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Part Four -Kevin

Kristen told me to go and get some food. As much as I hate shopping. She KNOWS I hate it. Grr I just want to get in and then get out that’s ALL I would like to do. I took the list out of my pocket. Okay what do I need to get.

Milk Eggs Cheese Cat Food Chicken Teriyaki Sauce Rice Tampons

I growled to myself she isn’t serious is she? Dammit a girl should be doing this NOT me. I hate when I have to buy all that ‘women’ shit. I hope there isn’t more.

Apples Cucumbers Salad Lettuce Carrots Butter

That’s it? She had me drive my happy ass down here for this? I can be doing better things ya know like visiting my cousin… oh who am I kidding I would be bored. I just hate doing these kinds of things. I grabbed everything I needed and walked up to the register.

“Aren’t you like a Backstreet Boy?”

“Yea I am Kevin.” I said

“Holy Shit!! I didn’t think like I would ever see you shopping”

“Yea the wife made me. I am kind of mad about it. Look can ya hurry up. I kind of need to get home.”

“Oh sure no problem,” she hurried up as fast as she could and I got back into my car and drove home.

“Did you get everything on the list?”

“Yes I got everything on the list and please Kristen if you need tampons PLEASE get them yourself,” I whined.

“Aww poor baby. I will keep that mind in the future,” she winked.

“Good I NEVER want to do that again,”