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Author's Chapter Notes:
In this chapter I wanted to make Nick jealous. He sees that he's not the only one whom she could like. And, please, if you can leave a review. Thanks for reading.
Nick had ordered what he thought she would like and afterwards they talked for a while, but it felt for him like it was small talk, he could not dig into her
He so wanted to know how exactly she feels for him and why was she afraid about the sexual side of their relationship. I just don’t need to force her telling me everything. I’ll wait until she tells me.

Barbara was relaxed. Nick was leading the conversations about easy topics, everything that made her feel calm. She felt that she could just listen to his stories all evening.

‘’You know, I like to take my boat out in the sunrise or sunset. It just gives such a magical feeling. I just can’t describe this, you’d need to see that.’’
‘’And you have personnel on the boat?’’ she asked, drifting away to an imaginative place. I wish he would take me out on his boat. Dream on, this isn’t going to happen. I think he already has tons of girls in the US waiting for him.

Nick saw that she had a dreamy look on her face. Is she thinking about me? I hope so.
‘’Yeah, I’ve got a license for operating small vessels, though my boat isn’t the Titanic but still...it isn’t also an inflatable rubber boat. ‘’he chuckled.
‘’It would be way too funny to see you rowing a rubber boat. That would fit you.’’ She said and started laugh.

Nick liked how the situation eased up and it made him feel better.
‘’You know what would be even better?’’ he looked at her with a victorious grin. ‘’That I’ll take you out on my boat in summer...then you’d see the perfect sunset...’’

She was perplexed. Did he mean that even for a second? Or are my ears hearing wrong? It all would be too perfect!
He saw a smile flashing in her face for a second but it faded away as fast as it had come. Does she not believe what I said? I guess so...Why does she not believe me?

‘’Are you...are you joking about this?’’ she asked, lowering her eyes to the floor and nervously kneading a pillow.
‘’No, I was serious... summer starts in a bit more than two months. Then I’ll come and take you to Florida...imagine...just us...isn’t it great?’’ He moved closer to her and put his arm around her shoulders. She felt how he came closer. Her first reaction was to move away, but then she realized that she actually likes those little innocent gestures.

‘’It would be just wonderful if it would happen... I wish it could’’ she put her head on his shoulder.
He started to gently stroke her hair, feeling her easing a bit.
‘’You don’t have to wish...I only ask you one thing what I wanna know tonight. Would you want to be...’’ he inhaled slowly, knowing that his question could have two totally opposite answers. I need to dare this. ‘’Would you want to...be my girlfriend? I know this comes fast, but I don’t want to lose you to another guy only because you thought I’m not being serious with you.’’ His tender words echoed in her mind. If he meant this...no way...why would he even think of that...but if he’s joking...than its more than a bad joke!

He hadn’t expected that she’d give an answer immediately, but he hoped that he hasn’t scared her. And what if she just laughs at my offer? What if she says that I only make her life difficult? He felt her tremble lightly and he wished he wouldn’t have to let her go now.

She gathered her courage, sighed heavily and spoke. ‘’Could you repeat what you just said?’’
He sensed a fear in her voice and wanted to reassure her. His voice sounded raspy and weak, but he tried to say what he had to.
‘’I asked if you want to be my girlfriend. And I’m being really, really serious about that...’’ he stopped to take a breath and think what he should say, but was interrupted by her.
‘’How can you be so sure? You know me just for a few days...and I’m not really making everything easy for you...’’she felt like she was so breathless like she had run at least a mile.
Nick gently turned her face so she had to look at him He wished he could kiss away all the insecurities he saw in her beautiful face.

‘’I am sure about this...remember, I said something about a feeling. You gave me it...I had searched for years to experience that...I know that you want me, not the add-on to my name, ‘’the pop star’’...and when I see how your eyes look at me... for that moment I feel so needed...because I can be there for you.’’

No one ever has said to me something like this. And he is being serious... Her heart trembled for a second, but then again, she had the need to feel his warmth.
‘’I...I had never felt that someone could care so much for me...for the first time in my life I felt that someone actually needs me. And I don’t want this feeling to end...’’
‘’If you’ll be my girlfriend, I’ll take care of you...because I need you...’’
‘’I would want to be your girlfriend...it would be a wish come true...’’

He leaned down a little and began to kiss her. The kiss was almost too shy, he just wanted to the touch of her soft lips. Her eager answer surprised him. He felt her body ease against his. As she started to gently stroke his back it felt like heaven for him. If she would always feel so free to show me her feelings... And it feels so good when she’s all over me. I don’t want this moment to stop...

A sudden knock at the door interrupted their magical moment. Nick moaned in frustration and let her go. ‘’Looks like I need to get the door...but I’m not leaving willingly.’’
She ran her hand through his hair and smiled. ‘’Don’t worry, I won’t vanish from here...’’
‘’How can I be sure?’’ he grinned at her.
‘’I’ll just sit here and wait for my charming boyfriend...’’
He gave her a fast kiss on the cheek and went to open the door.

