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**~Chapter Forty: Remorseful Events~**

Howie lets out a deep sigh as he gazes around the small cell like room him and Jamelet are being kept in. He sees Jamelet shift in her cot and suddenly she shrieks out in pain, startling Howie. She sits up in her cot, as her soft lips smeared in blood. The crimson liquid drips off her lips and her trembling fingers touch her mouth nervously.

Howie sits up in his cot alarmed at the sight, "Oh God, Jamelet did the guards come in here and hurt you anyway?" His dark eyes clouded in worry.

She shakes her head confused, "He's hurt. They're here Howie, can you feel it?"

"Who, Jamelet, who's here?" Howie asks, easing from his cot and making his way over to her.

She looks around the closed room Ashton have placed them, "The guys, they got caught, I can feel A.J's presence. Like you can tell when Ana is around here. We're connected in a way. But he's here, locked up somewhere. I'm thinking the soldiers placed him in the dungeon."

"Wait, if A.J's caught then that means that the others are here as well." Howie whispers into Jamelet's ear as a guard walks by them poking his large head around the cell they're in.

Jamelet nods her head, "You think one of them can get us out of here?"

Howie nods his head, passing his tan fingers through his messy dark brown hair. "I would hope so, unless they're dead."

Jamelet gasp, "No, if he's dead, I wouldn't be here right now alive."

"Yeah, you're right. Whatever Ana has planned, she is working for Ashton, but I know her. She doesn't love him, she can't." Howie whispers in almost a trance.

Jamelet smiles, "It's too late for her. We can't save her. She betrayed all of us, don't you see how she was willing to chose that brute Ashton over you? She's changed Howie."

Howie nibbles on his lower lip and lowers his soft eyes to the cobblestone ground, "Maybe, or maybe not."

Brian lifts his head and scans his surroundings: thick metal walls surrounded him and an iron door seems to be the only way of exit or entrance into the room. No windows of any kind are placed in the room. The thick solid bricks encased the cell as iron bars lie against the front door and the door was surrounded by a large sheet of shatter proof glass which for Ashton's pleasure can be used to have him enter or exit as he pleases. He gets up from the small cot he was lying in and places his boot covered feet upon the ground. His azure eyes stop at the other cots aligning the walls around the large room. He sees A.J., Nick, Rose and Alison sleeping peacefully on their cots quietly.

He gulps down the lump that was arising in his throat; he couldn't find Kevin and Kimberly in the room. He didn't want to believe that his family was murdered; his thoughts couldn't consume such horrid images to convey the reality of it. He sniffs and quickly wipes away a trail of tears that races down his warm cheeks with his hands.

"I'm so sorry Brian." A.J's voice filters the room.

Brian looks up from the ground to see A.J. standing before him. "He's dead J. He's dead, that wench killed him!" Brian shouted in agony as the turmoil seeps into his hurting heart.

A.J. gulps softly and wipes away a stinging tear that cornered his dark eyes. "We can get out of here."

"No we can't." Nick whispers, lifting his head from his cot, "I tried already. This place was made to withhold our powers. It just sucks it up." His sad eyes stare at the ground.

It seemed everyone was shaken up from the whole event of Ana releasing her rage out on them.

"Why does she hate us so much?" Rose cried out, waking up as her gentle eyes flood with ever flowing tears.

"She doesn't hate us. She's been brain washed by that fool Ashton." A.J. whispers gently, knowing they were all feeling some form of anger for Ana.

"She's so strong. When did she get to be like that?" Nick whispers as he cradles his weeping sister in his arms.

Brian rolls his eyes, "Since she was kidnapped. I knew that I shouldn't have trusted her. There was something wrong with her from the beginning, but what did I do, I accepted her cause she was Howie's friend. I'm such an idiot."

"If you're one, then we all must be. We felt the same way about her. I didn't say anything cause I didn't want to hurt Howie's feelings, but the chick is wack. And after all she did now, she's no longer my friend." A.J. rasps out in hatred, his dark eyes glowing in rage.

Nick snarls and extends his arm, releasing a rush of water towards the front door which completely dries the water up. "See, nothing. We can't get out of here."

A.J. smirks, "Try to change into water."

"Did that. Nothing works." Nick whispers, brushing his fingers through his sibling honeysuckle locks.

A.J. smiles and walks towards the door, "I have an idea, I don't know if this will work but I can try right."

