Erica’s Point of View
I opened my eyes feeling refreshed. Rolling onto my side, I caught a glimpse at the clock on the night stand. The time read 7:45. I jumped out of bed. I had fifteen minutes to get to work. I quickly dressed and ran out of the house. I sighed in relief when I realized that I wasn’t blocked in. At least something was going right for me. I got in my car and went to start it. The engine sputtered but never turned over. I kept trying but nothing happened. The time on my watch now read 7:55. There was no doubt that I was going to be late but the sooner I get there the better. I jumped out of the car and ran into the house.
I knew Nick was still sleeping but this was an emergency. I ran into his room and put the light on. He stirred and opened his eyes. He squinted his eyes against the light until his eyes adjusted. He then rolled over to see the clock. “Erica, what are you still doing here? Weren’t you supposed to be at work like five minutes ago?”
“Yeah, but I’m having a rough morning.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, my car won’t start.”
He seemed to know what was coming next and didn’t let me finish my question. “The keys are on the key hook in the kitchen.”
“Thanks Nick.” I quickly ran over to him and kissed him. “I’ll see you later. Go back to sleep.” I shut his light and watched him roll over and go back to sleep. I ran back downstairs and out to Nick’s car.
Once out of the driveway I glanced at his clock. I was almost 20 minutes late already. I figured that now that I was finally on the road things would be go better. I humored that thought for about 5 minutes. I turned onto the main road that would take me to my office. I checked my rearview mirror, and saw that a cop was on my tail. I went to pull over to let him pass, but I noticed as I was pulling over that his lights were on. I started panicking as he pulled up behind me. I started looking through Nick’s car in hopes that I could find his registration.
I jumped when the officer knocked on my window. I rolled it down. “Do you know why I pulled you over?” I shook my head. “You were going about 20 miles over the speed limit. Can I see your license and registration?” I went through my wallet until I found my license and I handed it to him. I went back to searching his car for his registration, but I couldn’t find it. I looked up at him with a look of panic on my face. “Registration?”
“I can’t find it. This isn’t my car…”
He interrupted me and wouldn’t even let me finish my statement. “Miss, please step out of the car.”
“Officer, please, let me explain.”
“Out of the car.” I stepped out of the car and he frisked me. I couldn’t help it and I started crying. I went to reach for my cell phone. “Hands where I can see them.” I stopped reaching for my phone.
“I wanted to get my phone so I could call my boyfriend.”
He ignored me as he went about searching the car. “You can make a phone call when you get to the station.”
“The station?”
“Yes. You’re under arrest for car theft.”
“Car theft? I didn’t steal this car. Can I please call my boyfriend?”
“Quiet. You are driving a car without registration, which leads to the fact that you stole the car.”
I stayed quiet and let him put me in the back seat of his squad car. He made a phone call to get a tow truck to tow Nick’s car. The only sound in the car was the sound of my crying. I couldn’t believe this was happening.
Soon we arrived at the police station and I was booked. As I was locked up, I pinched myself. This couldn’t be real. I had to be dreaming.
Meanwhile, the arresting cop was sitting at his desk running a database check on the license plate. After a couple minutes he found that the car was registered to a Nickolas Carter. After a couple more minutes of searching he found a phone number and dialed and waited for someone to pick up.
“Hello?” a groggy voice answered.
“Is this Nickolas Carter?”
“Yes. Who is this?”
“My name is Officer Garcia.”
“Is there a problem Officer?”
“Your car has been found.”
“My car? What do you mean my car was found?”
“I found the thief who stole your car.”
“My car wasn’t stolen.”
“Mr. Carter, there’s no need to get excited. I found your car so even if you haven’t noticed it stolen doesn’t mean it wasn’t. Check your driveway.”
“Officer, my car wasn’t stolen. I leant it to my girlfriend this morning so she could get to work. Her car wouldn’t start.”
“Your girlfriend? Her name wouldn’t be Erica O’Dell would it?”
“Yes. What’s wrong with my girlfriend? Did something happen?”
“I pulled her over for speeding and she couldn’t produce a registration.”
“I keep my registration hidden. Where’s Erica?”
“She’s been arrested.”
“Arrested? Speeding isn’t a reason to arrest someone.” Nick was getting frustrated. He ended the phone call and got up and got dressed. He got into his other car and went to the police station.
He walked in the door and went up to the first person he saw. “I’m looking for Officer Garcia.” He was given directions to Officer Garcia’s office was and knocked on the closed door.
Officer Garcia opened the door. “Can I help you?”
“I’m Nickolas Carter. I think we need to discuss how you treated my girlfriend.”
“How was I supposed to know she was your girlfriend? She didn’t have your registration.”
“Then I get the impression that you didn’t listen to her when she was trying to tell you that the car belonged to me or let call me when she wanted to.”
“How do you know she tried to do that?”
“Because, I know my girlfriend. I’m not here to get her out of her speeding ticket, but I am her to get you to drop the charges of stealing a car.”
I looked up when I heard the distinctive jingle of keys. I held my breath as the officer came to my cell and unlocked the bars. I stood up and went to follow the officer out of the cells area when I spotted Nick. I ran to him and threw my arms around him. Once I was in his arms I just started crying. He led me out of the police station. He waited with me for his car to show up. “I’m sorry Nick.”
“There’s no need to apologize. I understand.” His car was brought around front. “Are you going to come home or go to work?”
