Time passed slowly for Kristin. Although she made friends with the people in her own house as well as others she missed Joshua. She found that funny--how could you miss someone you hardly knew?
Kristin was sitting on her bed; it was just before lunch on her fourth Saturday at Hogwarts, writing a letter to her Aunt Emily.
Aunt Emily,
I’m having a very fun time so far. But I have a problem. I’m going to tell you but you can’t get mad. On the train to school I met a boy, a very nice one. We got along great. During the sorting everything changed. I found out that Joshua (the boy I met) is Draco Malfoy’s son. Daddy told me that all Malfoys are evil but Joshua was very nice to me. What should I do Aunt Emily? I want to be friends with Joshua but I don’t want Daddy to be mad at me for being friends with a Malfoy. HELP!!
Your niece,
Kristin Potter
She rolled up the letter, sealed it with a flick of her wand, shoved it into the pocket of her pink ‘Venice Beach California’ hoodie she’d gotten on holiday in the United States and set off for lunch.
Just as she climbed out of the portrait hole her friend Bethaney Finnigan came running up to her, “Kristin, Joshua’s looking for you again.” Kristin had told Bethaney all about the problem with Joshua being a Malfoy and still wanting to be friends with him.
“Well he’ll just have to keep looking cause I’m still not talking to him,” she replied as they made their was down to the Great Hall.
Just before they reached the Gryffindor table Joshua caught up to them.
“Kristin, Kristin I…”
Kristin cut him off, “Go away Joshua.”
“But Kristin…” Kristin didn’t hear a word he said after that because she had sat down at the Gryffindor table and turned a deaf ear to him.
~~6 Days Later~~
Kristin was anxious. She had sent Music off with the letter to her Aunt six days ago and hadn’t yet returned with a reply.
“Hey Potter!” Merina Jordan, a second year, began. “Isn’t that your owl?”
Kristin looked up and exclaimed, “FINALLY!” and ran to the window and threw it open. Music fluttered in and landed on the arm of the chair Kristin had just been sitting in. Kristin walked over and untied the letter from her leg.
Music affectionately nipped her finger and flew out the window toward the owlery.
Kristin shut the window and sat down to read her Aunt’s letter.
Well, well, well, a bit of trouble in the school system I see. Well as a school heritage it is that the worst enemies are Gryffindor and Slytherin. The worst yet is a Potter and a Malfoy. But let me remind you that you are a Potter and what I know about Potters is that they don’t really follow the rules. Nor did your Uncles Fred and George. Also, I was a Slytherin. And not all of us are bad. Granted most of us are evil, dark and cunning, but some chose to change that tradition. That’s what I did. If you really want to freak him out, tell this Joshua guy that you are related to him by father’s wife’s brother’s aunt’s sister’s son, (which, by the way, you are, I’m pure-blood). Ah the things you’ve never known about your auntie. And here I’ll give you a big secret. On the outside you would never guess that Draco (Joshua’s father) is in debt to your father. But he is. Your father saved Draco’s life. I was there as was you mother, Aunt Hermione, and the twins. But I’ll tell you about that epic battle another time. Well, got to go. I’m running the shop in Hogsmeade, if you have any more questions or problems take the passage Uncle George and I told you about.
Much love,
Aunt Emily
After reading her aunt’s letter she became kind of confused. Her aunt was right---Potters never followed the rules. But should she go as far as breaking her father’s cardinal rule and become friends with a Malfoy?
Over in the Slytherin Common Room Joshua was having the same dilemma as Kristin. He had written to his best muggle friend, Adam, to ask his advice.
Adam’s reply was to do what he wanted to do and not what his father would want him to do. It was Joshua’s life and not Draco’s therefore he (Draco) had no right to dictate what was happening in it.
Kristin and Joshua both sat up late into the night thinking about the replies they had received. Both came to the same conclusion—they were going to break their fathers’ rules and become friends with their family’s most hated enemies.
Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry it's taken me so damn long to get this chapter up--I've been away at Magical Camp Land (thanks to Fren for letting me borrow that phrase) and had almost NO time to myself. I'm getting back into gear now and it's just gonna get better.