how rude people can get when they let their selfish desires get to them. I walk out the studio, with my guard rushing up to me. I board a black trailblazer, its windows tinted for my protection, in case a fan sees me and tries to chase the van down.

I lean back on the smooth leather black seat as my guard slams the door and boards the passenger seat in front of me. I close my eyes and all I can think of is of that day. The day it happened was too clear for me. That night I was sleeping calmly when I was about to go to Nick’s room to turn the loud music down. It seemed people were complaining that they couldn’t sleep right due to Nick’s loud blasting of the music. I had walk down the hallway when I hear screaming coming from A.J’s room. My heart pounded in fear, I know A.J. was in danger for he never screamed like that before. Although the other times I busted in A.J.’s room to find him in uncompromising positions that young teen fans might faint from hearing. This scream sounded like he was in real pain. I had stood in front of the door and knock on it, hoping it was all just a sick joke. But I knew that something was terribly wrong.. All I heard was the screaming growing louder as I hear him saying, “PLEASE GOD NO! STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Don’t hurt me please. No, what did I do to you that you’re this mad at me?” I heard A.J. whisper as a low voice grumbles something incoherently.

It sounded like A.J. screamed out one of our names, though I never told the other guys about this. I try banging the door down when I hear Howie running in my direction and opening Nick’s suite to tell him to come over to us. The lights in the hallway started blinking and lost all power, leaving us in the utter darkness. I hear Nick nervously padding his way over to us, asking if A.J. was hurt. Howie stands beside me and starts kicking down the door with me. I hear Brian murmur a prayer and pulling out his cell phone calling the ambulance for precautions. I had managed to kick the door down and in a quick second I feel my back cracking against the rough carpet as the perpetrator rams into me causing me to fall. I manage to stand up and through the darkness try to chase after the man that injured our friend. I didn’t get far as I lost him immediately in the dark. I hear Howie screaming and run into the room to see Howie cradling a figure on the floor. I look though my pockets and pulled out a keychain with a small flash light on it. I gleamed it on A.J. and I thought my heart stopped for that second. There on the carpet, A.J. lied wounded, the crimson blood trickling down his shirt and on the pale carpet. In five minutes later the cops surrounded the room with paramedics coming to claim my ‘little brother.’ I recall A.J. looking at us in pure terror. Like there was something wrong with one of us but couldn’t put his finger on it. All I remember hearing A.J. say as he was being wheeled away was “It was him! It was him!”

She walks down the dark street, only the harsh street lights illuminating her way. She was on her way going home and she couldn’t wait to get some rest. She brushes a strand of her blond tresses behind her ear as the gentle breeze pricked her snowy complexion. Her cell phone rings, jolting the peacefulness of her surroundings. She rolls her bluish green eyes and reaches for her back pack where her cell lied in an inner pocket. Smiling, she answers her phone,

“Well hello there. I’ve been waiting for you to call. I thought you were gonna pick me up since you called me now.” The young woman smiles sweetly.

She hears the low voice, “Hey babe, yeah look I was gonna come by, but something came up. I’m considering leaving the state for a while. There’s a hunt for A.J.’s attacker and I don’t them coming after me as one of the suspects. I’m so sorry Alena.”

“Shut up! You’re always sorry for everything. I thought you were man enough to pull though with this, but I guess I was wrong.” Alena shouts. “You were so close, you could have gotten them when they had came to the conference with the lawyers. But again you’re just punk out as usual Amerian!”

The man growls in the phone, “You know I put up with a lot from you! All the things I sacrifice and risk and here you were getting upset with me. Well you know what Alena- screw you! I don’t need to take this from you. You’re only holding me back. I’ll just go after the four!”

She shouted, “The others had nothing to do with the plan! You played your part, you don’t need to go after them.” She mutters as she quickly walks past a deserted park.

“Can you stop me? I don’t think so! So if I wanna involve the others in this little game, then they’re in!” Amerian shouts in the phone.

Alena shouts, “You’re a mess, I hope the cops get you! And if I can help out, I’ll see to it they’ll get you!” She shouts, running her hands down her red blouse.

Amerian whispers harshly, “I’m not asking for much. You wanted to get your revenge, so I was willing to help out. But…”

Alena interrupts, “But that’s it! That’s all I asked for. The others don’t need this!” Amerian doesn’t respond, but his laughter filtered her ears as he hangs up the other line. Frustrated she mutters and fingers the silver pistol in her back pack. Looks like she’ll have to make a visit after all. And with that turns down the street to catch a bus that will take her to St. Ann’s Hospital.

I turn off the news on the television frustrated that again we were on the news due to the sudden attitude the director from the show. Again we’re on the news for something negative and let out a deep sigh. My front suite door is knocked gently as Brian peers his head in.

“Hey Kev, you not busy are you?” Brian asks, his southern accent coming out.

I smile, “Na, it’s ok. Your family. I’m never too busy for you.”

Brian smiles and enters the room, quietly closing the door behind him. He joins me on the couch and turns on the television to see a some news of a crime that occurred that day. “Kev. I got a call from A.J.’s doctor today.”

I gulp quietly and turn my attention to him, muting the TV. “What happened? It’s nothing serious right?” I speak out quickly fearing something worst.

Brian turns to look at me at smiles, “No, he was asking for us! He wants us to visit him tomorrow. Said he misses us and Nick owns him money for some bet that was lost.”

I laugh in joy, clutching my chest, “Oh man. A.J’s unbelievable. Even through the worst conditions, he’s still joking around.”

Brian smirks, “Yeah, the doctor stated that A.J. heard about the rude director. He stated if he was there he wouldn’t habe hold back on punching him.”

I smile, “I was close myself knocking the guy out. He was disrespectful. He was so impolite, only wanted to make himself look good.”

“Nothing new there!” Brian huffed, staring back at the mute TV. Brian snatches the remote in my hands and un-mutes the television. “Hey isn’t that the hospital A.J. is staying at?”

I glance at the screen and see a reporter discussing surgery cleanliness and the proper ways to clean surgical instruments. I shift in my seat, “Yeah that is.” And we sit quietly, watching the program in silence.