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Summary: For the first time in his life Nick Carter experiences something which is more common to his fans, not him. He falls in love with a picture. What is going to happen when he finds her?

Rated: R
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Nick
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Graphic Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 20
Completed: No
Word count: 31555
Read: 37906
Published: 03/03/06
Updated: 06/13/06

1. Prologue-It's the girl..in Forbes.. by Hilda Warren [ - ] Liked (757 words)

2. Chapter one-Am I...so single? by Hilda Warren [ - ] Liked (1287 words)

3. Chapter two-Breathtaking cute..and sincere? by Hilda Warren [ - ] Liked (1545 words)

4. Chapter three-Just come closer to me by Hilda Warren [ - ] (797 words)

5. Chapter four-Picture perfect by Hilda Warren [ - ] Liked (1766 words)

6. Chapter five-Shy affection by Hilda Warren [ - ] (1036 words)

7. Chapter six-The adventure of my life by Hilda Warren [ - ] (1182 words)

8. Chapter seven-Magical attraction by Hilda Warren [ - ] (1180 words)

9. Chapter eight-I'll be the angel by Hilda Warren [ - ] (1452 words)

10. Chapter nine-Passion in the air by Hilda Warren [ - ] (2009 words)

11. Chapter ten-Princess' painful memoirs by Hilda Warren [ - ] Liked (2308 words)

12. Chapter eleven-You are not weak..you just need me by Hilda Warren [ - ] (2134 words)

13. Chapter twleve-What if...pills give the relief? by Hilda Warren [ - ] (1856 words)

14. Chapter thirteen-I'll be fine, I'll be fine by Hilda Warren [ - ] Liked (1977 words)

15. Chapter fourteen-I am your little puppy by Hilda Warren [ - ] (1452 words)

16. Chapter fifteen-Can I miss you? by Hilda Warren [ - ] (1157 words)

17. Chapter sixteen-Don't leave me standing in the pouring rain by Hilda Warren [ - ] Liked (2082 words)

18. Chapter seventeen-Caught in the moment by Hilda Warren [ - ] (1450 words)

19. Chapter 18-There's always competition! by Hilda Warren [ - ] Liked (2064 words)
In this chapter I wanted to make Nick jealous. He sees that he's not the only one whom she could like. And, please, if you can leave a review. Thanks for reading.

20. Chapter 19-Bye, bye bunny! by Hilda Warren [ - ] Liked (2064 words)
Sorry it took sooo long to update..school leaving exams and university paperwork cope badly with writing...
Hope you like it....