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Past Featured StorySummary: It's been about three years since Alyssa Martinelli and Nick Carter ended their engagement. Now through mutual friends they'll meet again and discover that a lot has changed. Can they overcome the odds? Or will Alyssa learn that no matter how hard you try, you can't make a person change?

Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Graphic Sexual Content
Series: Not Like We Predicted
Chapters: 64
Completed: Yes
Word count: 247524
Read: 189647
Published: 02/08/06
Updated: 02/23/08

1. Prologue by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (1302 words)
Alyssa reminsces about a past love and her life since then.

2. Chapter One by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (2413 words)
Alyssa reluctantly joins her sister Stephanie for a birthday celebration.

3. Chapter Two by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3920 words)
An e-mail from an old friend stirs up a lot of memories for Alyssa.

4. Chapter Three by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (2592 words)
Alyssa gets the courage to call up Izzy.

5. Chapter Four by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3468 words)
Izzy and Alyssa meet for lunch downtown, where they get caught back up with each other.

6. Chapter Five by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (2165 words)
The day of the concert arrives. Alyssa's apprehension about seeing Nick again grows.

7. Chapter Six by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (2498 words)
Alyssa gets a glimpse into the ways Nick has changed while she watches him perform.

8. Chapter Seven by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (2290 words)
Finally they meet again...

9. Chapter Eight by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (1108 words)
Izzy warns Alyssa about Nick's change in personality.

10. Chapter Nine by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3479 words)
Alyssa decides to try to bring some closure to her and Nick.

11. Chapter Ten by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3086 words)
Nick explains his reasons for breaking Alyssa's heart.

12. Chapter Eleven by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (4735 words)
Memories from the past force Alyssa to contemplate her new relationship to Nick.

13. Chapter Twelve by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (1493 words)
Alyssa decides to go visit her parents... coincidentally the same day Nick is on Long Island as well for a show.

14. Chapter Thirteen by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3802 words)
Things get awkward as Nick begins to look at Alyssa in a different light.

15. Chapter Fourteen by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (4605 words)
A trip to California to surprise the guys reveals Nick's true colors to Alyssa.

16. Chapter Fifteen by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3694 words)
To make a bad night even worse, Alyssa is tag teamed by Nick's new "friends."

17. Chapter Sixteen by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3000 words)
After another run in with the girls, Alyssa confronts Nick about his behavior the previous night.

18. Chapter Seventeen by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (4147 words)
Nick has a life changing revelation.

19. Chapter Eighteen by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (4812 words)
An unfortunate event gives Nick the opportunity to play the hero.

20. Chapter Nineteen by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3177 words)
Nick's friendship is put to the test as comforting Alyssa puts him in an umcomfortable position.

21. Chapter Twenty by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (2714 words)
More bad news prompts Nick to make Alyssa an offer she can't refuse.

22. Chapter Twenty- One by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (4513 words)
A night out between friends takes a slightly unexpected turn...

23. Chapter Twenty-Two by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3781 words)
Alyssa and Nick finally in to their feelings for one another.

24. Chapter Twenty-Three by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (2440 words)
Nothing seems as simple the following morning...

25. Chapter Twenty-Four by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (4055 words)
News from Kevin hits a little too close to home for Nick.

26. Chapter Twenty-Five by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3362 words)
Nick confides in the one person he feels like he can trust.

27. Chapter Twenty-Six by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3976 words)
Alyssa fills Izzy on what's been going on between her and Nick.

28. Chapter Twenty - Seven by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (4462 words)
An opportunity to see Nick again, causes Alyssa to be swept away in old memories.

29. Chapter Twenty-Eight by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3326 words)
Alyssa and Nick's encounter ends not quite the way Nick had hoped.

30. Chapter Twenty-Nine by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (1805 words)
Alyssa gets a surprising late night phone call.

31. Chapter Thirty by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (5969 words)
Alyssa has mixed emotions about her and Nick's relationship.

32. Chapter Thirty -One by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3020 words)
Nick decides to take Alyssa up on her offer.

33. Chapter Thirty - Two by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (5285 words)
Nick and Alyssa arrive home for the holidays. Alyssa plays "catch up" with her sisters.

34. Chapter Thirty -Three by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3458 words)
Nick gets the sense that he doesn't exactly fit in with Alyssa's family.

35. Chapter Thirty-Four by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3435 words)
Alyssa's family begins to have their suspicions. Nick gives Alyssa an unexpected Christmas gift.

36. Chapter Thirty - Five by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (4909 words)
Nick finally agrees to give things another try, but is he as sure about things as Alyssa thinks?

37. Chapter Thirty - Six by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (5218 words)
Nick is reminded of a secret from his past that he'd rather forget.

38. Chapter Thirty - Seven by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (5241 words)
Nick and Alyssa enjoy their first night out not having to hide their feelings.

39. Chapter Thirty - Eight by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (4449 words)
Alyssa vows to do whatever she can to erase Nick's pain.

40. Chapter Thirty - Nine by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3319 words)
Alyssa and Nick arrive in LA where AJ and his girlfriend suspect there's more going on than it appears.

41. Chapter Forty by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (4121 words)
Alyssa and Nick are alone at last. More memories from the past come back to haunt Alyssa.

42. Chapter Forty - One by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (5142 words)
A run in with the paparazzi causes tensions between Alyssa and Nick.

43. Chapter Forty - Two by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (6749 words)
The secret comes out about Nick and Alyssa's relationship.

44. Chapter Forty-Three by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (4765 words)
Nick charms his way out of another fight with Alyssa.

45. Chapter Forty-Four by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (3885 words)
Nick and Alysa invite Kevin and Melanie over for dinner.

46. Chapter Forty-Five by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (4557 words)
Kevin drops a major bombshell on Nick.

