He peered through the dusty, dirty window and spied Kristin. She was dressed in jeans and a bright pink tank top with a black spaghetti strap underneath; on her feet she wore pink and black checkered Converse. She was tapping her foot, twisting her hair around her index finger as she glanced around nervously as though she were afraid smeone was lurking just beyond her line of sight.
Kristin heard the door open and looked up. He was finally there! She jumped up and ran toward him; Kristin threw her arms around him like she hadn't seen him in weeks, which in fact she hadn't. "I missed you Josh," she said quietly.
"I missed you too," he replied as he hugged her just as tightly.
"I can't believe we're really here," Kristin said quietly. "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages."
Josh laughed, "I know what you mean."
"Why did you want me to meet you here?" Kristin asked.
"Not here. I just wanted to meet here we've got to leave now. Just incase one or both of us was followed. No offence Aberforth," He finished, nodding toward ther bartender.
Aberforth just nodded and went back to wiping glasses.
Josh reached for Kristin's hand and when she intertwined her fingers with his, he squeezed it tight and began pulling her toward the door.
They walked down the street, onw that they had strolled down so often during HOdsmeade weekends since third year when some posters in a shop window began to look a little too familiar.
"Josh," Kristin hissed. "We can't go anywhere near near my aunt and uncle's shop. What if they see us?
"They're gone, I went into the sop and checked earlier. They had to go to Diagon Alley for a meeting."
"Oh but what if the employees see us? What if they're questioned and they rat on us?"
"You see the downside in a lot of things don't you?" Josh asked.
"I've just never snuck out of the house before. Infact, I don't think I've ever been grounded before," Kristin answered.
"Yeah. I'm the oldest, the whole 'you have to set a good example thing' applies to me."
"Me too but I've been grounded loads of times."
"I'd ask what it's like to be grounded but I'm guessing we don't have the time."
"We don't. And beside everytime is different. We're going to Dovetown. But first I need to go to Gringotts, I need to get money from my vault."
"I knew I forgot something!" Kristin said as she slapped her forehead. "I need to go to my vault too. I left my money at home. But we have to steer clear of my Uncle's shop. And once we get what we need we leave immediately."
"Agreed," Josh said
Author's Chapter Notes:
Josh and Kristin see each other for the first time in about a month and Josh doesn't tell her why he wanted her to meet him at the Hogshead.