“I don’t think I can handle work right now. I’m coming home. I’ll call my boss from there.”
Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, I pulled into Nick’s driveway to see him sitting on his front porch. I got out of his car and ran to him. I immediately fell into his arms. I felt so safe there; like nothing bad could ever happen to me. After the morning that I just had, I needed to feel the comfort of being in the arms of my boyfriend.
Once I had called out of work, my day just kept getting better. Nick spoiled me as much as he could with his hand still in a brace from when he punched a wall. He made me lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Granted it wasn’t very substantial, but it was still cute that he tried. Then for dinner he ordered me a pizza, just the way I like it, with extra cheese. In between those meals, I spent the time curled up in Nick’s arms as we watched many romantic comedy movies. He didn’t complain once about all the chick flicks I was making him watch. I think that’s what made me realize that I was falling in love with him. Am I moving too quickly? We’ve only been together for like a month and have only known each other a few days more than that.
I set Nick’s alarm. I decided that I wasn’t ready to leave his arms yet. He had no complaints about me wanting to spend the night in his room. Nick lied down with me and pulled me into his arms. I almost blurted out that I loved him. I stopped myself because I wasn’t sure if Nick was ready to hear that. I feel into a contented sleep in Nick’s arms.
At 6:00 the next morning the alarm went off. I tried to get to the alarm before it woke Nick up but he was holding me too tight. I navigated my way out of his arms to shut the alarm off.
“Morning beautiful.”
I heard his voice and jumped. “I’m sorry Nick. I didn’t want to wake you.”
“It’s ok. I’ll get up with you today.”
I smiled as he got out of bed and started leaving the room. “Nick.” He stopped and turned to face me. I ran up to him, threw my arms around his shoulders and kissed him passionately. I went into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for work. I had no clue where Nick went.
I got out of the shower and peaked around the door before leaving the bathroom. I was always afraid that Nick would walk by while I was in a towel. I may have seen Nick naked but I wasn’t ready for him to see me naked. Seeing that the coast is clear, I ran out of the bathroom and into my room. I quickly dressed and did my hair and then went into the kitchen in just enough time to witness Nick placing my favorite breakfast on the table. My mouth watered at the scent of chocolate chip waffles. “Nick, what is this?”
“I see this, but why?”
“Because you deserve it.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“So don’t say anything. Just sit down and enjoy it.”
“Why did you do this?”
“I told you. You deserve it. Not to mention I wanted you to have a better morning than you did yesterday.”
“You’re so sweet Nick.”
He looked at me and smiled. “Enjoy your breakfast sweetie.”
I came to the table and noticed that there was only a serving of one. “Nick, aren’t you eating?”
“Nah, it’s too early for food.” I gave him a funny look then felt for a fever. He laughed. “I don’t have a fever. I’ve never been a big breakfast eater.”
“You don’t know what you’re missing. These are so good.” I said as I put a bite of waffle in my mouth.
After I finished my breakfast, I got up to clean the table. Nick stood up too. “I’ll do this.”
“But Nick, you cooked.”
“So. You have someplace to be. I don’t.”
I relented and let him clean while I finished getting ready for work. I gathered everything I would need and went back downstairs. I found Nick lying on the couch channel surfing. I leaned down and kissed him before leaving to go to work.
I’m a social worker, and although I love it, I didn’t want to do it today. I had such a great day with Nick yesterday that going back to work was a big mood killer. I shrugged off the feeling as I walked into the office.
I sat down at my desk which was right next to my friend and co worker Kim. Kim leaned over her desk to mine. “Hey girl, where were you yesterday?”
“I had the morning from hell.” I then went on to explain my morning.
“Oh my. Erica that’s horrible. You’re in a good mood today though. I think I’d still be reeling from yesterday if I were you.”
“Oh, normally I would be. But I have the best boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend? I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.”
“Yeah. We’ve been together for a month. He’s great.”
“So you got laid huh.”
I reached across the desk and smacked her on the arm. “Get your mind out of the freaking gutter.”
“What? I figured if you were in such a great mood today then he must have fucked you last night.”
“No. We’re not at that point in our relationship yet. And even if we were, it wouldn’t be fucking and I wouldn’t be telling you.”
“Then why is he so great if he didn’t fuck your problems away.”
“You are horrible. But if you must know. He cuddled with me for the rest of the day, and didn’t complain about the torrent of chick flicks I made him watch with me. And he woke up with me this morning and he made me my all time favorite breakfast.”
“Gag me.” I smacked her again. “You’re violent today.” With that we went to work. There was plenty of time for teasing each other after work and on lunch break.
Speaking of lunch break. I had a nice surprise right before lunch. Kim punched me arm. No that wasn’t the nice surprise. “Oh my god. Blonde hottie just entered.” Kim practically squealed. I looked up at the door and smiled. I heard Kim say, “I wouldn’t mind spending some quality time in his bed.” I then turned around and smacked her. “Hey what was that for? I saw him first.”
“Actually, you didn’t. I saw him first, he’s my boyfriend. Hands off.” I looked up when Nick was standing in front of me. “Hey Nick, what are you doing here?”
“Well, I was no where near the area and decided to see if you wanted to do something for lunch.”
I smiled at him as my stomach growled. “That sounds great. Let me just gather my stuff.” I stood up from my desk and went to get what I would need. I came back to see Kim hitting on Nick. I had to laugh at his expression. Poor guy looked terrified. I walked up to him and kissed him. “Let’s go.”