47. Chapter Forty-Six by Mellz Bellz [ - ] Liked (4089 words)
Nick plans a thoughtful surprise for Alyssa.

48. Chapter Forty-Seven by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (4399 words)
Nick finally opens up to Alyssa about Paris.

49. Chapter Forty-Eight by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (4836 words)
Nick realizes exactly what's been right in front of him all along.

50. Chapter Forty-Nine by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (5026 words)
Nick and Alyssa ring in the New Year with each other.

Just want to note that remember back in like Chapter 11 I informed everyone that I miscalculated and missed a year between Alyssa and Nick? Well, instead of changing everthing I just went with it, so this is one of those chapters where its going to be off. The flashback in this chapter is Nick's 22nd b-day yet it takes place on the B&B tour. Yes, I know the B&B tour was well over with before Nick was 22, but work with me here.

51. Chapter Fifty by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (4712 words)
Ahh I can't believe I'm on Chapter 50! That means this story is twice as long as anything I've ever written! Well, I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Parts of it were very inspired by Sex in the City and well I'm just very pleased the places I'm going with this story. Places that I NEVER thought I'd go lol. Enjoy!

52. Chapter Fifty-One by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (4508 words)
Sorry this chapter took a little longer to get out. My schedule is beginning to pick back up again and then I just rejoined WW so I think my fics might suffer big time lol. So this is a very angsty chapter. Musical inspiration is Mr. Brightside by The Killers and Next Contestant by Nickelback. Enjoy!

53. Chapter Fifty-Two by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (3306 words)
So I finally squeezed out another upate. It's a little shorter than most, but I wound up having to completely squash an idea that I really was very excited about under the circmstances it was just not connecting with the earlier events in this chapter. It's all good though, because in rejecting that idea I had to replace it with something else which led to another unplanned idea, so I guess I can't complain. I'm hoping I won't get stuck on the next chapter, so I'm going to need lots of positive feedback here!

54. Chapter Fifty- Three by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (4484 words)
So glad I finally got this chapter out. There aren't too many chapters left and I'm kind of hoping that it'll all go smoothly, so I can finish it up. So this is for Tri. Ha ha! I used your favorite word and you thought it couldn't be done? Please review because this was one of the hardest chapters for me to write because I wasn't sure how it was all going to go down since I strayed quite a bit from my outline.

55. Chapter Fifty- Four by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (4340 words)
So by my calculations there are only like 5 or 6 more chapters left and an epilougue. But we all know how I stray from my outlines, so you never know! We are beginnng to enter the climatic point of the story though, so lots of action coming up. The best way I have of summarizing this chapter... Nick and Alyssa have an interesting phone conversation. Please leave me reviews. They motivate me big time!

56. Chapter Fifty- Five by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (5851 words)
Sorry it took a bit to get this one out... My schedule is definitely picking up and I've been subbing a lot, so its been hard to write. This is a nice long chapter to tide you over though and it sets us up for the climax of the story. Hopefully I can get the next few chapters out soon!

57. Chapter Fifty-six by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (6083 words)
Well, here it is... Proably the most dramatic chapter of the whole story. The pinnacle... The climax... Ok you get the picture lol. It's long because with so much going on I didn't really want to split it. I'd just like to say that this chapter was actually a lot harder than I thought it would be to write. I actually scaled back a bit from my original plan because it was just really messed up and I know I'm going to get a lot of hate mail here, but please keep in mind that the story isn't over and there's a sequel in the works. With that in mind, enjoy...

58. Chapter Fifty-Seven by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (5467 words)
So only three more chapters left! Can you believe it? And not a minute too soon because I'm hitting roadblocks and I'm itching to begin the sequel which I'm VERY excited about. There's plenty of story planned, so please stick with it. As of lately I know the story has taken a darker turn and even I've had my doubts about taking it where its gone, but it has to go there for the sequel to happen. So, please be encouraging and tell me your thoughts.

59. Chapter Fifty- Eight by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (6549 words)
Sorry this chapter took so long to write, but life has gotten REALLY crazy the past like two weeks, but in honor of Unbreakable being released I pushed to update. I've now outlined like about 27 chapters of the sequel. Yay! Anyway this was an extremely hard chapter to write. Definitely a tearjerker. (I was bawling writing it actually *blushes*) Hopefully the last chapter should be posted soon.

60. Chapter Fifty- Nine by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (4301 words)
As I promised I actually managed to stick to my goal and update tonight although it is past my bedtime and I have first graders tomorrow, so I need my sleep lol This is sort of a slow chapter kind of preparing for the last chapter which ties everything up. Then there's an Epilogue. Unbreakable is REALLY motivating me because its like the soundtrack of this point going on into the sequel. You'll see based upon my lyrical choices for this chapter.

61. Chapter Sixty by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (5759 words)
Well, here it is... The last chapter of UMS *sniff sniff* Well, it isn't totally the end since there is still the Epilogue. I hope that you've enjoyed reading this story as much as I've enjoyed writing it. This last chapter is pretty much all about Alyssa, but I promise the Epilogue will cover Nick's side of things. I'm going to try to get the Epilogue out within the next few days as well as my Thank You note. Right now I'm going to post the link to A Little Taste of Sin which is the sequel to UMS on AC to give you a preview of what's to come and so that you can start adding it to your favorites early, so please look out for it and stop by. Thanks!

62. Epilogue by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (3182 words)
So as I promised... Here's the Epilogue even earlier than expected. I was so set on finishing it I breezed right through it. Maybe I can get the prologue to A Little Taste of Sin up soon! Stay tuned after this chapter for a long list of thank yous I have for all of those people who helped make UMS what it has become. Enjoy!

63. Author's Note and Thank You's by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (779 words)
A little message from the author...

64. Awards by Mellz Bellz [ - ] (111 words)