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Abbi made her way to the bathroom, she stopped a little dazed trying to figure out where she was. She looked at the room, it was one of the guest rooms at AJ’s house. It was crazy, she didn’t remember much from last night. She finally found the bathroom, and brushed her teeth with her handy dandy tooth brush she stored in her purse. Afterwards she went back over to the bed where Nick was laying very strangely. She laughed and pushed him softly-“Baby wake up.”
He stirred-“Five more minutes Ace.”
She yawned and moved him over making room for herself to lay down. She sighed as he put his arms around her, she looked up to kiss him when she heard a soft knock on the door. Nick groaned-“Come in ”
Alec poked his head in-“Hey, I’m hungry.”
Abbi sighed and sat up, she glanced at Nick and he was looking up at the ceiling. Abbi looked back at Alec-“ok Hunny, let’s get something ready.”
AJ poked his head in the door above Alec-“Hey guys, I have pancakes downstairs, you want some?”
Alec turned around-“I’m starving ” He ran downstairs behind AJ.
Abbi ran downstairs after she washed up for breakfast. Nick sat at he table with his arms crossed, very relaxed. He sat low in the chair with his head back. To his left, Toby was trying to sit low in his chair with his arms around himself at an attempt to cross his arms. Abbi laughed as she sat down across from Nick-“So, looks like we have two four year olds?”
Nick looked at her confused, then watched her turn her gaze to his left. Nick turned and saw Toby and laughed, then he sat up and put a finger up-“Actually we have two 26 year olds.”
Roxi yawned and shook her head-“No, we have two four year olds.”
Nick glared at the girls as he took a bite out of a muffin that was laying in the middle of the table. Then he turned his attention to Abbi-“Don’t forget I have to pick Bobby up tomorrow from the airport.”
AJ turned around-“Bobby is coming down? Man it’s been 3 years since...well since we hung out.”
Darcy turned to Abbi with a questioning look, Abbi rolled her eyes and shrugged-“Guys...they get so excited when their home dawg comes down.”
Darcy giggled, but quickly stopped when the boys turned to her. Abbi smiled innocently, as Nick glanced at her. He looked at her with pleading eyes-“Please be nice to my friend.”
Allie smiled and put an arm around Abbi’s shoulder as she got up to put her plate up-“When have you known Abbi to be mean?”
Nick glared at Allie then, raised an eyebrow to Abbi-“I KNOW she can be mean, look at the way she treats Sunni. Please babe?”
Abbi put the last bite of her pancake in her mouth and nodded-“Uh-huh, yea. Don’t you worry, I will be on my beast behavior. Everybody almost done? We need to head back to the hotel to shower and stuff.”
Paige finished swallowing-“can we come back here? I wanna go swimming!”
Kacie nodded-“And I wanna watch movies.”
Nick looked at AJ-“I’m sure AJ and Darcy want to be alone.”
AJ shook her head-“Nah, we are just gonna relax at home, watch a few movies.”
Abbi sighed and put a hand on Alec’s hand-“OK then, I guess y’all can stay here, I’m heading back to the hotel and get showered and changed. Then I will come back here with more clothes for you guys.”
She could hear Nick on the phone as she walked out to AJ’s car. She stopped next to him and mouthed-“You coming?”
He shook his head and covered the mic-“Nah, Imma stay here and go with AH to get some food for later.” He leaned down and gave her a peck, before continuing his conversation. Abbi watched him pace back and forth, then she walked out to AJ’s car. She hopped into the passenger seat, placed herself into the car then held her crutches. Allie turned to Abbi from the driver’s seat-“What’s wrong?”
Abbi shook her head as Allie started the car-“Nothing.”
When they got to the hotel, Abbi showered and started to pick out her outfit when there was a knock on the door. She walked to the peep hole, wrapped in a towel hopping it was Nick. Disappointed and surprised she opened the door to find Madison, and Andrew-“What are you two doing?”
Madi crossed her arms-“Mom and Dad are insane. They kicked us out, cuz we’re too old!” She did quotation marks with her fingers as she said ‘too old.’
Andy scoffed-“Mom is furious at dad, I think she wants a divorce.”
Abbi gasped, wide-eyed-“WHAT? Twelve kids later and she wants a divorce now?”
Madi nodded-“That’s what we said! We were angry when she told us, and we argued, and it led to them kicking us out.”
Andy laughed as he plopped down on the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table-“Weeell, we said a few very negative things to push the wrong buttons, which led to us being kicked out.”
Abbi frowned as she crossed her arms-“You sure did choose the wrong moment to run your mouth. OK, well I’m going to get dressed I will be out in a bit.”
Andy threw a throw pillow from the couch-“Yes please!”
Moments later Abbi was sitting on the couch fully dressed talking to her two siblings about what was going on back home. She sighed as she put a hand on her forehead-“So tell me, why is mom so furious at Dad?”
Madi looked at Andy, then looked down-“Mom thinks dad is going around behind her back with someone from his office.”
Abbi’s eyes once again were wide-“Are you serious? What proof does she have?”
Madi put her hand out to count the proof-“Well, first of all, he is always late. When she calls his cell, he screens her calls. He came home a little tipsy one night and started to call her another name.”
Andy nodded his head-“And there is the other woman smell.”
Abbi threw her head back on the couch and shook her head. Her eyes welled up as she realized that her mom had good evidence. She looked away from her siblings as she picked up her phone to call Johnny to let him know that she had two more siblings coming along for a while. After talking to him and finding out that the kids could stay as long as they needed it, Abbi figured she should take them shopping to get new clothes since they brought limited outfits. She called Nick’s phone-“Hey babe, I am going to go pick up my siblings...do you think I could borrow your rented hummer? Please Madison and Andrew just came to me. All eleven of us are here and they are gonna be here until they decide what they are doing. Sooo they need new clothes.”
Nick laughed as she spit that out in one breath-“Woah baby, breathe. Yea you can borrow the hummer, just come get it. So I guess you will be out all day?”
Abbi nodded as she grabbed the keys to AJ’s car and tossed them to Madison since she couldn’t drive-“Pretty much, but I will see you tonight here right?”
Nick was silent on the other end, she could hear Aj in the background talking to Nick. Then he spoke to her-“Um...I was thinking we would stay here tonight again.”
She sighed-“Oh...ok then I will pick up my pjs and extra clothes.”
The rest of the day was a blur, she spent all day going from store to store...of course she got a few outfits for herself too. When she got back to A’s that night she was tired, Nick was downstairs with A drinking. She went over to say hi, then showered and laid down. Next thing she new, she had fallen asleep, which was a good thing because boy was she gonna need it for when Bobby arrived.