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Chapter One

~~ 1994 ~~~

Six year old C.J Martin stood at the top of the hill looking out over the horizon. The sun was now setting and it casted a beautiful shade of color across the purplish sky. The steady wind blew her short curly brown hair. C.J. took a deep breath and looked around, seeing the land that lay before her. Forests and river valley's surrounded her. Behind her, a small little cottage stood behind her down the hill, a place she calls home. C.J closed her eyes and started to hum a sweet melody. Then she started singing. She didn't know what she was singing, But she sang it anyway.

" There is a girl, whose heart is feeled with misery and hope." She sang softly, feeling herself flying high above the heavens as the song became a part of her, at once.

" Chloe Jaylyne!!" A harsh voice rang through the air. C.J stopped singing and slowly opened her eyes. At that moment she felt herself falling and everything go quiet. She sighed and finally turned around.

" Chloe Jaylyne Martin, get your butt over here this instant, young lady!!" Her mother screamed at her, standing 100ft away, " NOW!!!" C.J didn't flinch at her outburst. She sighed and started jogging down the hill. Once C.J was at the gate, her raging mother charged toward the gate and grabbed her bye the hair violently, dragging her to the door.

" Didn't I tell you to mop the floor?!" C.J shrieked as her head was yanked back, hard.

" You didn't tell me to do anything, mommy." C.J sobbed. C.J was practically yanked off her feet the whole way to the kitchen.

" Ma'am!! And don't you deny that mess on the floor!! Your the one always causing problems for this family!!" Her mom threw C.J down to the ground. She landed hard on the muddy floor. A mop and a pail of water was slammed down next to her.

" Clean it up or no dinner." She gritted though her teeth. Her mother charged out the kitchen, leaving C.J on the floor. She sighed, picked up the mop and started to work. C.J was used to this. She has been mistreated ever since she was a baby. She didn't know why she's being treated so bad. C. J shook her sadly, looking down at the mud spots she never made. C. J has two older brothers, both nine years old, who play down at the river banks. They track mud in all the time and it's always C.J that gets blamed for it and who always has to clean it up. C.J sighed heavily, getting a little frustrated. The mop she was using wasn't really working, it was all old and raggedy. The house itself wasn't something to look at either. It was an old run down three room cottage, five miles South of the heart of London. They were a very very poor family. All they grew was vegetables in a 5 acre field and that's what was for meals, three times a day. C.J only owned two dresses, one pair of trousers, 2 shirts, a pair of overalls and worn out sandals that were starting to get moldy. C.J pulled herself up and put the mop away. While she was putting it away, she found herself starting to sing again.

" She will not cry, cause that's weakness in her eyes." She smiled to herself, feeling her heart fluttering when hearing herself sing. Then she thought, '' I'm only happy when I sing.'' And that was true. She closed the cabinet door and started toward the small hallway. Suddenly she stopped when she heard a herd of feet running through the kitchen. C.J turned around just in time to see her two brothers run past her, leaving mud back on the floor, she had just cleaned. Then the angry pounding of feet came charging over to her. Scared, C.J backed up against the wall. Her mother grabbed her bye the jaw and got in her face.

" Didn't I tell you to clean this floor?!" C.J sputtered out words, not knowing what to say. Her eyes widened as her mother's hand connected to her face. C.J fell back to the floor, her eyes stinging with tears.

" No dinner for you tonight!!!" Her mother said, charging back out of the room. C.J. got the mop back out and cleaned the floor once more, choking back tears.