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It's been a long time since that night that forever changed the Richardson family. They tried to move on, but certain events and a new case reunite old friends and a past that haunts will bring them back to harms way.

Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Suspense
Warnings: Death, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 44
Completed: Yes
Word count: 149862
Read: 95753
Published: 01/13/06
Updated: 08/22/10

1. 1 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3401 words)

2. 2 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3074 words)

3. 3 by Mare [ - ] Liked (2801 words)

4. 4 by Mare [ - ] Liked (2966 words)

5. 5 by Mare [ - ] Liked (2871 words)

6. 6 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3623 words)

7. 7 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3202 words)

8. 8 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3488 words)

9. 9 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3687 words)

10. 10 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3654 words)

11. 11 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3082 words)

12. 12 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3047 words)

13. 13 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3376 words)

14. 14 by Mare [ - ] Liked (4283 words)

15. 15 by Mare [ - ] Liked (4108 words)

16. Chapter 16 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3450 words)

Sorry about the lack of updates lately, as I told my mailing list, updates will be a bit sporadic for the month of May. I hope you stick with me. Just too much going on :OP

I know i'm the Rain man of fanfic authors but i'll probably be changing my update days around a little bit. The next update will be Why I'd do it all Again but probably not until towards the end of this week.

Sorry but at least you're getting a heads up, right? lol

17. Chapter 17 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3809 words)
Hello! Thanks for being patient with me, i'm hoping everything is back to normal now. :O)

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend to all my USA friends.

18. Chapter 18 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3386 words)
Hello! Hope you enjoy! :O)

19. Chapter 19 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3145 words)
Hey guys! Here's another chapter :O)

Thanks for reading and reviewing as always!


20. Chapter 20 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3992 words)
Hey all!

Here ya go and I hope you all have a Happy Fourth/Canada Day/ ermm...go England day? lol

21. Chapter 21 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3306 words)
Do you ever have times that no matter how hard you try, nothing comes out the way you picture it in your head? lol yeah, that was this chapter for me. Not the entire thing but parts of it.

Anyway...now that I basically said "this is a piece of crap..." enjoy! lmao

22. Chapter 22 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3572 words)
Hello! I know i'm being random suddenly and not updating on the right days lol but I guess in the summer, my usual Rain Man self goes out the window. LOL

Anyway...here's chapter 22 :O)

I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!

23. Chapter 23 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3839 words)
Hello! As always thanks for reading! I hope you guys are still enjoying this one. :O)

24. Chapter 24 by Mare [ - ] Liked (4225 words)
Hey there! I'm going to end up changing this update day to Saturday I think since i'm too busy and distracted on Fridays lol so heads up for that!

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I hope you guys are liking this, I feel like I have lost readers on this one but I may just be Kevin paranoid? lol

25. Chapter 25 by Mare [ - ] Liked (4126 words)

Here's chapter 25. Enjoy and as always, thanks for the reviews! You guys rock! :O)

26. Chapter 26 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3417 words)

I'm back with a new Scars chapter. I hope you enjoy and as always, thanks for reading and reviewing :O) you guys rock!

27. Chapter 27 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3078 words)
Hey there!

I'm sorry I haven't been as 'rain man' as usual when updating lol I know i'm probably throwing some of you off. I've just been kind of busy with real life etc...

I am going to try to update on Why next (meaning sometime this week), just for a heads up. :O)

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

28. Chapter 28 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3516 words)
Hey all!

So sorry for the delay but I thought i'd update this one for a little change of pace. Once again i'm just a little slower but I haven't stopped lol i'll try to get a new chapter of one of these three stories to you soon. :O)

Thanks for reading!

29. Chapter 29 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3561 words)
Wow! I'm back and it didn't take me a gabillion years either! Hope you enjoy and as always thanks for reading and reviewing! :O)

30. Chapter 30 by Mare [ - ] Liked (4081 words)
First of all I apologize for waiting so long to update this one. My inner Kevin wasn't co-operating with me at all!! Don't you hate it when that happens? LOL Anyway thanks so much for sticking with me and this story. I appreciate all of you guys who are still reading this one! Thanks a lot! It means the world to me :O)

31. Chapter 31 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3817 words)
Hey there!

I have a new chapter for you today. I hope you enjoy :O)

Thanks for reading and i'll try to update again as soon as I can.

Your feedback always makes me smile. *hugs you all*

oh and just to warn you, Jack was a real cussy cusserson in this one so just a heads up about that so you might want to cover your ears towards the end lol

32. Chapter 32 by Mare [ - ] Liked (4088 words)
Hey there! Here's the new one. I hope you enjoy and as always thanks for reading! :O) And it's not my fault!

33. Chapter 33 by Mare [ - ] Liked (4119 words)


I don't think many people realized that I updated this story a few days ago and here I am already with another update! lol woot woot!

Hope you enjoy and as always thanks for reading! :O)

34. Chapter 34 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3852 words)
Sorry about the delay. Thanks for reading!

35. Chapter 35 by Mare [ - ] Liked (3823 words)
I'm back with a new chapter. I'm sorry it's taking me so long to update things. Now with summer vacation looming I should have more time to finish these three stories. As always thanks a lot for reading! My readers rock! lol

~ Mare

36. Chapter 36 by Mare [ - ] (3837 words)
Hello! I finally managed to update this one! Woot!! Sorry about the delay. I hope it was worth the wait. :O)

Thanks for reading!

37. The Road so far.... by Mare [ - ] (871 words)

38. Chapter 37 by Mare [ - ] (2766 words)
Here is chapter 37. I hope it was worth the wait. If it makes you feel better i'm already working on chapter 38 and instead of waiting to post it, once it's done i'll add it on. Most likely towards the end of the week but maybe sooner. Thanks for reading guys! You all rock! :O)

39. Chapter 39 by Mare [ - ] (3496 words)

Yup, you're not seeing things. Tis a new chapter! lol

40. Chapter 40 by Mare [ - ] (2998 words)

41. Chapter 41 by Mare [ - ] (2792 words)

Okay, so maybe this isn't the last chapter lol Perhaps there was more to say than I thought.

42. Chapter 42 by Mare [ - ] (3136 words)

I'm ahead of schedule! YAY me!! :O)

43. Chapter 43 by Mare [ - ] (3577 words)

44. Chapter 44 by Mare [ - ] (1524 words)