As Nick came back with the delivered food, he stopped for a while to look at her. She was halfway lying on the couch. Her hair, flowing over her shoulders and set in light curls from the rainwater looked more perfect to him as any hairstylist's doing. She’s just so sexy...does she know that?

He placed the bags on the table and sat down on the couch.
‘’In case you don’t like something, you don’t have to eat it and...’’
‘’You’re always so polite...but I hope I’ll like everything...we could watch TV or a movie, what do you say about that?’’
‘’Great idea...here was somewhere a list of movies we could choose from...’’
He took the remote and opened the list on the flat screen TV. She looked at the list for a while yet didn’t say what she’d want to see. He was awaiting her requests but he found himself wishing to see ‘’The Matrix’’.

‘’So what do you wanna see? ‘’Titanic’’? he asked, taking his bag with the meal.
‘’Do you really want to see how Leo drowns at the end? I’d better like the Matrix...’’
‘’Yeah, it has great shootouts and kung-fu...’’
‘’To me, it has a lot of philosophy’’ she said, looking into her food bag.
‘’Philowhatever, let’s watch the movie, ok?’’
She chuckled a little at his word spoofing, but nodded in acceptance. I don’t care how highly educated he is....I don’t need a boring smartass.

She took out the cheeseburger out of the paper bag and began to eat it. This is really tasty. I’d never thought that... So she eagerly ate it.

Nick pretended to watch the movie and concentrate on his food, but in reality he watched for her reaction. As he saw that she visibly enjoyed the meal, he sighed in relief. She’s the first girl I see who actually enjoys the same food as I. No hysteric screams about the calories and reminding me to eat healthy.

Time passed by and Nick tried to sneak closer and closer to her, as he finally was sitting right next to her.
He was so sunk into the movie that he barely noticed that she was trying to get a bite from his cinnamon roll.

‘’Who is trying to steal my cinnamon roll?’’ he asked, grinning at her.
‘’I do...I just can’t get enough of candy...’’
‘’But I’m also sweet!’’ he tried to pout, but actually liked her little move. That was just so adorable.
‘’You are even sweeter than that...but first I wanna steal your pastry before I get to you...’’ she said in a deep, sexy voice that made a small tingle run down his body.

They shared the pastry and Nick gave her the last piece of it. As she was finished eating he suddenly gave her a quick kiss. ‘’Umm...you’re sweeter than this candy. I’ll feed you only with candy to get such sweet kisses.’’
‘’You know that I’m already sweet without candy...I feel like cuddling now...’’

‘’Maybe you could just laze back on my lap?’’ he said softly.
This idea seemed not so bad to her so she just let herself sink onto his lap
Nick enjoyed feeling her so near. She rested her head on his lap and he felt that her body was relaxed. He gently stroked her hair and felt so comfortable. I feel like I can protect her...and I like this feeling. He smiled to himself and continued to watch the movie.

After a while he noticed that her gaze was fixed at the screen and that she chuckled at times. ‘’What’s so funny?’’ he asked. ‘’I thought it wasn’t a comedy...’’
‘’I just remembered what he said about this scene...it took him 6 takes to get it right.’’
‘’Who said that?’’ Nick asked feeling becoming paler and paler.
‘’Well, Keanu...’’ she said, not paying any big meaning to what she said.
‘’Where did you get to talk to him?’’ Nick felt that his heart filled with jealousy.
‘’Earlier this year in Venice...’’
‘’How so?’’ he tried to sound uninterested, yet his heart started to shatter. Oh, my, I thought that I have almost no competition...but if she’d met someone who makes 20 million a MOVIE...that’s so much more than I can earn...

‘’I met him at a VIP party after a screening...he asked me if I liked the movie in that screening...as I faced him I was like, huh, he asked me about his newest film. So we started to talk and...’’ she stopped to catch a breath, but she didn’t feel Nick becoming jealous. ‘’The next day we also met and talked a lot...I didn’t know he’d read Baudrillard...he was really smart...and he gave me his number...’’then he looked up at Nick and saw that he was barely breathing.
‘’Nick, what is it?’’
‘’I...I just didn’t know that...that you could know someone like him and...’’ he couldn’t say it loudly someone who could be more appealing to you then I.
‘’It’s actually no big deal...I was going to visit him in LA this summer...’’
‘’So you won’t go with me to Florida?’’ Nick bluntly blurted out.
‘’Well, if you don’t want me to go with you...’’
‘’I would be really happy to have you there with me...I could show you the things and places I love...and I’m still applying for the position of your boyfriend, if I’ve got any chances...’’ he looked away, because he had realized that...that she could just have anyone else...as he wanted to drown in his thoughts he felt her lips brush against his. He realized that she had risen up and was just about to kiss him.