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Summary: Lost in a place that is no longer their home, can the chosen present generation save the world?

Written by Anastacia, Rose, and Jamelet back in 2002/2003 but was never finished being moved to the new server. Hopefully both of them are cool with me finishing reposting this. I started to, and then forgot about it. (Rose)
Rated: PG-13
Categories: Fanfiction > Backstreet Boys
Characters: Group
Genres: Supernatural
Warnings: Graphic Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 43
Completed: Yes
Word count: 102587
Read: 124642
Published: 08/03/03
Updated: 12/14/06

1. Prolouge by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] Liked (3036 words)

2. A Haunting Beginning by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1168 words)

3. No Longer Hidden by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1660 words)

4. Another World by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (2586 words)

5. Unexpected turn of events by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1468 words)

6. Misguided Direction by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (3370 words)

7. Endless Run by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1724 words)

8. Self Discoveries by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] Liked (1499 words)

9. Salvation, Guidance, and Desire by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (3176 words)

10. The Mouth Of Hell by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1409 words)

11. Darkness, Pain, and Heartbreak by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1553 words)

12. Swords of Horror by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (3625 words)

13. Beyond the Fight by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1686 words)

14. Pain for Pleasure by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1555 words)

15. Angel of Death by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (3452 words)

16. Deeper Intentions by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (2183 words)

17. Unknown Lives by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1778 words)

18. Trepidation by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (2917 words)

19. Those With Eyes See by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (2346 words)

20. Frozen Terror by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1843 words)

21. Within a Dream by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (2491 words)

22. Living Nightmare by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1668 words)

23. Divided we fall… by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (2104 words)

24. The Weight of a Crown by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (3861 words)

25. Redemptions at a Cost by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1525 words)

26. Ripped To Shreds by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1344 words)

27. Dreams of the Disillusioned by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (2618 words)

28. Caught In Two Worlds by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1947 words)

29. Untold Destiny by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1350 words)

30. The Avenger of Her Own Betrayal by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (2986 words)

31. Initiation Begins by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1631 words)

32. Endless Fears and Betrayal by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1842 words)

33. Ancient History by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (4679 words)

34. Striking A Chord by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1736 words)

35. Skin Deep by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (2382 words)

36. Decaying Adoration by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (3788 words)

37. Disturbing News by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1262 words)

38. Alienated by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (2299 words)

39. The Siren's Melody by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (4318 words)

40. Remorseful Events by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1782 words)

41. The Beginning Of The End… by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (2254 words)

42. Reckless Passions by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (6792 words)

43. THE FINAL PATH by bluefireacidicrose [ - ] (1894 words)