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Kevin awoke the next morning/night feeling groggy. He sat up slowly and noted that everyone around him was asleep. Everyone including Nick who dozed quietly next to Howie and A.J. across the cell. Kevin was a bit relieved to see his youngest sleeping. He was beginning to worry the kid might get sick from sleep deprivation.

Kevin stood up, stretched, and groaned. He looked down to see the form of his cousin hunched against Kevin’s cot.

Kevin smiled fondly at his cousin’s concern before replacing the smile with a frown of his own worry. In his condition, Brian shouldn’t be sleeping uncomfortably. He should be laying down. “Brian,” Kevin whispered shaking his younger cousin, “Brian wake up.”

Brian groaned and sat straight up painfully, righting his hunched position, before yawning and opening his eyes. “Oh…hey Kev,” Brian croaked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with another yawn.

“Hey,” Kevin greeted, “why don’t you get on the cot and sleep for awhile huh?”

“Cuz I’m not tired,” Brian protested suppressing a yawn. Kevin was feeling impatient.

“NOW Brian,” Kevin ordered.

“Yeah yeah,” Brian muttered climbing on the cot and dozing off immediately.

Kevin smiled in triumph and walked to the other side of the cell. He began to get bored and looked up at the ceiling. ‘1…2…3…4…’ Kevin noticed the dots on the ceiling and began to count. ‘432…433…’


Kevin looked up to see Nick rising from where he had fallen asleep stretching like a cat. “What?” Kevin asked.

“9,746, the number of dots on that part of the ceiling…”

Kevin laughed. “Well good morning anyways.”

“Morning? Can we be so sure?” Nick asked Kevin, cocking his eyebrow.

“No…but I just woke up, therefore it’s morning,” Kevin replied.

“I like your logic,” Nick said with a laugh then stood. He stretched then looked at Kevin seriously. “How ya feelin?”

“Better,” Kevin replied honestly with a slight nod of his head, “thanks again.”

“And again…don’t thank me…I did it so I wouldn’t have to run the group,” Nick joked.

“Wow…thanks.” Kevin muttered sarcastically. Nick laughed.

“Well if YOU ran the group, I do think I would quit,” A.J.’s voice interjected, “we’d NEVER get anything done.”

“Well A.J. I don’t think I’d want you in MY group anyways,” Nick joked back pretending to be offended.

“I don’t think you’d be a good manager…that’s all,” A.J. laughed.

“Well A.J. when I want your opinio-“Nick was cut off as a loud clang echoed throughout the cell as the cell door was thrown against the wall. Nick whirled around as did Kevin and A.J. Brian was startled awake, as was Howie who jumped nearly three feet.

“Goooood Morning!” Ace, who was standing in the doorway chirped.

“Not if one has to wake up to your ugly face,” Brian muttered pulling himself to stand with his other band mates.

Nick grinned, as Kevin and Howie snickered. A.J. on the other hand, didn’t try to suppress his laughter, and just started to roar with laughter. The others quickly gave in afterwards and followed suit, their laughter echoing loudly throughout the cell. Ace growled and turned to Brian.

“You’ll regret saying that…well maybe not YOU directly…” Ace sneered before turning to Nick. “Viper wants to speak with you…he says to tell you, he’s got a ‘wonderful surprise’ waiting for you…so you feel more at home.”

Nick felt his hair stand on end on his neck. Instead of making some snide remark, Nick swallowed nervously and nodded at Ace. “O…okay.” Nick turned and followed Ace outside the cell door as he felt something out of place. Ace led him down the halls towards Viper’s office. Once Ace reached the double oak door, he knocked twice.

“Bring him in Ace,” Vipers voice floated from the inside. Ace opened the door and ushered Nick inside. Viper nodded back to Ace. “That will be all Ace…prepare our surprise.” Viper ordered with a mischievous grin. Ace bowed obediently, a similar smirk appearing on his face, and left the room.

Nick stared at the top of Viper’s head as he leaned over his desk writing down some sort of information. Nick impatiently shifted from foot to foot waiting for Viper to say something. “Well?” Nick finally asked when his patience ran thin. Viper looked up.

“Well what?” Viper asked innocently.

“You wanted me to come see you…is there any reason why?” Nick asked impatiently.

“Yes…there is…” Viper said then grinned and went back to writing.

“Well?” Nick inquired still shifting his weight from foot to foot.

“You know Nicky, patience is a virtue,” Viper snapped. Nick glared at Viper.

“Well that’s not something I care about is it?” Nick snapped back. Viper frowned. He stood from his desk and walked to the double wooden doors.

“Such loss of discipline…honestly Nicky…but very well then. Come along,” Viper ordered then opened the doors and left the office. Nick frowned and left also. The two walked in silence until Viper broke the silence.

“Do you love your family Nicky?” Viper asked. Nick’s brow furrowed in confusion.

“Of course,” he answered immediately.

“And what about your home?”


“Do you miss them?”

“Yes, very much so.”

“Ah…I see…Well in that case…we thought you might miss your home, so we brought some of your home to you,” Viper said with a malicious grin. Nick felt his blood run cold. He had a bad feeling for his family.

“You…didn’t…” Nick stammered incredulously.

“I did…thought it might help you get comfortable here,” Viper grinned. Nick felt himself pale. “That’s right, behind this door is something to remind you of home.” Nick turned his nervous gaze to the door. “Well…aren’t you going to open it?”

Nick swallowed and reached a trembling hand out to the handle of the door. He twisted it carefully, bracing himself for what he was about to see…
