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CJ walked into her and Kelly's hotel room. She closed the door and leaned against it, a beautiful smile plastered on her face. Rose was sitting on the couch, reading the newspaper. She put it down when she noticed CJ, leaning against the door.

" Hey, CJ. How was your date?" Rose excitedly. CJ walked past her in a deep-in-love trance. Victoria sat up from the other couch, when she saw the look on CJ's face.

" Was it that good?" Victoria said, her eyes wide, at CJ's expression.

" Yeah. Goodnight.," CJ said, dreamily. She opened her bedroom door and walked in.

" Wait, CJ! Details! Details!" Rose and Victoria got up from the couch and ran to the bedroom door. Kelly flew in front of them, getting to the door first.

" Hold it, hold it! I'll get the scoop and tell you guys tomorrow. I need to talk to her anyway....alone." The girl nodded. Kelly smiled and walked in CJ"s bedroom.

" Hey." Kelly politely greeted her. She sat on the bed and looked up at CJ, who was at the dresser fiddling with something.

" How was your date?" She asked. CJ put the thing down she was messing with and turned toward her.

" It was perfect." CJ whispered.

" So perfect, you can't explain it?"

" Yeah. But there was this huge swing that swings you around really fast and my shoe slipped off my foot and hit this old lady in the head." Kelly laughed hysterically, " It took us several minutes to calm down. Then after that, Aaron took me to a lake and oh.....I thought I was in heaven. It was really romantic."

Kelly smiled, " Did he kiss you?" She asked with a big smile.

" Sorry, I don't kiss and tell." Kelly laughed and threw a pillow at her.

" Oh my God, you did!" CJ smiled and giggled, " Lucky you. Any girl would love to trade places with you." CJ nodded. Kelly took a deep breath, ready to ask CJ the question she has been dreading to ask her.

" CJ, do you remember at the airport, when I told you I needed to talk to you, cause I could sense something was wrong?" CJ nodded slowly, " Well.....what was wrong?"

CJ swallowed hard, " Uh, I forgot." She said quickly. Kelly could tell she was trying to avoid the subject.

" CJ, something was wrong, I know. Please tell me. It's killing me inside just thinking that your gonna be okay. It's driving me crazy. And it's going to drive you crazy, if you keep it boiled up inside." CJ looked up at Kelly and stared at her.

" Kelly, do you know what my parents will do to me, when they find out that I'm gone?" She finally said.

" I would if you just tell me!" CJ took a deep breath and sat down on the bed, feeling the tears threatening to fall.

" I can't tell you." She whispered.

" Why not?"

" I'm scared." She said, tears finally spilling out of her eyes. Kelly closed her eyes, thinking if she should ask the question, CJ doesn't want to hear. But Kelly had to know what's going on. She had to know now.

" CJ, what do they do to you?" That question shouldn't have been asked. CJ started to sob quietly.

" They treat me terribly. They don't care about me. They ignored me and pretended that I never existed. I get blamed for everything. They abuse me all the time. They hit me when I say something. They hit me when I don't say anything. They hit me when I laugh, they hit me when I cry. They hit me when I don't do anything! I'll be sitting on the floor, and they'll just attack me. They even lock me up in my bedroom, for days without any food or water. They once locked me outside, when it was freezing and raining really hard. I got very sick and they wouldn't take me to the hospital. I was stuck outside for two day, nearly catching hypothermia. Mrs. Parker found me just in time and took me to the hospital. I was in there for two weeks and I nearly died. I remember When i was six, I was down at the river bank, a half of mile down from my house and I picked a bunch of roses and took them back home with me. When my mom saw them, she went raging mad. She said that flowers were for sweet innocent little girls. Then she hit me and called me Satan's child. I never do anything to them! When I said, " I love you." I get a fist jammed into my back. I always think, " Why was I born?" They definitely wish i wasn't. They wish i was dead! They hate me......I just don't know why!" CJ sobbed uncontrollably. Kelly couldn't help the tears coming down her face. She pulled her friend into a tight embrace, CJ shaking uncontrollably in her arms.

"Shhhhh. It will be okay." She kissed her temple and held her tighter.

" Kelly I'm sorry!"

" What are you sorry for?"

" I can't do it."

" You can't do what?"

" The competition. I can't do it. I got hit so hard for singing one day and stopped singing in front of people. I only sing when I'm alone. I can't do it.....I can't do it...." She sobbed. Kelly sighed, " How can a loving family, leave their daughter in so much fear?" She thought.

" Here, lay down and get some sleep. We have to meet up with Johnson, tomorrow in the studio and record a song we have written. " CJ sniffed and nodded. She got in her pajama's and slipped under the covers, " Go to sleep."

" I haven't got any sleep since i got here." She told her.

" Just try. I love you. Goodnight, Honey." CJ gave her a weak smile. Kelly turned the light out and left the room. CJ sighed and snuggled deeper in her bed, her eyes wide open. She was scared. Really scared. She took a deep breath and finally closed her eyes.....


That night CJ, tossed and turned, whimpering at every turn. Images flashed in her head over and over again. Painful images of her parents doing the bad deeds they have done to her. They haunted her. She couldn't escape it.

" Noooo...." She moaned and started to cry. Suddenly she screamed and sat up in bed. She breathed hard, trying to catch her breath but she was sobbing too hard. The girls came running in and held her tightly.