Brian stands up wobbly and touches A.J.'s arm, "Didn't you hear Nick? You can't get out of here."

"She's hear, Jamelet. I know it. She's around here somewhere. I'm gonna get her and leave this place." A.J. whispers, his eyes focus on the strange bricks. He traces his fingers across the bricks, setting a trail of small flames to flicker at it. As the bricks begin consuming the fire, A.J. takes advantage of placing his fingers upon the metal rods and tries burning it, the stench of melting metal lingers in the air. "Damn, I'm not strong enough, I can't bend these bars. I wish Kevin was here."

At that, Brian gulps and backs away to his cot.

A.J. winces and lowers his eyes in guilt, "I'm, I'm so…"

"It's ok Alex. I know what you meant." Brian whispers sadly.

Nick smiles, "A.J. I'll use my powers on the bricks, maybe it'll be distracted enough for you to use your fire again on the bars." And with that, Nick and Rose unleash their powers upon the bricks that drains the powers and welcomes it with pleasure.

A.J. grips the warm rods and tries again, burning it until at last, the bars bend enough for him to fit through. A.J. gets a boost from Brian and slides through the small opening in the doorway where the iron bars have melted enough for him to fit. "Man I'm lucky, I'm skinny enough to fit through the hole."

"Yeah, cause it was Nick, he's behind would have gotten in the way." Brian states, bringing a smile upon the twins face.

"A.J. wait, when you find Jamelet and Howie, don't forget us ok." Rose whispers, "I can help you out if you think you need help."

A.J. shakes his head, "No, you should stay with the others. I can't concentrate thinking you could hurt along the way."

"I can care for myself." Rose growled, her dark blues staring at the man in front of her.

A.J. sighs, "Rose, just listen to me please."

"He's right, stay here. I can't afford to lose someone else. It's for your safety. Ana is too powerful." Brian whispers shakily, his voice cracking as the recent pain arises in his throat.

"Good luck J." Nick whispers, "Be careful bro."

"You too." A.J. whispers as he runs down the dark hallway towards a stairwell.

Ana slowly opens her eyes and gazes around, the immense pain that had wrecked her left arm disappeared and the internal injuries that was in her body.

"Welcome back my Queen." King Ashton whispers as he leans near the glass pane tube that contained his beloved.

Her eyes beamed with joy while her golden locks topple over her shoulders. "How long have I been in here?"

"Fifteen hours, my love." King Ashton smiles. His dark hair gleaming in the bright white lights above him.

"Where am I?" Ana whispers hazily as confusion tingled in her mind, her eyes scanning the tube that she was in.

Ashton waves his arm to show her the room, "This, my Queen, is the healing chambers. I'm so glad to see you have awoken. Do you know what has happen since you arrived here?"

Ana shakes her head, as the glass tube slides open releasing Ana from its invisible grasp. "No, I'm not quite sure what happened. All I know is the pain I felt. Did I get them? Are they dead?"

The king smiles, "No sweet love. You only managed to destroy two lives. Two less I have to worry about."

Ana tries smiling, but the sudden loss and pain of her past actions caught up to her. She tries to stand up but almost collapse if not Ashton wasn't holding her. "Easy there, sweetie. You're body is still trying to wake up. You've been lying there for a while. Your limbs need exercise to get them back to where they were before hand."

Ana nods her head as the king places her onto her feet ob the cold ground. "Ashton where's the bathroom?"

The king smiles, "Here I'll take you."

"No, that's ok. I can walk it." Ana whispers, taking a deep breath as her body begins sending the gagging reflex.

The king nods as Ana races down the hallway unsteadily reaching the toilet in time to regurgitate her lunch that has since left her body. She leans over the porcelain bowl, spitting out anything else that could be found within her mouth.

"My princess, are you ok?" She hears Ashton asking from the chamber.

'Just fine king. Just fine and dandy.' She thinks to herself as she watches the toilet swirls her thrown contents around. The memories of the murders that she committed plagued her mind. She feels sadness envelope her as a sudden stinging strikes her eyes, tears flooded her face as she leans over the toilet. "I'm so sorry Kevin, Kimberly. I don't know what's happening to me. I lost Howie and lost my friendship. How can I forgive myself?"

"My Angel, are you in there?" Ashton shouts again from the room.

Ana sighs and shakes her head, standing up over a sink to wash her face and mouth before seeing the King's face again. It'll be a long day for her that she can already feel and she doesn't know to respond to those that are caught.